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Responsive osCommerce - Bootstrap

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I would suggest you use the reloaded contribution




as you should have meta tags etc anyway and at the same time this will give you a category description


This will add the catagory description, and be compatable? Thanks!


as regards the guest checkout I personally would use the better checkout although it is commercial




as I believe it would be the easiest to tweak for mobile use


I had looked at Better Checkout, and liked what I saw. I just didn't know if it was compatable with this. I'll look into it more.


Thank you



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This will add the catagory description, and be compatable? Thanks!




I had looked at Better Checkout, and liked what I saw. I just didn't know if it was compatable with this. I'll look into it more.


Thank you




Not sure myself but it is well coded with great support so just ask I do not think there would be any major problems maybe just a bit of tweaking

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.


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Just a little question, why not anticipate on the furtur release 2.3.4. to include a content directory with only html.



 function execute() {
     global $oscTemplate;

     include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'content/templates/login_new_user.php');
     $template = ob_get_clean();

     $oscTemplate->addContent($template, $this->group);


and in content directory



<div class="contentContainer <?php echo (MODULE_CONTENT_LOGIN_NEW_USER_CONTENT_WIDTH == 'Half') ? 'grid_8' : 'grid_16'; ?>">
 <h2><?php echo HEADING_NEW_CUSTOMER; ?></h2>

 <div class="contentText">
   <p><?php echo TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER; ?></p>
   <p><?php echo TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER_INTRODUCTION; ?></p>

   <p align="right"><?php echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE, 'triangle-1-e', tep_href_link(FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL')); ?></p>


Maybe it's better before to include a new add on.


My time is limited but I can write for that a system to read the content directory and to edit the html file in admin.


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Not sure what will happen with the respond.js and html5shiv in the footer. I know that moving jQuery to the footer can help but then you need to be extra careful that any inline calls made to it do not happen BEFORE the script is called, which can be a bit of a pain.


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Reference the respond.min.js script (1kb min/gzipped) after all of your CSS (the earlier it runs, the greater chance IE users will not see a flash of un-media'd content)


I suppose this should stay in the header...


Insert minified distribution shiv in <head> element (after or before your CSS):






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I tried moving the javascript from template_top to template_bottom

It messes up the grid view.

The reason it does not show up at jumppearl is because the grid view has been disabled.

Also gtmetrix gives a score of 87% for javascript whether it is deferred or not





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Adding pagination to the top of the pages causes a large gap below it.

I’ve tried fixing it without much success

I tried a new class instead of “row” which helps a little but the gap is still too large.





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Hi Henry


There should be a selector at the top of product listing to choose grid or list view.

See here



To enable it

Goto admin/modules/headertags and uninstall and then re-install the Grid List Javascript (jQuery)

Make sure it is then enabled on the index page new and specials pages.




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If call to jquery is made in the footer a lot of other changes would also need to be made to accomodate this (eg, datepicker scripts, the image popup in product info and so on). Go ahead and make those changes, test fully, commit and I'll cherry pick.

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You choose to BS osc , so let's do it right (we all together)


It'll stay as is, if you or anyone else don't want to take it on.


I don't consider the changes you want to be important enough to spend any of my time on, I have more important things on the to do list.


The lead should not be doing *any* coding at all...should be project managing only ;)

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Want to share the code for the current header navigation in use on my test site.



Hi tried to create an horizontal menu without your modification inside the class, I have been a success. Not perfect for me because the click of the mouse is mandatory to see the subcategory. I think the pb come the class read one category only everytime


If you have an idea to change that !



I use for that slimemnu javascript. It's responsive. (adnantopal.github.io/slimmenu/‎)


There the code


  function execute() {
  global $OSCOM_CategoryTree, $cPath;
    $footer_tag = '<script type="text/javascript" src=" '. DIR_WS_TEMPLATE . SITE_THEMA . '/javascript/slimmenu-master/jquery.slimmenu.min.js"></script>' . "\n";
    $footer_tag .= '<script  type="text/javascript" src=" '. DIR_WS_SOURCES .'/javascript/jquery/jquery_easing/jquery.easing.min.js"></script>';
    $footer_tag .= '
   resizeWidth: \'1000\',
   collapserTitle: \'Main Menu\',
   indentChildren: true,
   childrenIndenter: \'»\'
   $footer_tag .= '</script>'."\n";
   $OSCOM_Template->addBlock($footer_tag, 'footer_scripts');

  $OSCOM_CategoryTree = new category_tree();
  $OSCOM_CategoryTree->setCategoryPath($cPath, '<strong>', '</strong>');
  $OSCOM_CategoryTree->setSpacerString('  ', 1);
  $OSCOM_CategoryTree->setParentGroupString('<ul class="slimmenu">', '</ul>', true);
  $OSCOM_CategoryTree->setChildString('<li">', '</li>');

  $OSCOM_CategoryTree->setMaximumLevel(5); // maxlevel

  $header_template = '<!-- header slimemenu start -->' . "\n";
  $header_template .= '<div class="clearfix"></div>';

 $header_template .= $OSCOM_CategoryTree->getTree();

    $header_template .= '<div class="clearfix"></div>' . "\n";
  $header_template .= '<!-- header slimmenu end -->' . "\n";
  $OSCOM_Template->addBlock($header_template, $this->group);


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Contact me @gyakutsuki for an answer on the forum


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BS 3.1.1 requires jquery above 1.9 and the BS site is running 1.11. I'm using 1.11 so I'll commit it and make a pull request.


"dependencies": {

"jquery": ">= 1.9.0"


I'm not really a dog.

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Tk Withehat.

I looked but it's not that I want exactly, but it's better;


Contact me by skype for business
Contact me @gyakutsuki for an answer on the forum


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