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Responsive osCommerce - Bootstrap

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Something like this for index.php filter list:

    if (PRODUCT_LIST_FILTER > 0) {
      if (isset($_GET['manufacturers_id']) && !empty($_GET['manufacturers_id'])) {
        $filterlist_sql = "select distinct c.categories_id as id, cd.categories_name as name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and p2c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '" . (int)$_SESSION['languages_id'] . "' and p.manufacturers_id = '" . (int)$_GET['manufacturers_id'] . "' order by cd.categories_name";
      } else {
        $filterlist_sql= "select distinct m.manufacturers_id as id, m.manufacturers_name as name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c, " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " m where p.products_status = '1' and p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "' order by m.manufacturers_name";
      $filterlist_query = tep_db_query($filterlist_sql);
      if (tep_db_num_rows($filterlist_query) > 1) {
        $parameters = '';
        if (isset($_GET['manufacturers_id']) && !empty($_GET['manufacturers_id'])) {
          $parameters .= 'manufacturers_id=' . $_GET['manufacturers_id'] . '&sort=' . $_GET['sort'];
          $options = array(array('text' => TEXT_ALL_CATEGORIES, 
                                 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $parameters)));
        } else {
          $parameters .= 'cPath=' . $cPath . '&sort=' . $_GET['sort'];
          $options = array(array('text' => TEXT_ALL_MANUFACTURERS,
                                 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $parameters)));
        while ($filterlist = tep_db_fetch_array($filterlist_query)) {
          $options[] = array('text' => $filterlist['name'],
                             'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $parameters . '&filter_id=' . $filterlist['id']));
        echo '<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified">
                <div class="btn-group" role="group">' .
             '  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown btn-block" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">' .
                TEXT_SHOW . '<span class="caret"></span>' .
              '  </button>' .
              '  <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">';
              for($i = 0; $i < count($options); $i++) {
                echo '    <li><a href="' . $options[$i]['link'] . '">' . $options[$i]['text'] . '</a></li>';
        echo '  <ul>' .

osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.

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I am not a professional webmaster or PHP coder by background or training but I will try to help as best I can.

I remember what it was like when I first started with osC. It can be overwhelming.

However, I strongly recommend considering hiring a professional for extensive site modifications, site cleaning, etc.

There are several good pros here on osCommerce. Look around, you'll figure out who they are.

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it's been awhile since I used github, time to read lol. When you download the master is that the update for the current version with bug fixes? sorry for all the questions.. I'm really starting to learn html, css and php again been a very long time since very rusty. That's why I love osCommerce the code is some what basic and the community is the best. I want to learn it all so I really should go html, css, than php? sorry if I took over the thread if this is inappropriate I apologize. Also the bug fixes would be the same or different from the original version? Thats what I am confused about

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I like this a lot this version. However, I need to figure out how to box the shipping method to look nicer. Especially because I will be using MVS. That is upcoming. I wish to thank all the people for the hardwork to make this version possible. You guys never get enough credit. People take you guys for granted.

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installing for first time...  changed the admin folder name and received an error upon install...


Warning: fopen(/home/site/catalog/admin/includes/configure.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/home/site/catalog/install/templates/pages/install_4.php on line 201

Warning: fputs() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/site/catalog/install/templates/pages/install_4.phpon line 202

Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in/home/site/catalog/install/templates/pages/install_4.php on line 203

The installation and configuration was successful!


looks like some things arent using the path coding and are hard coded for admin.

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You changed the admin folder name before running the installation?

Or during the installation process?


You just upload all files. Then run the install and during the install process you can choose the name of your admin area, username and password.

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Hmmmmmmm, I feel we're at a crossroads...


Been busy for the last couple of weeks adding on to osC 2.3.4. Almost there where we want our stores to be as far as functionality goes (SEO URLs, Header Tags, Specifications, specific (Dutch) payment modules, Member approval, CCGV, previous_next, tva intracom, pricelist and so on. 


Now Google fills our e-mail boxes with warnings regarding our current 2.3.1. stores not being responsive, affecting our scores on (lets hope only) mobile rankings. And we're almost done with our new unresponsive stores...


Read about Bootstrapped osC. Saw only a few available add-ons. What to do...


Can't we put some money together, hire some experienced osC coders and get these basic add-ons all fresh and fruity, bootstrapped and all, standard available with a reponsive osC install, for the good of the communitity and our own stores.


V3 seems to take a lot of time, not sure where it's going, we need something to balance the advance of the Heavy Carts, cherishing the lightness of osC but with all modern functionality available on a good code base.

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Some of my clients want a responsive store, but they don't want to install a pre-release version of osCommerce. We need to get osC 2.4 released, then the money will come for upgrading addons.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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If you want an addon converted and cannot do yourself, there is a commercial forum where you can post. 


However, I would ask that you first approach these ones who have made an effort

during the past 12 months to get osCommerce recoded: 





As for 2.4, it'll arrive when it arrives - I'm in no hurry - it's a spare time project.

The more that get involved in 2.3.x.bs, the quicker 2.4 comes to fruition.

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I think the bootstrap version is updated for bugs and minor fixes.

As long as you install the latest version from github, and don't alter core code, you can download any latest version and replace your existing files.


You would only need to make sure your template files(if you've made any) are backed up and then put back in after doing any update.


I installed the bootstrap version last month, so im due for an update via the github download. I have some template files, so I would need to back them up.


Might be best to write down and record which files or pages you've edited right from the beginning.

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