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Google XML Sitemap SEO compatible with FWR Media Ultimate SEO URL 5


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the solution is simple:


admin->Google XML SEO->Sitemap file ->alternate


find :




line: 271


$this->savepath = DIR_FS_CATALOG . (substr(DIR_FS_CATALOG, -1) !=='/') ? '/' : '';




$this->savepath = DIR_FS_CATALOG . (substr(DIR_FS_CATALOG, -1) !=='/') ? './' : '';

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SELECT p.products_id as pID, p.products_date_added as date_added, p.products_last_modified as last_mod, p.products_ordered
FROM products p, categories c, products_to_categories p2c
where c.categories_status='1' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and p.products_status='1'
ORDER BY products_ordered DESC


SELECT p.products_id as pID, p.products_date_added as date_added, p.products_last_modified as last_mod, p.products_ordered
FROM products p, categories c, products_to_categories p2c
where p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and p.products_status='1'
ORDER BY products_ordered DESC


Alternatively, install enable/disable categories

Ok, I see that a number of us have gotten this dreaded c.ategories error, with a couple of posters adding the solution to it, but in a somewhat cryptic manner that leaves something to the imagination if you are not a programmer.... so, I thought I would try to help. I installed this contribution today, following all the instructions, and then of course received the 1054 - Unknown column 'c.categories_status' in 'where clause' error after running /googlesitemap/index.php for the first time. What's going on here is (and I've pieced this together from some version history notes from Jack_MCS on his current add-on package version which this contribution is based on, plus some of the "solution" posts here on this forum) there is apparently another add-on contribution called "Enable/Disable Categories" (what it does exactly I don't know - I've never used the contribution) which, when installed to your store site, apparently adds (among other things I would suppose) this column named "categories_status" to the table in your database. The person (Spoofy) who put this current "Google Sitemap SEO compatible with FWR etc." contribution together seems to have based it on the Jack_MCS version that assumes/requires a current installation of the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution. (There appears to be another version Jack provides that assumes the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution is not installed.)


So, if you have the "Enable/Disiable Categories" contribution installed, you won't get the "Unknown column" error because the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution would have created this column as part of its installation. But, if like me you don't have the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution installed, you are left with two alternatives to resolve the problem:


a) install the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution - a rather drastic solution IMHO, as one assumes that if one had wanted/needed the contribution, one would have already done so;


B) the actually rather quick and easy solution: edit the file /catalog/googlesitemap/sitemap.class.php and remove any and all references to column name categories_status from the SQL code. Unfortunately, I don't recall off hand how many places I needed to delete the categories_status column name, but I believe it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 to 5 edits I needed to make. Be sure when deleting the portion of SQL statement code in sitemap.class.php that refers to column name categories_status that what you leave behind still creates valid SQL statements. For example, if the code says "...where c.categories_status='1' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and ....(etc.)", you want to end up with "...where p.products_id = p2c.products_id and ...." etc. Just be careful because there were a couple different SQL statement variations, so pay attention when deleting the c.categories_status portion of the code.


And so one final clarification: pdcelec in post# 36 above was on the right track in offering a solution corresponding to my option B), but only hinted at the complete solution from the standpoint that a) he failed to mention that the code changes are to be made in the file /catatlog/googlesitemap.class.php, and B) failed to indicate that there is more than one place in the googlesitemap.class.php where similar changes need to be made. Also, his SQL statement used in the find/replace boxes is the fully rendered SQL statement as produced by the php code at run time, i.e. when you go to edit googlesitemap.class.php, the first portion of this statement in the program code consists of variable names and concatenation code, so search on "categories_status" rather than on his complete SQL statement or you may not find a match.


So in conclusion, after I edited out all references to categories_status column in the SQL code in googlesitemap.class.php, I re-ran /googlesitemap/index.php, and everything worked like a charm! I'm running 2.3.1 on a Windows/IIS platform, with FWR Ultimate SEO URL 5 and Jack_MCS's Header Tags SEO contributions, and it all works together nicely now! No need to switch over to the "Alternate" option in the admin.

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Ok, I see that a number of us have gotten this dreaded c.ategories error, with a couple of posters adding the solution to it, but in a somewhat cryptic manner that leaves something to the imagination if you are not a programmer.... so, I thought I would try to help. I installed this contribution today, following all the instructions, and then of course received the 1054 - Unknown column 'c.categories_status' in 'where clause' error after running /googlesitemap/index.php for the first time. What's going on here is (and I've pieced this together from some version history notes from Jack_MCS on his current add-on package version which this contribution is based on, plus some of the "solution" posts here on this forum) there is apparently another add-on contribution called "Enable/Disable Categories" (what it does exactly I don't know - I've never used the contribution) which, when installed to your store site, apparently adds (among other things I would suppose) this column named "categories_status" to the table in your database. The person (Spoofy) who put this current "Google Sitemap SEO compatible with FWR etc." contribution together seems to have based it on the Jack_MCS version that assumes/requires a current installation of the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution. (There appears to be another version Jack provides that assumes the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution is not installed.)


So, if you have the "Enable/Disiable Categories" contribution installed, you won't get the "Unknown column" error because the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution would have created this column as part of its installation. But, if like me you don't have the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution installed, you are left with two alternatives to resolve the problem:


a) install the "Enable/Disable Categories" contribution - a rather drastic solution IMHO, as one assumes that if one had wanted/needed the contribution, one would have already done so;


B) the actually rather quick and easy solution: edit the file /catalog/googlesitemap/sitemap.class.php and remove any and all references to column name categories_status from the SQL code. Unfortunately, I don't recall off hand how many places I needed to delete the categories_status column name, but I believe it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 to 5 edits I needed to make. Be sure when deleting the portion of SQL statement code in sitemap.class.php that refers to column name categories_status that what you leave behind still creates valid SQL statements. For example, if the code says "...where c.categories_status='1' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and ....(etc.)", you want to end up with "...where p.products_id = p2c.products_id and ...." etc. Just be careful because there were a couple different SQL statement variations, so pay attention when deleting the c.categories_status portion of the code.


And so one final clarification: pdcelec in post# 36 above was on the right track in offering a solution corresponding to my option B), but only hinted at the complete solution from the standpoint that a) he failed to mention that the code changes are to be made in the file /catatlog/googlesitemap.class.php, and B) failed to indicate that there is more than one place in the googlesitemap.class.php where similar changes need to be made. Also, his SQL statement used in the find/replace boxes is the fully rendered SQL statement as produced by the php code at run time, i.e. when you go to edit googlesitemap.class.php, the first portion of this statement in the program code consists of variable names and concatenation code, so search on "categories_status" rather than on his complete SQL statement or you may not find a match.


So in conclusion, after I edited out all references to categories_status column in the SQL code in googlesitemap.class.php, I re-ran /googlesitemap/index.php, and everything worked like a charm! I'm running 2.3.1 on a Windows/IIS platform, with FWR Ultimate SEO URL 5 and Jack_MCS's Header Tags SEO contributions, and it all works together nicely now! No need to switch over to the "Alternate" option in the admin.


Note on my post above - the editor in my browser substitued a silly smiley face icon where I originally typed "B)." as in indication point b or option b in a list of points or options.... sorry about that.... just read "option b" wherever you see the stupid smiley face. Thanks!

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Also, sorry, I just went back and checked the facts behind some of my statements for my post above - I did mix up my remembrance of where I had read about the various versions for "Enable/Disable" - it was not Jack_MCS notes, it was actually in the history notes for this "Google XML Sitemap SEO compatible with FWR etc." contribution. A contributor named "alman" added a contribution to spoofy's original contribution to include support for the "Enable/Disable" contribution. This is probably what messed up a lot us, where we just dowloaded the most recent package, not realizing that it was expecting the "Enable/Disable" contribution to already be installed on your site. My solution explanations remain correct - I just wanted to clarify my mistake made while rambling on with parenthetical background info.....

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Thanks jmoll but still getting this error:


Write /home/<name>/public_html/sitemapproducts.xml
Generated Google Product Sitemap Successfully
1054 - Unknown column 'c.categories_status' in 'where clause'
SELECT c.categories_id as cID, c.date_added, c.last_modified as last_mod
   FROM categories c left join categories_description cd on c.categories_id = cd.categories_id
	   where c.categories_status = '1'
   ORDER BY c.parent_id ASC, c.sort_order ASC, c.categories_id ASC

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  • 8 months later...
Write /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapproducts.xmlGenerated Google Product Sitemap Successfully
Write /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapcategories.xmlGenerated Google Category Sitemap Successfully
Write /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapmanufacturers.xmlGenerated Google Manufacturers Sitemap Successfully
Write /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapspecials.xmlGenerated Google Specials Sitemap Successfully
ERROR: Google Pages Sitemap Generation FAILED!
Write /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapindex.xmlGenerated Google Sitemap Index Successfully
   [QUERY] => Array
	    [PRODUCTS] => Array
			    [sTATUS] => success
			    [NUM_ROWS] => 123
	    [CATEOGRY] => Array
			    [sTATUS] => success
			    [NUM_ROWS] => 35
	    [MANUFACTURERS] => Array
			    [sTATUS] => success
			    [NUM_ROWS] => 24
	    [sPECIALS] => Array
			    [sTATUS] => success
			    [NUM_ROWS] => 11
   [sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array
	    [0] => Array
			    [file] => /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapproducts.xml
			    [status] => success
			    [file_exists] => true
	    [1] => Array
			    [file] => /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapcategories.xml
			    [status] => success
			    [file_exists] => true
	    [2] => Array
			    [file] => /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapmanufacturers.xml
			    [status] => success
			    [file_exists] => true
	    [3] => Array
			    [file] => /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapspecials.xml
			    [status] => success
			    [file_exists] => true
	    [4] => Array
			    [file] => /home/davelaarscooters.nl/public_html/davelaar/sitemapindex.xml
			    [status] => success
			    [file_exists] => true

My sitemaps work most of it excluding the "pages". What can be the problem?

I don't understand the most of what I'm reading but I do know how to read and copy/paste

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Thanks for the contribution! Took me a while to solve a problem with the permissions on the files. Very basic but thought I'd post just in case anyone else has similar problem.


In the readme file it says "Set the file permissions on the sitemap... files to the same settings on the images directory." Mine were 777 for images so applied that and kept getting a permissions error. Searched forums, no answer. Gave up, then tried again but with permissions of 755 on folder and files and worked fine!


Hope this is of help to someone at least.

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  • 2 months later...

HI all,


Ran the sitemap /index.php and came up with this


Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.




Thanks, Dave

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  • 3 weeks later...



I try to install Chemo's contribution from here http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6583

and when I import and run google_xml_sitemap_seo.sql file using phpmyadmin, I receive the following errors:



SQL query:

INSERT INTO configuration_group( configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible )


'289', 'Google XML SEO', 'Google XML Sitemap SEO Options', '29', '1'




MySQL said: dot.gif

#1046 - No database selected


I also have installed FWR Media Ultimate.Please help me.

It's not the suitable add on version?


Edited by alexman
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Hi Alex,


Do not think you need to upgrade as you want to insert the sql statement in your oscommerce database I think you just forgot to choose the database in phpmyadmin??



Remember do a quick backup "always" before changing database.




Edited by joli1811
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.


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  • 10 months later...

I have installed Google XML Sitemap V1.5.5 on my test shop. The shop is OSC v.2.3.4 and running Ultimate_Seo_Urls_5_PRO_r205 by FWR. Getting this error. Both Images and googlesitemap folders have 755 permissions. Is there any alternative to work with SEO URL5 ???

Opening /sitemapproducts.xml

FS_CAT /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

Server http://www.y2rishta.com

Save Path /

WS_CAT /bridal-lengha/catalog/



Warning: fopen(/sitemapproducts.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353


ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Opening /sitemapcategories.xml

FS_CAT /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

Server http://www.y2rishta.com

Save Path /

WS_CAT /bridal-lengha/catalog/



Warning: fopen(/sitemapcategories.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353


ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Opening /sitemapindex.xml

FS_CAT /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

Server http://www.y2rishta.com

Save Path /

WS_CAT /bridal-lengha/catalog/



Warning: fopen(/sitemapindex.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353


ERROR: Google Sitemap Index Generation FAILED!




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 166



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 5





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /sitemapproducts.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false



[1] => Array


[file] => /sitemapcategories.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false



[2] => Array


[file] => /sitemapindex.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false






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Hi, I have installed Jack's upgrade version v1.6 (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6583). It worked fine in standard mode and created all Sitemaps .... se below. However, Sitemaps are not displayed. See here .... Please suggest, am just a step away from success :-)



This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.


Opening /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapproducts.xml

FS_CAT /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

Server http://www.y2rishta.com

Save Path /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

WS_CAT /bridal-lengha/catalog/

Write /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapproducts.xml

Generated Google Product Sitemap Successfully


Opening /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapcategories.xml

FS_CAT /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

Server http://www.y2rishta.com

Save Path /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

WS_CAT /bridal-lengha/catalog/

Write /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapcategories.xml

Generated Google Category Sitemap Successfully


Opening /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapindex.xml

FS_CAT /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

Server http://www.y2rishta.com

Save Path /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/

WS_CAT /bridal-lengha/catalog/

Write /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapindex.xml

Generated Google Sitemap Index Successfully


CONGRATULATIONS! All files generated successfully.


If you have not already submitted the sitemap index to Google click the link below.

Before you do I HIGHLY recommend that you view the XML files to make sure the data is correct.




For your convenience here is the CRON command for your site:

php /home/fashno5/y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php


Here is your sitemap index: http://www.y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapindex.xml'>http://www.y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapindex.xml

Here is your product sitemap: http://www.y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapproducts.xml

Here is your category sitemap: http://www.y2rishta.com/bridal-lengha/catalog/sitemapcategories.xml

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  • 1 year later...

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