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Fun with Attributes...


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Is there a means by which I could enable an attribute (color) only if a minimum number of the product has been added to the cart?


For example, Widget A is available black, red, and blue. However, red and blue require a minimum number of units (say, 50). Until the customer adds 50 pieces of Widget A to his basket, the color option should be hidden. If 50+ are entered, then the color attribute would need to be enabled for the customer to select.


I would think that this should also work in reverse, so that if the customer initially selects the minimum number of units, selects a non-standard color, then reduces the quantity to a value below the minimum, that the non-standard color attribute would be removed.


I'm thinking jQuery perhaps, but only based on some of the functionality I've seen demonstrated for other type of on-the-fly validations or such.




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