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Paypal SSL Test Failure


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I have just installed a virgin OSCommerce instance and added the PayPal app and updated it using the automatic update feature.

Having not had any luck with getting PayPal to work I have carried out the test below.


On the paypal app, configure > general page if verify SSL is set to True and I click the "Test connection" button then I get a failure on the test, the error message says to check that TLS 1.2 is enabled.  I have spoken with my Service provider and they say that TLS 1.2 is installed. They have tested the following code that works and makes a connection through to PayPal, any one have a clue why the built in test is not working?


$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://tlstest.paypal.com');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2); // CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo 'result = '.$result.'<br>';
echo 'errno = '.curl_errno($ch).'<br>';
echo 'error = '.curl_error($ch).'<br>';

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3 hours ago, royth said:

On the paypal app, configure > general page if verify SSL is set to True and I click the "Test connection" button then I get a failure on the test, the error message says to check that TLS 1.2 is enabled. 

It's most likely because the ssl cert the app uses needs to be updated. I think this is a good one.

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@royth - Jack's right; that seems likely. If you use the responsive version (CE) that has the certificate already updated. Better place to start a site unless you've a really good reason

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Thanks BrockleyJohn, I have taken your suggestion and downloaded the CE version and installed that and the paypal test is now working, ( I took this option for all updates not just the paypal certs)

However paypal itself is still not working, this is a virgin store just installed with CE and I have configured the Paypal standard via the paypal App, and updated the Paypal App to the latest version with the auto update feature.

I have set up both live and sandbox credentials, and the PDT Identity Token, I have set the return URL in paypal to the correct location as prompted by the app but when I test a paypal payment using the sandbox when it returns to OSCommerce the item is still in the cart and there is no transaction in the paypal log. 

The only thing I can get to show up in the log is when I check the paypal balance!

Any one have any clues as to what I can check now?

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25 minutes ago, royth said:

downloaded the CE version

Be sure it is the Phoenix version, not the previous CE version.

For paypal, the sandbox is a pain to use, in my opinion, and not worth the effort. If you have access to another paypal account use it. Or just create a second paypal account if you don't.


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1 minute ago, Jack_mcs said:

Be sure it is the Phoenix version, not the previous CE version.

For paypal, the sandbox is a pain to use, in my opinion, and not worth the effort. If you have access to another paypal account use it. Or just create a second paypal account if you don't.


It is the Phoenix version from the link given above.

I agree the sandbox is a pain... I have a second account ill give it a quick try now and report back


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19 minutes ago, royth said:

agree the sandbox is a pain... I have a second account ill give it a quick try now and report back

Yes I tried it on the live server and all works, I refunded the payment via paypal the orders to cancel the order but could not see an option to cancel the order only delete them, so ill try again see if I should of not refunded first to see how to mark an order as cancelled as opposed to deleting it.

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8 hours ago, royth said:

It is the Phoenix version from the link given above.

I agree the sandbox is a pain... I have a second account ill give it a quick try now and report back


The usual problem with sandbox is that paypal throws an error you never see if the sandbox merchant account has an email address that isn't confirmed... unless of course they've fixed that one and introduced another!

Anyway good that you've got it working on live, as Jack says that's easier and all you really need.

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

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7 hours ago, royth said:

Yes I tried it on the live server and all works, I refunded the payment via paypal the orders to cancel the order but could not see an option to cancel the order only delete them, so ill try again see if I should of not refunded first to see how to mark an order as cancelled as opposed to deleting it.

The app doesn't automatically change osc orders status after the point the order has been paid, if that's what you're expecting, but it does log all the IPNs against the order history.

You can refund a whole paypal payment from within the order page in admin, but if you want to do a partial refund you have to do that in pp

There's a raft of order page mods that can be done to support your admin workflow on orders but not a lot within stock osc

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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