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Admin looking strange after install


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It looks like it may not be picking up the CSS files. Look at the page source in the browser (usually Ctrl+U) and see where it's trying to pick up .css and .js files from. If they're from your own site, check the configure.php files' path settings. If they're from a central CDN server, make sure your server and browser aren't blocking them.

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Is the admin side under SSL and the public side not? Is the admin side under password protection? I don't think either of those should bar access, but anything's possible. Are the problem .css and .js files on YOUR site or are they remote (e.g., the Bootstrap server)? Can you bring up some of the blocked files in your browser? That would be like on the shop side, so it may not tell you anything about the admin side problem. Usually it turns out to be a problem with incorrectly set paths in the configure.php files (you did update the admin copy, too, right? And be careful not to mix up the two -- they're different).

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My host told me that the file admin/includes/.htaccess was outdated and not working under Apache 2.4, so they changed it from

<Files *.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all


<Files *.php>
Require all denied

So now it is working.

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Why would blocking the reading of PHP files have any effect on JS and CSS files? The point of that segment is to keep people from looking inside your PHP files. Hasn't Apache 2.4 been around for a long time now? I would have thought this would have been seen (and sorted out) long ago. Perhaps there were some outdated commands such as phpflag, phpvalue, or options?

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