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Best Payment method alternative to Paypal


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I need an alternative payment method to Paypal, one which I can install quickly and easily and have up and running (taking money) today ideally.


I DO NOT have an SSL cert


I have been unable to get the Paypal module working successfully.  I am running the latest add-on and the lastest install, please don't send me a link to it.  I have given up, I cannot fix it, I no-longer wish to try to fix it.


I set up my business on the 6 april, and despite providing a verified company bank account, Limited company number and Registered VAT number, Paypal has put limitations on my account and now I cannot withdraw any money from Paypal until they do so.  They have been 'progressing' with this for over 11 days, and I'm pretty sure its just an excuse to hold onto my money.


I now have no way of getting my funds to my bank and I have direct debits leaving at the end of the month so I need all new payments to go via a new method so I can get them to my bank.


Things are getting desperate

Running a botched up version of  osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 bootstrap with the dresscode theme installed, numerous add-ons, terrible coding, terrible website, but will have to make do until I have made up for my losses and can risk shutting down for a couple of weeks while I start all over again. - I did not install my program but am endeavouring to fix it with your help.

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I'm not too worried about the fee method.  Just the ease of setting up and the likelihood of it being successful. 

My main problem is that I do not have an SSL cert so I am aware that eliminates some options, but essentially any payment method that goes off to its own secure site and is VERY reliable and easy to install/set-up will be fine.


Paypal is probably not the cheapest option anyway, but I used that 10 years ago when I first set up a business.  My current shop is much busier than the original one!

Running a botched up version of  osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 bootstrap with the dresscode theme installed, numerous add-ons, terrible coding, terrible website, but will have to make do until I have made up for my losses and can risk shutting down for a couple of weeks while I start all over again. - I did not install my program but am endeavouring to fix it with your help.

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No unfortunately its not possible.  My host doesn't support it or something. 


I am going to try and move hosts, but unfortunately I did just shell out for the year and I use 100GB of bandwidth, so its expensive.  So I wanted to get my business sorted before I mess it up again by moving servers!

Running a botched up version of  osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 bootstrap with the dresscode theme installed, numerous add-ons, terrible coding, terrible website, but will have to make do until I have made up for my losses and can risk shutting down for a couple of weeks while I start all over again. - I did not install my program but am endeavouring to fix it with your help.

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Your configure file in the other thread showed a shared cert. Many hosts offer this even if they don't off private certs. Enabling it will be the same as having a private cert, though it sometimes is a little more difficult to setup - depends on the server.


100 GB of bandwidth is very high, especially for the things you mentioned about your shop. I've sent you a PM.

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If you can get an SSL sorted then look at Stripe - they are a bit cheaper than PayPal and the customer does not leave your site. Signup is quick (instant) only snag is they do not transfer money to your bank for 7 days but I have never had a problem with that (and if a 7 day hiatus in the cashflow is going to kill a business then it is not a business!)


If you cannot get the SSL then maybe have a look at Worldpay http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5665I think they also sit on your funds for a week but they have been around for ages. (not used them myself but set the module up for others many a time)

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There is also nochex, which is similar to paypal. I have never used them so could not comment on whether they withhold money for security.


Paypal will eventually let your money go. its generally held on to because you are a new business and at the end of the day, they do not want to be ripped off, or they do not want you to rip anyone off. You just have to get a bit of a track record with them first and prove that you are safe and trusted. You would do the same I am sure if you were in their position.


I know businesses that have no SSL certificate and use paypal with no problems. My biggest worry is that as a customer I would personally not use your store because you did not have one. If you cant protect my personal information, then I would not give it to you.


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I do think people get a bit over excited about the protection of their 'personal information'!!


Its a name/address - available everywhere. - BT have a list, and the public can view it on the electoral register by nipping to the council office. 


Googling my name brings up both my old address and new - once you have entered it publicly it never goes away it seems!


Plus I am a business - by law I have to show my name and address on my site, so again its available to everyone - even if my site was secure.  


What could anyone do with that information, that they couldn't do without it?


Additionally, many companies sell your info.  You may ask them not to,  but how can you know who sold it - its impossible to trace.

I got a new mobile number and a new home phone number when I moved and had the line installed - BOTH were recycled numbers, and 7 years on debt collection companies still ring my home number asking for the previous owners of the phone number (who never actually lived at this address).  The same happens with my mobile (very few people have my mobile number), I get the PPI call daily, but at least I can block those



Facebook doesn't appear to be a secure site, yet people add 'friends' who they know nothing of and then give a running commentary on their life and with the location services turned on one can be stalked virtually!


Bank details are on HM revenues site, and they are not worried about you somehow using that information to get at their millions.


I don't ask for anyones bank or card numbers, where those running a secure site may do.  Having a secure site may make their card number safe from the internet community, but there is nothing to stop the site owner being corrupt! 


Swings and Roundabouts!  Its never affected my business, and while I intend to get an SSL cert I still won't take cards on my website as quite honestly I prefer a big company to have the responsibility of card details.

Running a botched up version of  osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 bootstrap with the dresscode theme installed, numerous add-ons, terrible coding, terrible website, but will have to make do until I have made up for my losses and can risk shutting down for a couple of weeks while I start all over again. - I did not install my program but am endeavouring to fix it with your help.

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Hello Kellie


I am from UK Payment Processor Nochex. We are a great alternative to Paypal. We provide SMEs with the means to process card payments online.


We host our own payment pages, are fully PCI DSS compliant and process all our payments using 3D secure so your customers details are secure when they pay through Nochex.


We integrate with osCommerce and have a simple set up process. We may not be able to get you processing by today but should be able to get you trading within a couple of days. 


If you want any more information, do not hesitate to ask

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I used to have the same attitude as you have, and firmly believed that not having an SSL was not affecting my site and sales. Whilst I was not too bothered about my information I had to be sure I was handling the information of others correctly. This did come about by being a data controller for a small debt collection company.


I had never considered what was happening on my site that I could not see. I never thought that customers would add something to their cart and not buy. That was until I installed the recover carts addon. That one simple addon opened my eyes, and improved my customer buying experience. (personally I think it should be in the core code and everyone should use it). Customers gave me their reasons for not buying something from my site.


The first and largest number was because there was no shipping costs shown until the checkout. This meant that customers has to create an account, login and get through the checkout system just to see the shipping costs. Not good. I added a shipping estimator quickly. 


The second most popular reason given for not buying was that there was no padlock shown in the website pages on the customers browser. People did not feel secure in entering any information. I bought an SSL for less that £1 a day from my hosts. They installed it, and I never had the complaint again. Sales actually increased. There are cheaper options available. There are also dearer options available and some larger sites that you may use have the green URL address bar in the browser on secure pages. It it was not important why would they pay to have that big green bar. I am sure that i read somewhere that google wanted most sites to be secure on all pages, and those that were would be better ranked. That may have changed today, and opinions may be divided.


The third reason given is one that you can do nothing about and that is that the customer was just looking at products and prices. I have since added a wishlist addon and most customers use it to price projects and items.


I still use the recover carts addon on a weekly basis and still do what ever I can to please all the customers and remove their reasons for not buying from my site. Doing what you can to help customers will increase sales regardless of whether you think its not required or not.


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The best answer selected here is 2Checkout. So out of curiosity I looked at their fees. 5.5% +45 cent per transaction?? That is a bit heavy don't you think? As far I can recall PayPal charges around max 4%.

You might be better off getting an SSL certificate and fix your PayPal issues IF the SSL is indeed the problem to your PayPal issue. Have you talked with PayPal once just to make sure that SSL is really the problem?

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