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  1. For those who were using a multilangue shop with USU 5 pro and eliminate one or more language, what is the best practice to redirect the url's from the deleted language? Thanks
  2. Thanks for that Rainer, For me it worked like this: RewriteRule ^mobile/$ /$1 [R=301,NC,L] RewriteRule ^(.*?)mobile/([a-z0-9/-]+)-mc-([0-9_]+).html$ index.php?cPath=$3 [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*?)mobile/([a-z0-9/-]+)-mm-([0-9_]+).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$3 [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*?)mobile/([a-z0-9/-]+)-mp-([0-9]+).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$3 [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*?)mobile/([a-z0-9/-]+)-mpr-([0-9]+).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$3 [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*?)mobile/([a-z0-9/-]+)-mpri-([0-9]+).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$3 [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*?)mobile/catalog_mb.php$ index.php [R=301,NC,L] RewriteRule ^(.*?)mobile/about.php$ index.php [R=301,NC,L] RewriteRule ^(.*?)mobile/search.php$ index.php [R=301,NC,L] Anyway, after upgraded to 2.3.4 Bootstrap more than 1 year ago I realised now that this addon was really valuable. It had details very good for conversions. And for some reasons maybe sometimes could be better to have differents versions for mobile and desktop as this addon do. But, anyway, yes, Google prefer responsive sites and so in the long term the best option always will be to migrate.
  3. Great contribution! On googlefeeder.php I didn't find any option to add additional gtin codes for products with variants. For example when the product comes in multiple colours or sizes, and you have different unique product identifiers for each of these variants. How can I do that?
  4. Sorry about the above post. I've found the solution on http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/336702-ultimate-seo-urls-5-by-fwr-media/page-180#entry1623850
  5. Hi, I use Seo Urls 5 Sitemap. I have multilangue shop but problem is that sitemap files are generated always with url's in default language (spanish), for example it generates www.mysite.com/en/cubierta-michelin-power-competition-700x23-negro-p-6178.html But it should be www.mysite.com/en/michelin-power-competition-700x23-tyre-black-p-6178.html Any idea? Thanks
  6. Thanks @@Tsimi. The code works fine in my OSc 2.3.4. BS version.
  7. Hi there, On language selection I try to get uri's like that: www.mysite.com/uri-in-english www.mysite.com/es/uri-in-spanish www.mysite.com/it/uri-in-italian To try that I was using the code for language selection from here http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/336702-ultimate-seo-urls-5-by-fwr-media/?p=1573463 and also tried the mod "Keep in same page when switching language with Ultimate Seo Urls 5 Multi Language Support" http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8469 But for both cases I get (if for example I am on english language): www.mysite.com/uri-in-english www.mysite.com/es/uri-in-english www.mysite.com/it/uri-in-english Then of course it redirects 301 and you reach for example the www.mysite.com/es/uri-in-spanish. But question is: Is it not any way to show the uri's with the corresponding language directly? I have OSC 2.3.4 BS
  8. After an initial project we have continued working with Rainer in various projects and have always been completely satisfied with his work. Unfortunately in the last project that we requested from Rainer we cannot say that we are happy. This project involved the implementation of an updated module for PayPal Express in our Oscommerce 2.2. Rainer sent us the work within the agreed time and according to the tests that we did everything worked correctly, and therefore we immediately paid the agreed amount. However, when going "live" with the update we began having the problem that VAT (IVA) was not being added to some of the clients orders. We informed Rainer of this problem, but he told us that he could not resolve this issue as he had already finished the project and the installation functioned correctly in the tests. After some discussion with Rainer regarding this, and explaining that in our initial conversations about the project we had mentioned that in some initial tests done by us we had had this problem, Rainer did not provide us with any suitable solution. Finally, we offered Rainer to send us a budget for an additional amount in order to be able to resolve this issue, but he refused to give us this support arguing that he had already finished this project and now had to move on to others etc. Even going so far as to delete another project he was doing for us (an adaptation of SPCC to OSC mobile) from the test server without any warning. We find this highly unethical and it was a very abrupt way to end a working relationship with us; at the end of the day we are a client that had paid the agreed amount for the first project and as a client that pays for a service we believe we have the right to some guarantees that an installation meets minimum quality requirements, as ultimately, what has happened is that we have paid for a project that now doesn´t work as required and we cannot use. On the other hand, we had requested an adaptation of SPCC to OSC mobile as we were interested in this, and we were going to pay the agreed amount once we had confirmed correct functioning of this project. But Rainer also had to understand that we needed the first project functioning correctly first. In any case, this situation with the double project occurred over a period of hardly 6 calendar days, therefore we do not understand that Rainer was able to be so annoyed for excessive delays in testing the second project. After asking Rainer for an explanation of this, the only reply we have received is silence.
  9. Thank you. I tried it, but didn't work. someone from the techical department of PayPal told me about use the variable PAYMENTREQUEST_n_SHIPTOPHONENUM in SetExpress Checkout, Don't you think it could work. The problem is that I don't know how to add it exactly, I mean, what value I have to assign it?
  10. Hi there, I need to include the phone in the orders. I know that I have to use the variable PAYMENTREQUEST_n_SHIPTOPHONENUM in SetExpress Checkout, but, Can I get some help about how add it on the params of this function? $params = array('VERSION' => $this->api_version, 'METHOD' => 'SetExpressCheckout', 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION' => ((MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_TRANSACTION_METHOD == 'Sale') || (!tep_not_null(MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_API_USERNAME)) ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization'), 'RETURNURL' => tep_href_link('ext/modules/payment/paypal/express.php', 'osC_Action=retrieve', 'SSL', true, false), 'CANCELURL' => tep_href_link('ext/modules/payment/paypal/express.php', 'osC_Action=cancel', 'SSL', true, false), 'BRANDNAME' => STORE_NAME, 'SOLUTIONTYPE' => (MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_ACCOUNT_OPTIONAL == 'True') ? 'Sole' : 'Mark');
  11. Rainer hizo una gran trabajo para integrarnos el módulo QTPRO en la versión mobile (Mobile_OsC_7.3.4). Cumplió con los plazos establecidos y nos presentó una memoria de los trabajos realizados que nos ayudó mucho. Rainer también ha hecho un módulo para analytics, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9059 (raiwa), que nos ha permitido usar comercio electrónico en analytics con el nuevo código universal de analytics.
  12. Hi there, Anyone knows how integrate QTPRO (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/888) in iOSC?. We use Oscommerce 2.2 Regards, Eduardo
  13. Hi Everyone, How can I force www.mysite.com/en/ when www.mysite.com/index.php/en ? Thanks
  14. Well, i deleted the HeaderTags table, and created again and also changed the below code of includes/functions/header_tags.php if (($type == 'cat' || $type == 'top') && ($pageTags['append_category'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_group'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_category'] || $product)) by this: if (($type == 'cat' || $type == 'top') && ($pageTags['append_category'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_group'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_category'] )) An also: if ($type == 'man' && ($pageTags['append_manufacturer'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_group'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_manufacturer'])) by if (($type == 'man' || $type == 'top') && ($pageTags['append_manufacturer'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_group'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_manufacturer'])) Now everything is working fine. Thanks for a great contribution! Eduardo
  15. On this piece of code of includes/functions/header_tags.php (Line 85) $product = ($product && ($pageTags['append_category'] || $pageTags['append_manufacturer'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_category']) ? true : false); if (($type == 'cat' || $type == 'top') && ($pageTags['append_category'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_group'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_category'] || $product)) { if ($category_depth == 'nested' || $category_depth == 'products' || $product) Don't understand why $products is ever true, so then the Category will be append always for all product without import if the append category checkbox is checked or nor. Anyway, i don't understand also why $pageTags['append_category'] is also true for the page product_info (espanol) if on the header tags table i can see that it's false for that page. Regards, Eduardo
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