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i presently have HeaderTags_SEO_V_3.2.7 by Jack.


but we are changing to bootstrap.


Does this addon --HeaderTags_SEO_V_3.2.7 --by burt,


have a category description area?  where each category is able to have  a description  added to the page 

from a text box provided in admin area.




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I don't know if that addon has the option you want. I'm sure someone who does will reply, or you may need to ask in its support thread. But if you are already using Header Tags SEO, why would you switch? You'll lose all of the titles and tags you've setup, including the descriptions. They can be re-entered, at least the ones that have an equivalent in that addon, but it seems like a lot of extra work for no gain.

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If you decide to install Header Tags SEO, which is compatible with the BS version, don't install that version. It is quite old and has many issues. The latest version is 3.3.3.

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Does this addon --HeaderTags_SEO_V_3.2.7 --by burt

I have no clue what this is, it is nothing to do with me.


You have two main options;


1. The original HTSEO package by Jack_MCS. This overwrites lots of core code and does not use the Header_Tags system in osCommerce, though its name suggests it should. It is well supported by Jack, so if you need hand holding, this is the one to choose.  


2. HTSEO Reloaded by Burt (and shopowners). This is built around the ideas of a lot of shopowners where we had a thread ongoing for some months. It overwrites very little core code and does use the inbuilt Header_Tags system. If you need a lot of hand holding, do not use this package as I have zero time to give on support for this.


Anyone who has used both will state their preference.  Also note that #2 Reloaded is the basis of what is going into the core of osCommerce. 

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