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BS4 Remove TABLE_DB Definitions

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I will backup before I do anything but any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Made the changes to the 171 files

Before I upload there is a file Responsive-osCommerce/install/templates/pages/install_4.php

Can I safely run this file or do I need to the changes manually


  osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
  Copyright (c) 2018 osCommerce
  Released under the GNU General Public License
  osc_db_connect(trim($_POST['DB_SERVER']), trim($_POST['DB_SERVER_USERNAME']), trim($_POST['DB_SERVER_PASSWORD']));
  osc_db_query('update configuration set configuration_value = "' . trim($_POST['CFG_STORE_NAME']) . '" where configuration_key = "STORE_NAME"');
  osc_db_query('update configuration set configuration_value = "' . trim($_POST['CFG_STORE_OWNER_NAME']) . '" where configuration_key = "STORE_OWNER"');
  osc_db_query('update configuration set configuration_value = "' . trim($_POST['CFG_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS']) . '" where configuration_key = "STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS"');
    osc_db_query('update configuration set configuration_value = "\"' . trim($_POST['CFG_STORE_OWNER_NAME']) . '\" <' . trim($_POST['CFG_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS']) . '>" where configuration_key = "EMAIL_FROM"');
  } else {
    osc_db_query('update configuration set configuration_value = "' . trim($_POST['CFG_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS']) . '" where configuration_key = "EMAIL_FROM"');
    $check_query = osc_db_query('select user_name from administrators where user_name = "' . trim($_POST['CFG_ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME']) . '"');
    if (osc_db_num_rows($check_query)) {
      osc_db_query('update administrators set user_password = "' . osc_encrypt_password(trim($_POST['CFG_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD'])) . '" where user_name = "' . trim($_POST['CFG_ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME']) . '"');
    } else {
      osc_db_query('insert into administrators (user_name, user_password) values ("' . trim($_POST['CFG_ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME']) . '", "' . osc_encrypt_password(trim($_POST['CFG_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD'])) . '")');
  osc_db_query('update configuration set configuration_value = "' . trim($_POST['CFG_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS']) . '" where configuration_key = "MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_SELLER_ACCOUNT"');

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-9">
    <div class="alert alert-info">
      <h1>New Installation</h1>

      <p>This web-based installation routine will correctly setup and configure osCommerce Online Merchant to run on this server.</p>
      <p>Please follow the on-screen instructions that will take you through the database server, web server, and store configuration options. If help is needed at any stage, please consult the documentation or seek help at the community support forums.</p>
  <div class="col-sm-3">
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card-body">
          <li class="text-muted">Database Server</li>
          <li class="text-muted">Web Server</li>
          <li class="text-muted">Online Store Settings</li>
          <li class="text-success"><strong>Finished!</strong></li>
      <div class="text-footer">
        <div class="progress">
          <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info progress-bar-striped" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="100" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 100%">100%</div>

<div class="clearfix"></div>

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-9">

    <h2 class="h4">Finished!</h2>
    $dir_fs_document_root = $_POST['DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
    if ((substr($dir_fs_document_root, -1) != '\\') && (substr($dir_fs_document_root, -1) != '/')) {
      if (strrpos($dir_fs_document_root, '\\') !== false) {
        $dir_fs_document_root .= '\\';
      } else {
        $dir_fs_document_root .= '/';
    osc_db_query('update configuration set configuration_value = "' . $dir_fs_document_root . 'includes/work/" where configuration_key = "DIR_FS_CACHE"');
    osc_db_query('update configuration set configuration_value = "' . $dir_fs_document_root . 'includes/work/" where configuration_key = "SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY"');
    if ($handle = opendir($dir_fs_document_root . 'includes/work/')) {
      while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) {
        if (substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.')) == '.cache') {
          @unlink($dir_fs_document_root . 'includes/work/' . $filename);
    $http_url = parse_url($_POST['HTTP_WWW_ADDRESS']);
    $http_server = $http_url['scheme'] . '://' . $http_url['host'];
    $http_catalog = $http_url['path'];
    if (isset($http_url['port']) && !empty($http_url['port'])) {
      $http_server .= ':' . $http_url['port'];
    if (substr($http_catalog, -1) != '/') {
      $http_catalog .= '/';
    $admin_folder = 'admin';
    if (isset($_POST['CFG_ADMIN_DIRECTORY']) && !empty($_POST['CFG_ADMIN_DIRECTORY']) && osc_is_writable($dir_fs_document_root) && osc_is_writable($dir_fs_document_root . 'admin')) {
      $admin_folder = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', trim($_POST['CFG_ADMIN_DIRECTORY']));
      if (empty($admin_folder)) {
        $admin_folder = 'admin';
    $file_contents = '<?php' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTP_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTPS_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'ENABLE_SSL\', false);' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTP_COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');' . "\n\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG\', \'' . $dir_fs_document_root . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'download/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'pub/\');' . "\n\n" .
                     '  define(\'DB_SERVER\', \'' . trim($_POST['DB_SERVER']) . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DB_SERVER_USERNAME\', \'' . trim($_POST['DB_SERVER_USERNAME']) . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DB_SERVER_PASSWORD\', \'' . trim($_POST['DB_SERVER_PASSWORD']) . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DB_DATABASE\', \'' . trim($_POST['DB_DATABASE']) . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'USE_PCONNECT\', \'false\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'STORE_SESSIONS\', \'mysql\');' . "\n";
    if (isset($_POST['CFG_TIME_ZONE'])) {
      $file_contents .= '  define(\'CFG_TIME_ZONE\', \'' . trim($_POST['CFG_TIME_ZONE']) . '\');' . "\n";
    $fp = fopen($dir_fs_document_root . 'includes/configure.php', 'w');
    fputs($fp, $file_contents);
    @chmod($dir_fs_document_root . 'includes/configure.php', 0644);
    $file_contents = '<?php' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTP_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTPS_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'ENABLE_SSL\', false);' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTP_COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . $http_catalog . $admin_folder . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . $http_catalog . $admin_folder . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG\', \'false\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT\', \'' . $dir_fs_document_root . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_WS_ADMIN\', \'' . $http_catalog .  $admin_folder . '/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_WS_HTTPS_ADMIN\', \'' . $http_catalog .  $admin_folder . '/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_ADMIN\', \'' . $dir_fs_document_root .  $admin_folder . '/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_WS_CATALOG\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG\', \'' . $dir_fs_document_root . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES\', DIR_WS_CATALOG . \'images/\');' . "\n" .                     
                     '  define(\'DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES\', DIR_WS_CATALOG . \'includes/languages/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'includes/languages/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'images/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'includes/modules/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_BACKUP\', DIR_FS_ADMIN . \'backups/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'download/\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'pub/\');' . "\n\n" .
                     '  define(\'DB_SERVER\', \'' . trim($_POST['DB_SERVER']) . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DB_SERVER_USERNAME\', \'' . trim($_POST['DB_SERVER_USERNAME']) . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DB_SERVER_PASSWORD\', \'' . trim($_POST['DB_SERVER_PASSWORD']) . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'DB_DATABASE\', \'' . trim($_POST['DB_DATABASE']) . '\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'USE_PCONNECT\', \'false\');' . "\n" .
                     '  define(\'STORE_SESSIONS\', \'mysql\');' . "\n";
    if (isset($_POST['CFG_TIME_ZONE'])) {
      $file_contents .= '  define(\'CFG_TIME_ZONE\', \'' . trim($_POST['CFG_TIME_ZONE']) . '\');' . "\n";
    $fp = fopen($dir_fs_document_root . 'admin/includes/configure.php', 'w');
    fputs($fp, $file_contents);
    @chmod($dir_fs_document_root . 'admin/includes/configure.php', 0644);
    if ($admin_folder != 'admin') {
      @rename($dir_fs_document_root . 'admin', $dir_fs_document_root . $admin_folder);

    <div class="alert alert-success">The installation of your online store was successful! Click on either button to start your online selling experience:</div>

    <br />

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col"><?php echo osc_draw_button('Online Store (Frontend)', 'cart', $http_server . $http_catalog . 'index.php', 'primary', array('newwindow' => 1), 'btn-success btn-block'); ?></div>
      <div class="col"><?php echo osc_draw_button('Administration Tool (Backend)', 'locked', $http_server . $http_catalog . $admin_folder . '/index.php', 'primary', array('newwindow' => 1), 'btn-info btn-block'); ?></div>
  <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3">
    <h2 class="h4">Step 4</h2>
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card-body">      
        <p>Congratulations on installing and configuring osCommerce Online Merchant as your online store solution!</p>
        <p>We wish you all the best with the success of your online store and welcome you to join and participate in our community.</p>
      <div class="card-footer">      
        <p>- <a class="card-link" href="http://www.oscommerce.com/Us&Team" target="_blank">The osCommerce Team</a></p>



Wondering if these are the changes need to the configure.php files


define(\'HTTP_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');    ??change??  define(\'HTTP_SERVER\', \'https://www.example.com/\');
define(\'HTTPS_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');   ??change??  define(\'HTTP_SERVER\', \'https://www.example.com/\');

define(\'ENABLE_SSL\', true);

define(\'HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'\');
define(\'HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'\');

define(\'HTTP_COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');
define(\'HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');

define(\'DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');
define(\'DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');
define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG\', \'' . $dir_fs_document_root . '\');   ??change?? define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG\', \'/home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/\');

define(\'DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'download/\');
define(\'DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'pub/\');

define(\'DB_SERVER\', \'' . trim($_POST['localhost']) . '\');
define(\'DB_SERVER_USERNAME\', \'' . trim($_POST['   ----- db user -----   ']) . '\');
define(\'DB_SERVER_PASSWORD\', \'' . trim($_POST['   ----- db password -----   ']) . '\');
define(\'DB_DATABASE\', \'' . trim($_POST['   ----- db name -----   ']) . '\');

define(\'USE_PCONNECT\', \'false\');

define(\'STORE_SESSIONS\', \'mysql\');

define(\'CFG_TIME_ZONE\', \'' . trim($_POST['UTC']) . '\');


define(\'HTTP_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');    ??change??  define(\'HTTP_SERVER\', \'https://www.example.com/\');
define(\'HTTPS_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');   ??change??  define(\'HTTP_SERVER\', \'https://www.example.com/\');

define(\'HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'\');
define(\'HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN\', \'\');
define(\'HTTP_COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . $http_catalog . $admin_folder . '\');
define(\'HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH\', \'' . $http_catalog . $admin_folder . '\');

define(\'HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');
define(\'HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER\', \'' . $http_server . '\');

define(\'ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG\', \'true\');

define(\'DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT\', \'' . $dir_fs_document_root . '\');
define(\'DIR_WS_ADMIN\', \'' . $http_catalog .  $admin_folder . '/\');
define(\'DIR_WS_HTTPS_ADMIN\', \'' . $http_catalog .  $admin_folder . '/\');
define(\'DIR_FS_ADMIN\', \'' . $dir_fs_document_root .  $admin_folder . '/\');   ??change?? define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG\', \'/home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/\');

define(\'DIR_WS_CATALOG\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');
define(\'DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG\', \'' . $http_catalog . '\');
define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG\', \'' . $dir_fs_document_root . '\');

define(\'DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES\', DIR_WS_CATALOG . \'images/\');
define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'images/\');

define(\'DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES\', DIR_WS_CATALOG . \'includes/languages/\');
define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'includes/languages/\');

define(\'DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'includes/modules/\');

define(\'DIR_FS_BACKUP\', DIR_FS_ADMIN . \'backups/\');

define(\'DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'download/\');
define(\'DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC\', DIR_FS_CATALOG . \'pub/\');

define(\'DB_SERVER\', \'' . trim($_POST['localhost']) . '\');
define(\'DB_SERVER_USERNAME\', \'' . trim($_POST['   ----- db user -----   ']) . '\');
define(\'DB_SERVER_PASSWORD\', \'' . trim($_POST['   ----- db password -----   ']) . '\');
define(\'DB_DATABASE\', \'' . trim($_POST['   ----- db name -----   ']) . '\');

define(\'USE_PCONNECT\', \'false\');

define(\'STORE_SESSIONS\', \'mysql\');

define(\'CFG_TIME_ZONE\', \'' . trim($_POST['UTC']) . '\');


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This is part of the installation script, you don't need to be making changes here. After you install it is recommended to delete the install folder from your server, and that will be the last you need that file/folder.


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I placed the install script in /public_html/install/templates/pages and ran it and it shows a blank page. does not generate the db define text


1 hour ago, Hotclutch said:

This is part of the installation script, you don't need to be making changes here. After you install it is recommended to delete the install folder from your server, and that will be the last you need that file/folder.



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Thanks Ruden,

I have looked at the file and have no idea how to translate the install file in sql queries.

All I see that has changed is  ' . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . '  has changed to  configuration

Looks like it should connect to the db but blank page.

2 hours ago, ruden said:

Need to the changes manually to configuration file



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Restored the files and db


Uploaded the files again.


Now getting


1054 - Unknown column 'title' in 'field list'

select code, title, symbol_left, symbol_right, decimal_point, thousands_point, decimal_places, value from languages


Way better than nothing at all!


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Guessing it should be "from currencies" not "from languages"


select code, title, symbol_left, symbol_right, decimal_point, thousands_point, decimal_places, value from languages

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