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Broke something, help! Right column in Edit Product missing


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I'm not sure what I did, but most of my work has been centered around getting the UPS module working on one of our production sites, along with some other minor modifications. Something happened along the way... If I go in to edit a product now, the page gets cut off right at the Meta Tag Information fields and the rest of the page fails to render, including the entire left column which has the Save button.


Would editing the /admin/modules.php file cause this in some way? I had to edit that file to get the upsxml module to work. I'm still trying to figure out what else I've done in the past week that could have cause this.

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Sounds like a php error in one of the files you edited. You will have to backtrack to figure out which one it is that is causing the error. Sometimes it is helpful to upload one of the original osC files and see if things work properly with the original. Remember to always back everything up before making edits!


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I have a similar problem in payments module!


Have a problem: in payment modules, "Install" tab shows 45 modules available. clicking on tab takes me to the avaialable modules where two issues exist:


The payment modules of the 45 listed on the previous screen's install tab, only the first 27 in aphabetical order display, ending with the "NO CHEX" module. I checked in /includes/modules/payment, all 45 modules the "Install" tab on the payment modlues page are in the directory, going alphabetically from "A" to "S"


Next issue, once in the install page, the area on the right where editis would be made, there is nothing; the page displays wider, ending with the "Actions" column.


I tried replacing the admin/includes/modules/cfg_modules/cfgm_payment.php file, no change.


Any Ideas?


Thanks a bunch,


Timmy C

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Figured this out....



So I trawled through the code in modules.php that was not loading and found that it counted the number of php files in the modules/payment directory.


Yahoo this is the cause of the error. I had backed up the paypal.php file to paypal2.php into the directory and now it located a file that had no data base entries.


So I shifted paypal2.php to local drive and now everything works again.


This is definitely a trap for cautious young players.


// Modules.php

$file_extension = substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));

$directory_array = array();

if ($dir = @@dir($module_directory)) {

while ($file = $dir->read()) {

if (!is_dir($module_directory . $file)) {

if (substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')) == $file_extension) {

$directory_array[] = $file;









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Figured this out....



So I trawled through the code in modules.php that was not loading and found that it counted the number of php files in the modules/payment directory.


Yahoo this is the cause of the error. I had backed up the paypal.php file to paypal2.php into the directory and now it located a file that had no data base entries.


So I shifted paypal2.php to local drive and now everything works again.


This is definitely a trap for cautious young players.


// Modules.php

$file_extension = substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));

$directory_array = array();

if ($dir = @@dir($module_directory)) {

while ($file = $dir->read()) {

if (!is_dir($module_directory . $file)) {

if (substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')) == $file_extension) {

$directory_array[] = $file;







Can you explain where to put this code? I'd like to see if it helps my issue. Thanks!

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One thing I noticed is that there is a config option duplicate, wonder if that has anything to do with it... looks like I ran this mysql statement twice by accident:


INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Dimensions Support', 'SHIPPING_DIMENSIONS_SUPPORT', 'No', 'Do you use the additional dimensions support (read dimensions.txt in the UPSXML package)?', '7', '6', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'No\', \'Ready-to-ship only\', \'With product dimensions\'), ', now());

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Noticed another strange error... look at the attached file. In Shipping Modules, I'm seeing a #1 or maybe it's a lower case letter L, just above the module list. Not sure if this is a file issue or db issue.


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So I just realized that there is not supposed to be a right column in the Edit product page in admin... doh! But, the problem still exists. Many of the product fields and the Preview/Cancel buttons are missing because of the page being cut off. I've modified a few files lately in an effort to get the UPS shipping module working, as well as fixing a few other minor issues here and there in preparation for turning online ordering back on.


Can someone let me know if this is "likely" being caused by a file edit in the Admin directory, or could this be caused by a file edit anywhere in the Catalog directory? If I can narrow my search it might help.

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Found it! Looks like it was a file edit in the /admin/includes/funtions/general.php file made when I was trying to get the old UPS module to work. I replaced it with the backed up version and it fixed the problem. Now I just have to make sure everything else is working correctly still.

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Lud.. sorry man, didn't see your PM until just now!


The code iposted was from the module.php file. it's the working code, nothing wrong with it.


what i found was it counts how many modules are registered in database. I had an inp.php that wasn't in database (actually wasn't needed.)when module.php did it's countdown it hit a roadblock, not being able to get to the next databased file. thus it cut the list. apparently, no finalization on count return stops the right hand blue box where changes are made to not display.

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