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Import Product Database from Amazon?


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We are trying to get away from using Amazon & would like to be able to import our product database straight into osCommerce, is this possible? I understand I may have to adjust the spreadsheet data around to match osCommerce info but I just don't want to have to reenter all the data for all our products. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


NearFall Clothing

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Not knowing which is your oscommerce/Phoenix version, you should search in the Marketplace for Easy Populate and pick the version for your store.

See this thread:

How to get the help you need.

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19 minutes ago, NearFall said:

get away from using Amazon & would like to be able to import our product database straight into osCommerce

Yep the overheads are huge!

done that using EASY POPULATE, or if you have access to phpMyAdmin, importing a csv file is sometimes easier.

osC CE live - developing osC Phoenix adding modules with no core changes(awesome and easy!)

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I searched the easy populate on the marketplace and downloaded it & installed it per the instructions, but the link it provided on how to work with the excel file for the database is not valid?

Anyone got anything to help me out?

osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4.1

PHP Version 7.4.1 (Zend: 3.4.0)


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