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The e-commerce.

Filter By Product system


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i am looking at deploying a system, that the products have some specific attributes, like Size and dimensions (Filters) the example here is a website that does it well.

Can anyone ID the module, or will this work out of the box, or is it custom? 


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There were some discussions on how the present product attributes system can be revamped. I am hoping to see it develop further to a system where attributes can be used for the filter purpose.

Meanwhile, I think the alternative one can look at is to have a product tagging system whereby the tags on each product can be used as filters. Tags generally have no values, so no computation is needed. They are only used for grouping. It should be less complicated than the current product attributes system. In addition to the current filter by price, model or manufacturer, we can have additional filter by tags in the product listing module.


An example:



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