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Free Shipping + Wrong Product Price Calculation


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I want to be able to give Free Shipping at minimum $14.99. However, under $14.99 will be a flat rate of $2.79. No weight, nothing.


I installed the free shipping mod and turned on my flat rate shipping. I've also set a flat 6% tax rate for all US. The problem is that it's taking the product price (gross) to calculate if it should be free or not??


So If i put Product Price (net) at $14.98 = results in $15.87 for gross, which $15.87 = free shipping!

If i put product price gross $14.98 = net becomes $14.13, then charges the $2.79 flat rate???


I have no idea why it's using the Gross Price instead of the Net, can anyone help?? It's calculating the wrong amount...so if someone buys 14.80, the gross just goes above, so they get free shipping???


any help would be much appreciated :)

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Remove the free shipping module


Then go to store admin - modules - order total and shipping link. there u can configure free shipping for orders above 14.99 usd


then install flat rate shipping of 2.79 usd




free shipping for overs over 14.99 usd

for orders less than 14.99 flat rate shipping of 2.79 usd







I want to be able to give Free Shipping at minimum $14.99. However, under $14.99 will be a flat rate of $2.79. No weight, nothing.


I installed the free shipping mod and turned on my flat rate shipping. I've also set a flat 6% tax rate for all US. The problem is that it's taking the product price (gross) to calculate if it should be free or not??


So If i put Product Price (net) at $14.98 = results in $15.87 for gross, which $15.87 = free shipping!

If i put product price gross $14.98 = net becomes $14.13, then charges the $2.79 flat rate???


I have no idea why it's using the Gross Price instead of the Net, can anyone help?? It's calculating the wrong amount...so if someone buys 14.80, the gross just goes above, so they get free shipping???


any help would be much appreciated :)

Edited by Jan Zonjee
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I`ve the following problem:

I choosed the free shipping amount for orders over 50,00Euro!

But in the checkout free shipping is displayed for an amount over 48,00Euro?

What is wrong? I have no tax. I also tried a . instead of , but it doesn`t matters...



Thank you!

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Solved that quite some time ago and i am not sure how i didi it so this is a very rough explanation but the problem is in the contribs as someone changed the name of the value of freeamount !!


are you referring to this http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4331 contrib ???


If you are referring to that contrib


see waht you have after


$free_shipping_mount =


and check in your freeamount.php if it exists


PS depends on which version you use




PS2 I am using the contrib but use the value from table shipping so I have


$free_shipping_mount = MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_COST

Edited by diy
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search also the freeamount.php for the vlue 48.00 as somewhere in line 43


you may have


tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Minimum Cost', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_FREEAMOUNT_AMOUNT', '48.00', 'Minimum order amount purchased before shipping is free?', '6', '8', now())");


and no matter what you put in the admin side you get 48

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Hi there,


I loaded the files up again and it works... :blink:

I don`t know what was wrong. It takes 3 hours of searching...

Thanks a lot!

In my case after $free_shipping_mount = stands MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_SHIPPING_FREE_SHIPPING_OVER

And in the the freeamount.php is the correct amount of 50,00.

Hope it works tomorrow too?!



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