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[Contribution] Links Manager for osC v1.00


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What would cause the link to not be displayed under the category? If you click the links link under the information box you can see there's a link under the caregory but when you click the category w/ the link, it does't display. I've set the link to approved under the admin panel.





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i tried to manually upgrade as i've hacked my files quite a bit, but everything worked except it did not do the check on the url before completing the form. i tried www.sdbngisdgbn.com for the link and it successfully submitted; isn't it supposed to notify me that the reciprocal link wasn't found?


i also got the "link already on file" error after i tried a second test, after submitting the link above using www.kmcoivhdisibdnik.com - does this check allow 1 submission per ip or something?

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What would cause the link to not be displayed under the category? If you click the links link under the information box you can see there's a link under the caregory but when you click the category w/ the link, it does't display. I've set the link to approved under the admin panel.





It probably isn't being displayed due to the language setting. Let's assume your site displays in english. First go to admin->configuration->Links and make sure the Display English Links is True. Then go to admin->Links Manager->Links and edit the link that should display. Make sure the Language option is set to English or All. Then go to admin->Localization->Languages and make sure English is in the first position. The link should display at that point.



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i tried to manually upgrade as i've hacked my files quite a bit, but everything worked except it did not do the check on the url before completing the form. i tried www.sdbngisdgbn.com for the link and it successfully submitted; isn't it supposed to notify me that the reciprocal link wasn't found?


i also got the "link already on file" error after i tried a second test, after submitting the link above using www.kmcoivhdisibdnik.com - does this check allow 1 submission per ip or something?

No, it just takes each entry as they are entered. You may want to try the new, included file just to see if that part works. If it does, then there was a mistake in your editing.



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It works now! I played with phpMyAdmin and I managed to display my links.


I am not sure if this might help anyone but here is one of the things I did: in configure table, I changed the configure_group_id # for 5 of the entries:


Reciprocal link required,

Check for duplicate links

Display in standard format

Check link on edit

Display featured link


They were all set to 0 (zero) I don't know for sure why but I suspect because of the sql command:


INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Reciprocal Link required', 'LINKS_RECIPRICAL_REQUIRED', 'True', 'A reciprical link is required when a link is submitted.',
'" . $configuration_group_id. "
17', '20', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Check for Duplicate Links', 'LINKS_CHECK_DUPLICATE', 'True', 'Check if the submitted link is already on file.',
'" . $configuration_group_id . "
17', '21', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Display in standard format', 'LINKS_DISPLAY_FORMAT_STANDARD', 'True', 'Dislay the links in the standard format (true) or in a vertical listing (false).',
'" . $configuration_group_id . "
17', '22', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Display English Links', 'LINKS_DISPLAY_ENGLISH', 'False', 'Display this language in the shop.', '17', '23', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now()) ;

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Display Gernam Links', 'LINKS_DISPLAY_GERMAN', 'False', 'Display this language in the shop.', '17', '24', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Display Spanish Links', 'LINKS_DISPLAY_SPANISH', 'False', 'Display this language in the shop.', '17', '25', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Display French Links', 'LINKS_DISPLAY_FRENCH', 'False', 'Display this language in the shop.', '17', '26', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now()) ;

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Check Link on Edit', 'LINKS_CHECK_ON_EDIT', 'True', 'Check if a reciprocol link is valid when Edit is clicked. This will slow down the loading of the edit page a little.',
'" . $configuration_group_id . "
17', '27', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Display Featured Link', 'LINKS_FEATURED_LINK', 'True', 'Display a randomly selected link.',
'" . $configuration_group_id . "
17', '28', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());


I don't know too much about sql and maybe my phpMyAdmin is old or god knows what, but perhaps the experts can have a look into this.


Now I have another problems, one major, one minor:

1. The reciprocal link required doesn't show up neither in the Link Manager, nor in the store. In the Link Manager when I try to check the link and see if my link has been posted on the affiliated website I receive: Link Check Result: Error Reading URL Can anyone help me with this?

2. On the submit a link page in the store, there is an Image URL with HELP... well, when I click on help, nothing happens. No window pops up. :(


Here is My Webpage

Thank you!

Edited by magicsenses
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1 - Do you mean that option. If so, i would suspect the configuration id setting for it is wrong also.


2 - Be sure you copied the popup file. When you roll your mouse over that link, does the browser show it going to popup_links_help.php?



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1 - Do you mean that option. If so, i would suspect the configuration id setting for it is wrong also.


2 - Be sure you copied the popup file. When you roll your mouse over that link, does the browser show it going to popup_links_help.php?




Hi, Jack! :)


Guess what! I made it work! I checked all the settings and they were on but there was a typo in the code LINKS_RECIPRICAL_REQUIRED and as soon as I corrected that, everything went back to normal. The pop up file shows too.


Thank you for your support! :thumbsup:



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It probably isn't being displayed due to the language setting. Let's assume your site displays in english. First go to admin->configuration->Links and make sure the Display English Links is True. Then go to admin->Links Manager->Links and edit the link that should display. Make sure the Language option is set to English or All. Then go to admin->Localization->Languages and make sure English is in the first position. The link should display at that point.




Thanks for the reply Jack. I checked those settings and the catalog was already set to those. Still not displaying link. Could it be something with the newest version?



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Hi, Jack! :)


Guess what! I made it work! I checked all the settings and they were on but there was a typo in the code LINKS_RECIPRICAL_REQUIRED and as soon as I corrected that, everything went back to normal. The pop up file shows too.


Thank you for your support! :thumbsup:




Where did you change this at, catalog/links_submit.php? Did you cahnge it from LINKS_RECIPROCAL_REQUIRED to LINKS_RECIPRICAL_REQUIRED?

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Where did you change this at, catalog/links_submit.php? Did you cahnge it from LINKS_RECIPROCAL_REQUIRED to LINKS_RECIPRICAL_REQUIRED?


The error was in the SQL command in update_changes_v_1.10_to_1.13... at step #1.



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Thanks for the reply Jack. I checked those settings and the catalog was already set to those. Still not displaying link. Could it be something with the newest version?



It's working for others but I suppose it could be.



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It's working for others but I suppose it could be.




Hey Jack,


I just tested it locally and it works. It just doesn't want to work on our wab server. Both are the same catalog files and databases. It's gotta be something with our hosting company, ipowerweb.


thanks for the help.



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Hey Jack,


I just tested it locally and it works. It just doesn't want to work on our wab server. Both are the same catalog files and databases. It's gotta be something with our hosting company, ipowerweb.


thanks for the help.



I doubt if that is the case. Have you tried to create a new link to see if that will show?



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hi, firstly thanks for a great contribution!


I have a fixed width site, however, for some reason, the links page seems not to fit my site!


This is what it looks like


Would anyone know how to fix this?


Many thanks

The width of what you are displaying is probably just too wide to fit on the page. You could turn off some of the options, like the url, which is redundant with the title being a link. Or you would display the links in non-standard mode.


Also, and this is for everyone that may have not of noticed it, the text on the Link Submit page needs to be edited. If you look at that page, and haven't edited it, it appears as

Link Name: My home Page

Link Description: My home page sells the best products you can imagine.

Link URL: http://www.myhomepage.com



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The width of what you are displaying is probably just too wide to fit on the page. You could turn off some of the options, like the url, which is redundant with the title being a link. Or you would display the links in non-standard mode.


Also, and this is for everyone that may have not of noticed it, the text on the Link Submit page needs to be edited. If you look at that page, and haven't edited it, it appears as




Thanks, but i have tried all your suggestions, including having them placed vertically but to no avail, whatever information is there, the page still seems to get an extra amount of width that looks odd.


Any other suggestions?

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Look at your catalog/links.php around line 463, and you'll find this code


Search <?php echo tep_draw_input_field('links_search', '', 'maxlength="255", size="30"', false) . tep_image_submit('button_quick_find.gif', SEARCH); ?>


You might want to reduce the size of the input field to lets say 15 and use a smaller image for the quick find button, a small magnifier glas maybe?!

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I doubt if that is the case. Have you tried to create a new link to see if that will show?



Hey Jack. I just completely removed the links contribution from our website along with the sql entries in the database and reinstalled. I then tried another test link. Still no links. I've been trying a new install, not upgrade, using LinksManager_V_1.13


I think I may just remove the contibution and worry about it later.


thanks for the help and suggestions.



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I made this site with oscommerce



when i clicked over links apears this error:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_show_category() (previously declared in /data/members/free/tripod/es/a/y/r/ayrepampa/htdocs/includes/header.php:175) in /data/members/free/tripod/es/a/y/r/ayrepampa/htdocs/includes/boxes/categories.php on line 13


Can anybody give any help?


Thanks, and sorry for my bad english!


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I recently installed this contrib version 1.13.. and I have had only one problem...


The Reciprocal link checker was not working, after an hour of investigating i remembered i had set allow_url_fopen = off in php.ini (This was the problem :angry: )


I cannot use this option so the CheckURL() functions used within the contrib failed, so with my little knowledge of php i decided to have a go at converting the CheckURL() functions to use CURL if enabled instead which is enabled in my php.ini


This is now working great and I have also made it backwards compatible so if this is of any use to anyone let me know and i will upload it.


Thanks for the original contrib!




Bob Hewick

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The latest contribution has a curl script included (soon to be updated, by the way). See the readme on how to use it. By using it, it will check if the sites are present and enter the result in a table, whcih can be viewed using admin->Links Manager->Links Status.



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I installed v1.10 a few weeks ago with no problems ... other than a cosmetic one - in Admin - the column headers are messed up: TABLE_HEADING_TITLE, etc. Not sure where to fix this. And will I lose the link info I have in there currently?


Also, what is the links rating for and how to use that feature?


So, I want to get upgrade to the latest and greatest - other than my cosmetic problem above - will I have any problems? I've never upgraded a contribution before ... and this was only the 5th contribution I've done ...

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