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Missing admin Buttons etc after upgrade to V2.3.4


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I've been working on the upgrade to V2.3.4


and have a few issues,


The first is that all the button graphics are missing from my admin site, as are the graphs on the home page that show sales etc (see attached screen shot).



I thought I had stuffed up my jquery updates - but I am pretty sure I have them all in the correct place,


My admin/includes/template_top.php file is identical to the upgrade file,


Below is my application_top.php file


I cant work out any issues with it, I have compared the differences between my file and the upgrade file.


Is there something else that could be causing the problem??


  osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

  Copyright (c) 2008 osCommerce

  Released under the GNU General Public License
  adapted for Hide products and categories from customer groups for SPPC 2008/08/02

// Start the clock for the page parse time log
  define('PAGE_PARSE_START_TIME', microtime());

// Set the level of error reporting
  error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

// check support for register_globals
  if (function_exists('ini_get') && (ini_get('register_globals') == false) && (PHP_VERSION < 4.3) ) {
    exit('Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory. Please use PHP 4.3+ if register_globals cannot be enabled on the server.');

// load server configuration parameters
  if (file_exists('includes/local/configure.php')) { // for developers
  } else {

// Define the project version --- obsolete, now retrieved with tep_get_version()
  define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3');

// some code to solve compatibility issues
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'compatibility.php');

// set the type of request (secure or not)
	$request_type = (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ? 'SSL' : 'NONSSL';

// set php_self in the local scope
	$req = parse_url($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME']);
	$PHP_SELF = substr($req['path'], ($request_type == 'SSL') ? strlen(DIR_WS_HTTPS_ADMIN) : strlen(DIR_WS_ADMIN));

// Used in the "Backup Manager" to compress backups
  define('LOCAL_EXE_GZIP', 'gzip');
  define('LOCAL_EXE_GUNZIP', 'gunzip');
  define('LOCAL_EXE_ZIP', 'zip');
  define('LOCAL_EXE_UNZIP', 'unzip');

// include the list of project filenames
  require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'filenames.php');

// include the list of project database tables
  require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'database_tables.php');

// Define how do we update currency exchange rates
// Possible values are 'oanda' 'xe' or ''
  define('CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY', 'xe');
  define('CURRENCY_SERVER_BACKUP', 'oanda');

// include the database functions
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'database.php');

// make a connection to the database... now
  tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database server!');

// set application wide parameters
  $configuration_query = tep_db_query('select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from ' . TABLE_CONFIGURATION);
  while ($configuration = tep_db_fetch_array($configuration_query)) {
    define($configuration['cfgKey'], $configuration['cfgValue']);

// define our general functions used application-wide
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'general.php');
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php');

// initialize the logger class
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'logger.php');

// include shopping cart class
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'shopping_cart.php');

// define how the session functions will be used
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'sessions.php');

// set the cookie domain
	$cookie_domain = (($request_type == 'NONSSL') ? HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN : HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN);
	$cookie_path = (($request_type == 'NONSSL') ? HTTP_COOKIE_PATH : HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH);

// set the session name and save path

// set the session cookie parameters
   if (function_exists('session_set_cookie_params')) {
    session_set_cookie_params(0, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
  } elseif (function_exists('ini_set')) {
    ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', '0');
    ini_set('session.cookie_path', $cookie_path);
	ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $cookie_domain);

  @ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', (SESSION_FORCE_COOKIE_USE == 'True') ? 1 : 0);

// lets start our session

  if ( (PHP_VERSION >= 4.3) && function_exists('ini_get') && (ini_get('register_globals') == false) ) {

// set the language
  if (!tep_session_is_registered('language') || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['language'])) {
    if (!tep_session_is_registered('language')) {

    include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'language.php');
    $lng = new language();

    if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['language']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['language'])) {
    } else {

    $language = $lng->language['directory'];
    $languages_id = $lng->language['id'];

// redirect to login page if administrator is not yet logged in
  if (!tep_session_is_registered('admin')) {
    $redirect = false;

    $current_page = $PHP_SELF;

// if the first page request is to the login page, set the current page to the index page
// so the redirection on a successful login is not made to the login page again
    if ( ($current_page == FILENAME_LOGIN) && !tep_session_is_registered('redirect_origin') ) {
      $current_page = FILENAME_DEFAULT;
      $HTTP_GET_VARS = array();

    if ($current_page != FILENAME_LOGIN) {
      if (!tep_session_is_registered('redirect_origin')) {

        $redirect_origin = array('page' => $current_page,
                                 'get' => $HTTP_GET_VARS);

// try to automatically login with the HTTP Authentication values if it exists
      if (!tep_session_is_registered('auth_ignore')) {
          $redirect_origin['auth_user'] = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
          $redirect_origin['auth_pw'] = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_PW'];

      $redirect = true;

    if (!isset($login_request) || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['login_request']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['login_request']) || isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['login_request']) || isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['login_request']) || isset($HTTP_POST_FILES['login_request']) || isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['login_request'])) {
      $redirect = true;

    if ($redirect == true) {
      tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, (isset($redirect_origin['auth_user']) ? 'action=process' : '')));


// include the language translations
  $_system_locale_numeric = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0);
  require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '.php');
  setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $_system_locale_numeric); // Prevent LC_ALL from setting LC_NUMERIC to a locale with 1,0 float/decimal values instead of 1.0 (see bug #634)

  $current_page = basename($PHP_SELF);
  if (file_exists(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $current_page)) {
    include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $current_page);

// define our localization functions
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'localization.php');

// Include validation functions (right now only email address)
  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'validations.php');

// setup our boxes
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'table_block.php');
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'box.php');

// initialize the message stack for output messages
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'message_stack.php');
  $messageStack = new messageStack;

// split-page-results
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'split_page_results.php');

// entry/item info classes
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'object_info.php');

// email classes
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'mime.php');
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'email.php');

// file uploading class
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'upload.php');

// action recorder
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'action_recorder.php');

// calculate category path
  if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['cPath'])) {
    $cPath = $HTTP_GET_VARS['cPath'];
  } else {
    $cPath = '';

  if (tep_not_null($cPath)) {
    $cPath_array = tep_parse_category_path($cPath);
    $cPath = implode('_', $cPath_array);
    $current_category_id = $cPath_array[(sizeof($cPath_array)-1)];
  } else {
    $current_category_id = 0;

// initialize configuration modules
  require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'cfg_modules.php');
  $cfgModules = new cfg_modules();

// the following cache blocks are used in the Tools->Cache section
// ('language' in the filename is automatically replaced by available languages)
// adapted for Hide products and categories from groups
/*  $cache_blocks = array(array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_CATEGORIES, 'code' => 'categories', 'file' => 'categories_box-language.cache', 'multiple' => true),
                        array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS, 'code' => 'manufacturers', 'file' => 'manufacturers_box-language.cache', 'multiple' => true),
                        array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_ALSO_PURCHASED, 'code' => 'also_purchased', 'file' => 'also_purchased-language.cache', 'multiple' => true)
                       ); */
  $cache_blocks = array(array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_CATEGORIES, 'code' => 'categories', 'file' => 'categories_box-language-cg', 'multiple' => true),
                        array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS, 'code' => 'manufacturers', 'file' => 'manufacturers_box-language', 'multiple' => true),
                        array('title' => TEXT_CACHE_ALSO_PURCHASED, 'code' => 'also_purchased', 'file' => 'also_purchased-language-cg', 'multiple' => true)

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Looks liked you missed something in the jquery update and maybe the flot update admin/includes/template_top.php


/catalog/ext/ is where you should be looking


If you view page source in your admin and click on the jquery links etc you will see if the files are missing




To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.


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it has something to do with my site being under https or http - it works on http but not https...


I have organized a SSL certificate but have not configured the site to take advantage of it yet ... (i'm not live yet)


Once I have done this, I assume the problem will be fixed(?)


I'll look into it a bit more...

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OK, So I installed my SSL certificate onto oscommerce .. and yes, my Admin page now loads as it should... but now I get this error when i go to my catalog page...



Warning: require(includes/classes/logger.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/creativ3/public_html/orders/includes/application_top.php on line 78

Warning: require(includes/classes/logger.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/creativ3/public_html/orders/includes/application_top.php on line 78

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/classes/logger.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/creativ3/public_html/orders/includes/application_top.php on line 78


This one is beyond me...

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