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Yahoo to Buy Overture in $1.63 Billion Deal


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I have just received an email


We are pleased to inform you that, earlier today, Yahoo!, Inc., a leading global Internet company, announced plans to acquire Overture. This combination will create a global marketing powerhouse with the most compelling and diversified suite of integrated marketing solutions, providing you with new opportunities to connect with customers online.


We'd like to emphasize that your Overture account will be unaffected as the acquisition is finalized over the coming months and that no action is required on your part. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Yahoo!, Overture and its partner network will continue to provide you with the most efficient, effective means to market your business online. Yahoo! is committed to preserving Overture's partner network of leading Web properties, such as MSN, Lycos and InfoSpace, and continually innovating its products and services to meet the needs of both advertisers and affiliate partners.


As you know, Yahoo! is also one of Overture's top affiliate partners, attracting millions of search users who are an excellent source of qualified traffic for our advertisers. Through the close of the acquisition and going forward, Yahoo! will continue to provide you with targeted traffic by displaying Overture's paid search results to its users. In addition, by combining our powerful and complementary assets, we believe we will be in a stronger position to offer advertisers and affiliate partners even greater value by rapidly developing and deploying innovative marketing solutions.


As the pioneer and leader of the paid search industry, Overture has grown over the years with the support of advertisers like you and we appreciate the partnership we have developed. In combination with Yahoo!, one of the most recognized and valuable global Internet brands, we will strive to build on this partnership and help you continue to grow your business.


Over the next several months, as the acquisition is finalized, please be assured that you will receive the same level of superior service and product quality you have come to expect from Overture. In the meantime, you may wish to review a list of frequently asked questions, available at the link below:





Also, you can read the whole story here



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