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The e-commerce.

Any comment is welcome on my store


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this is what I should do...


get rid of the backgrounds..


try to match the header image with the blue behind it.. or change that blue header...


the border in the infoboxes... 1995 html style..


i really don't know what you're selling.. that's not good... eventhoug i don't know in which language it's your site, i should notice what you're selling (not with the products pictures, but with your layout)




patagonia, argentina

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i have droped the backgrounds

borderstyle normal


i don?t know what colors to use =)


any help is welcome


i sell Essential oils,Perfume oils,Incense Sticks,scented candels.....

some pottery for the oils.


and the language is swedish

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Sorry but I am going to comment this in swedish :(


Tack f?r ditt spr?k pack f?r svenska (underbart att slippa s? m?nga timmars jobb). :D


Nu ?ver till sidan.

Jag skulle nog ha en info text precis ovanf?r "Erbjudanden f?r April" inte bara Logga in och skapa konto. K?nns som det ?r lite "naket" d?r.


Jag gillar de animerade giffarna som h?rn, rolig liten detalj. :)


Sedan s? visar n?gra av bilderna r?da kryss, det ?r ju inte s? lyckat. Antingen l?gga till en "No image" eller att i admin ta bort s? att den inte f?rs?ker visa n?gon bild (Image required=false).


Sedan s? ?r ju inte kategori bilderna s? j?ttesnygga rent designm?ssigt :( N?tt i stil med "Header" loggan hade varit snyggt.




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arrrrrgh.. i hate when i don?t understan what people is saying..





Aren't you supposed to be able to click on the new products for the month and get to the product_info page? That doesn't seem to be working.....

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Ok, short translation (dont be angry becasue of my spelling errors) :?


Thanks for the swedish language pack, saved me many hours of work.


Have more text above the "Erbjudanden f?r April" not just the "Logga in" (log on) and "skapa konto" (create account). Looks a little "naked" space.


I like the animated gifs, funny detail.


Then there are som red cross, where there should be pictures. Change this to a "No image" image or change the settings in admin to "Image required=false".


Then there is the Categories pictures , they are not that goodlooking,something more like the "header" logo should be better.




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