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The e-commerce.

4 products grid instead of 3

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find something like this

$prod_list_contents .= '<div class="item list-group-item col-sm-4">';

change to

$prod_list_contents .= '<div class="item list-group-item col-sm-3">';

it could be coded that way that you could set it up through the admin area. Not sure if burt had that once inside in the past but removed it for some reason? Can't really remember so I might be wrong here.

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Thanks. :)

Then you have to go to the module file.


and change this code here

$featured_products_content .= '  <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">';

in sm view it will show 2 columns in md view and higher 3 columns.

so change md-4 to md-3 for 4 columns and if you want you can change the sm view settings too.

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Hey Lambros


Don't mean to hijack this thread. But if you were going to change as per above, how do you then change the width of the left column to match the width of the4 product boxes.


Cheers grandpa

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Hi John


On a stock BS shop there is no problem that i can see when going to 4 columns but then again it depends what products you have and how long their title and description is. I don't know how dinopacha has setup his shop design-wise. If you cannot fit 4 products in one row then you better not do it and stay with 3 otherwise you will have to add some css code into user.css to change the width of the individual product boxes or you reduce maybe gutter space.

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I don't have side boxes, I disabled.

I'm running on localhost, because I still wants to explore.​ bootstrap. (There are many possibilities)

I think, if I'm going to upload the site, there will be also no sideboxes.

I have a lingerie site and yes the title and description are sometimes long.


I must also still looking to see how it comes out, when the texts have been put into it.​

 but that will be fine :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I having a similar problem which I hope someone can help with. Have bootstrap 2.3.4 and having problems with category images not lining up properly.

I keep getting blank spaces on lines with just one subcategory image at the end of a line! Hard to explain but imagine 3 rows of 3 products you would expect

1              2              3

1              2              3

1              2              3

However I keep getting

1              2              3


1              2              3

So row 2 is missing to images! Well not missing just blank spaces. No matter how I move or sort out the ordering this keeps happening. Product layout is fine it only happens on subcategory’s.




Anyone know how to fix this?


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You have


1 2 3


1 2 3


1 2 3


1 2


I had a similar problem, AFAIR the vertical number of tiles was too high and it got in conflict with the number of columns, I had to review the specific stylesheet of the menu generator.



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