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osc2.3 /.htpasswd_osCommerce unable to login to admin


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Long story short, I have been unable to login to admin after a fresh install of site. Hosting on a vps Apache and plesk. I don't remember seeing this file in admin before: /.htpasswd_osCommerce and the file was actually empty so I deleted it. But that still didn't help with logging into admin. Tried resetting password by


Login to cPanel, and go to Databases -> phpMyAdmin

Click on your OSCommerce database on the right
On the next screen, click on the Administrators table
Edit the record for the username in this table
Replace the contents of the password field with this, then click Go: 6cdd7c57450225fac77427f5962bb726:40
But still getting the same error as before and also I not see htaccess file? LOST
Error: The maximum number of login attempts has been reached. Please try again in 5 minutes.
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Now that I looked in the right directory, this is contents of .htaccess 


# $Id: .htaccess 1775 2008-01-09 19:26:55Z hpdl $

# This is used with Apache WebServers
# The following blocks direct HTTP requests in this directory recursively
# For this to work, you must include the parameter 'Limit' to the AllowOverride configuration
# Example:
#<Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs">
#  AllowOverride Limit
# 'All' with also work. (This configuration is in your apache/conf/httpd.conf file)
# This does not affect PHP include/require functions
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Hello Roger @@rmanbike,


1. Delete the existing administrator in the database (leave table empty)

2. Leave the file admin/.htpasswd_osCommerce blank (erase all content, but leave the file in place)

3. In the file admin/.htaccess delete the following lines:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "osCommerce Online Merchant Administration Tool"
AuthUserFile /web/htdocs/YOUR PATH TO ADMIN DIRECTORY/.htpasswd_oscommerce
Require valid-user

then try to enter your admin. You'll be prompted that no admin exists and that you should enter a username and password to create one.

Do this, remember or copy user and pass and try again to enter. Now you will prompted to login, use the user and pass you just entered. Once you have logged in, go to admin => Configuration => Administrators and activate additional .htaccess protection.




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