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Paypal Standard in OSC 2.31 - Convert to Itemized Cart?


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I currently have Paypal Standard installed in my OSC 2.3.1 store.

I would like to integrate the Itemized cart from the old Paypal that I had with OSC .2.2


It had the option for itemized and aggregate cart.


I tried this fix:




But it did not work for me, all I got was one item name in the invoice and the same quantity of one, and the total price...


Looking at the code in my old paypal.php file, it seems it could be added to the new paypal_standard.php file with a little bit of updating for the new code format.


Unfortunately I am not a PHP programmer, and so far the conversions I have tried have just sent me to the paypal website when I click confirm instead of coming up with an invoice.


I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to make the code work.


Old Code from paypal.php


function formFields($txn_sign = '', $payment_amount = '', $payment_currency = '', $payment_currency_value = '', $orders_id = '', $return_url = '', $cancel_url = '' ) {
  global $order, $currencies;
  $my_currency = (!empty($payment_currency)) ? $payment_currency : $this->currency();
  $my_currency_value = (!empty($payment_currency_value)) ? $payment_currency_value : $currencies->get_value($my_currency);
  //Merchant Info
  $paypal_fields = tep_draw_hidden_field('business', MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_BUSINESS_ID);
  $paypal_fields .= tep_draw_hidden_field('currency_code', $my_currency);
  //Shopping Cart Info
    $paypal_fields .= tep_draw_hidden_field('upload', sizeof($order->products)) .
    tep_draw_hidden_field('redirect_cmd', '_cart') .
    tep_draw_hidden_field('handling_cart', number_format($order->info['shipping_cost'] * $my_currency_value, $currencies->get_decimal_places($my_currency)));
    //Itemized Order Details
    for ($i=0,$index=1; $i<sizeof($order->products); $i++, $index++) {
	  //$index = $i+1;
	  $paypal_fields .= tep_draw_hidden_field('item_name_'.$index, $order->products[$i]['name']).
	  tep_draw_hidden_field('item_number_'.$index, $order->products[$i]['model']).
	  tep_draw_hidden_field('quantity_'.$index, $order->products[$i]['qty']).
	  tep_draw_hidden_field('amount_'.$index, number_format($order->products[$i]['final_price']* $my_currency_value,2));
	  $tax = ($order->products[$i]['final_price'] * ($order->products[$i]['tax'] / 100)) * $my_currency_value;
	  $paypal_fields .= tep_draw_hidden_field('tax_'.$index, number_format($tax, 2));
	  //Customer Specified Product Options: PayPal Max = 2
	  if ($order->products[$i]['attributes']) {
	    //$n = sizeof($order->products[$i]['attributes']);
	    for ($j=0; $j<2; $j++) {
		    $paypal_fields .= $this->optionSetFields($j,$index,$order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['option'],$order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['value']);
		  } else {
		    $paypal_fields .= $this->optionSetFields($j,$index);
	  } else {
	    for ($j=0; $j<2; $j++) {
		  $paypal_fields .= $this->optionSetFields($j,$index);
  } else { //Aggregate Cart (Method 1)
    $paypal_fields .= tep_draw_hidden_field('item_name', STORE_NAME) .
    tep_draw_hidden_field('redirect_cmd', '_xclick') .
    tep_draw_hidden_field('amount', !empty($payment_amount) ? $payment_amount : $this->amount($my_currency)) .
    tep_draw_hidden_field('shipping', number_format($order->info['shipping_cost'] * $my_currency_value, $currencies->get_decimal_places($my_currency)));
    $item_number = '';
    for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($order->products); $i++) $item_number .= ' '.$order->products[$i]['name'].' ,';
    $item_number = substr_replace($item_number,'',-2);
    $paypal_fields .= tep_draw_hidden_field('item_number', $item_number);


New code I would like to add the itemized part to:


function process_button() {
  global $customer_id, $order, $sendto, $currency, $cart_PayPal_Standard_ID, $shipping;
  $process_button_string = '';
  $parameters = array('cmd' => '_xclick',
					  'item_name' => STORE_NAME,
					  'shipping' => $this->format_raw($order->info['shipping_cost']),
					  'tax' => $this->format_raw($order->info['tax']),
					  'amount' => $this->format_raw($order->info['total'] - $order->info['shipping_cost'] - $order->info['tax']),
					  'currency_code' => $currency,
					  'invoice' => substr($cart_PayPal_Standard_ID, strpos($cart_PayPal_Standard_ID, '-')+1),
					  'custom' => $customer_id,
					  'no_note' => '1',
					  'notify_url' => tep_href_link('ext/modules/payment/paypal/standard_ipn.php', '', 'SSL', false, false),
					  'return' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, '', 'SSL'),
					  'cancel_return' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL'),
					  'bn' => 'osCommerce22_Default_ST',
					  'paymentaction' => ((MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_STANDARD_TRANSACTION_METHOD == 'Sale') ? 'sale' : 'authorization'));


Everything else is working fine, I am getting my order process emails, and the customer gets sent back to my store after completing the Paypal transaction. I really don't want to have to install Paypal IPN, especially since I can't figure out which version I need, and the Standard pretty much does everything else I need.


Does anyone want to help me tackle this project?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Chris,


I've been trying to deal with the same thorny problem that Varina has or had, without a great deal of success.


To date I found your advice to be absolutely bang on, so decided will make the jump to website payments pro.


On v2.3.1 the list of payment modules includes 3 for WPP, Direct Payments, Payflow Direct Payments and Payflow Express Checkout.


The later 2 seem to be dependant on each other being installed and the first dependant on express checkout being installed, which hopefully won't be a problem, but do both pairs give the itemized listing.

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