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The e-commerce.

osCommerce 4.03

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osCommerce 4.03 has been released.

Download your own or Host with osCommerce to have it installed on one of our servers for you.

New features, changes, and fixes are described in osCommerce Wiki: 

To upgrade from osCommerce 4.02 proceed with the following:

1. Connect to the App Shop:

2. Choose the "System Update" tab of the App Shop menu 

3. Press the "Update now" button to initiate the update 

Work on osCommerce continues. osCommerce development team has a pipeline of tasks for many more months.

Our immediate priority is adding Apps to the App Shop, and making it possible for developers and designers upload their own Apps there - free and paid. 



You can also update your 4.x osCommerce from GitHub if you like.

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