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That option is only for categories. I will add an option to select products in a category in the next release.


OK thanks, sort of figured that was the case but wanted confirmation. Look forward to future updates.



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On my own personal oscommerce page that I sell a few items having issues with the Categories.


My store uses categories_listing.php an categories_nested.php for Categories but when I edit those within Header Tags SEO inside the Control Panel it does not change them.


Changing the Title/Description/Keywords within Categories/Products for the appropriate category it changes it but I want the ability to add the Default Title to the Category string without having to add it manually so it wont affect the Breadcrumbs.


Similar to how you can add Default Title to the end of a product title within Products.php in the Header Tags SEO page and it will not effect the breadcrumbs but will show up in the Title of the page.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by mvanderhoff
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On my own personal oscommerce page that I sell a few items having issues with the Categories.


My store uses categories_listing.php an categories_nested.php for Categories but when I edit those within Header Tags SEO inside the Control Panel it does not change them.


Changing the Title/Description/Keywords within Categories/Products for the appropriate category it changes it but I want the ability to add the Default Title to the Category string without having to add it manually so it wont affect the Breadcrumbs.


Similar to how you can add Default Title to the end of a product title within Products.php in the Header Tags SEO page and it will not effect the breadcrumbs but will show up in the Title of the page.


Thanks in advance.

Check the Default Title in Page Control for index.php.

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Check the Default Title in Page Control for index.php.


Okay I see that but maybe I was not clear about what I am trying to accomplish.


In Index.php you can enter the Title, Keywords, Description, Logo Text it shows the Title, Keywords, Description and Logo Text on the main page http://www.yourdomain.com/index.php


But what I want is to have the Categories show <Categories> + <New Text Ending>


In example - Index.php title is: Emergency Outdoors - Outdoor, Camping, Survival and Preparedness Gear


When I check Categories - 1 it will show <Category> Emergency Outdoors - Outdoor, Camping, Survival and Preparedness Gear


But what I want it to show when you are looking at a Category is <Category> - Emergency Outdoors and that is it, not additional - Outdoor, Camping, Survival and Preparedness Gear.


Is that possible?

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But what I want it to show when you are looking at a Category is <Category> - Emergency Outdoors and that is it, not additional - Outdoor, Camping, Survival and Preparedness Gear.


Is that possible?

Then you need to turn off the option for whatever has Outdoor, Camping, Survival and Preparedness Gear. If that is part of the text, Emergency Outdoors - Outdoor, Camping, Survival and Preparedness Gear, then you can't just display part of it.

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hello Jack,


i am using osc 2.3


in Header Tags SEO V 3.2.8>Page Control in the admin section, in the option box Select an option, i am selecting 'Show all files'.


I will go to a file (i.e. this.php) and choose delete-- a pop up appears:


Do you really wamt to delete this.php


this only deletes the the entry in Header Tags, not the Actual file,


pressing ok.


it resets the page with Select an option defaulted at Show all files, with no php pages listed.


if i reselect the option to - Select a File and then Show all files--- the files list


but this.php is still there, it is not being deleted.





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if i reselect the option to - Select a File and then Show all files--- the files list


but this.php is still there, it is not being deleted.

Try turn off the automatially add pages option in the Header Tags settings.

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hello Jack,


i was deleting some of the php pages in header tags seo.


i received this error:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CASE in /home/comta3/public_html/includes/header_tags.php on line 89


i restored headertags,php from backup and everything is ok.



now in the configuration section of header tags seo all options are listed in triplicate.


how did this happen??




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now in the configuration section of header tags seo all options are listed in triplicate.


how did this happen??

No idea.

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thanks Jack and mvanderhoff,


i still do not understand why i would receive triplicate titles in configuration>> headertags seo. when the file came from a good backup.


anyway, i went into the db and deleted the triplicated titles down to a single title.


i also duplicated the erro i had earlier:

setting in admin section configuration>> Header Tags SEO >> Automatically Add New Pages >> FALSE


when i deleted reviews.php from admin section headertags Seo >> page control>> selected the file and deleted. and checked the website.


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CASE in /home/comta3/public_html/includes/header_tags.php on line 89




although, this time i restored header_tags.php from the one included in Header Tags SEO V 3.2.8.


no triplicates!


and after refresh-- reviews.php is deleted.




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when i go into my admin/products

and i click on a category to edit..im getting a 404 error in the Header Tags Categories Description section

You've made a mistake in the categories.php edits. use the included one to test and compare against.

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Trouble after install. V2.3.8 on oSC 3.1 running on Windows Server


Database upgraded successfully

Copied files accordingly

performed Catalog items

Performed Admin items


now site comes up ok

"Replace me in Page Control" title on index.php

Clicking on products ok and "default title" displays as title



Advance search does not work - returns blank page

Clicking on any category on left box, returns the Header, footer and left column only.

Cannot access Admin.


Couple other comments

1. Admin was renamed Adminbackend previously. Could that be an issue?

2. Another contribution "ULTIMATE SEO" is installed - Coudl that conflict?


Can you suggest resolution?


Thanks for your time.



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Trouble after install. V2.3.8 on oSC 3.1 running on Windows Server



Advance search does not work - returns blank page

Do you possibly mean 3.2.8 on 2.3.1? Assuming that to be the case and assuming the problem is only on the advanced search page, then the problem is with the edits you made for that page. Use the included file to find the problem.

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Do you possibly mean 3.2.8 on 2.3.1? Assuming that to be the case and assuming the problem is only on the advanced search page, then the problem is with the edits you made for that page. Use the included file to find the problem.


Sorry, yes I meant V 3.2.8 and osc I really though was 3.1, it was the most receint release downloaded and originally installed in March (couple of months ago) but I cannot access the Admin pages any longer either. Do you think the Advanced Search the Category Link and Admin visibility are all related to the Advanced Search Page edits? I will check that now, but could that effect the access to Admin?



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Sorry, yes I meant V 3.2.8 and osc I really though was 3.1, it was the most receint release downloaded and originally installed in March (couple of months ago) but I cannot access the Admin pages any longer either. Do you think the Advanced Search the Category Link and Admin visibility are all related to the Advanced Search Page edits? I will check that now, but could that effect the access to Admin?



Both 2.31 and 3.xx are available for download. If you downloaded the V3 package, this won't work at all. Plus, that is not a useable package. Assuming 2.3, if it was working before and isn't now, then something wasn't done correctly. The admin is completely separate from the shop side so the search page wouldn't break the admin. If you don't find anything to fix it, I suggest you restore your files to get the shop working and try again. This time, just make the changes to admin first so that your shop is not affected if you run into a problem.

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Both 2.31 and 3.xx are available for download. If you downloaded the V3 package, this won't work at all. Plus, that is not a useable package. Assuming 2.3, if it was working before and isn't now, then something wasn't done correctly. The admin is completely separate from the shop side so the search page wouldn't break the admin. If you don't find anything to fix it, I suggest you restore your files to get the shop working and try again. This time, just make the changes to admin first so that your shop is not affected if you run into a problem.


Yes, I restored the system and unfortunately, I am on oSC v 3.02, so I will abort the process. Thanks for your time.

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When i enable Header Tags Seo modules, the whole site turns into blank. When i de-activate them, all is ok. Any ideas whats the problem?

What are "Header Tags Seo modules?" What version of oscommerce are you using?

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Thanks for your great contribution.

Today I installed Header Tags SEO V 3.2.8 on Osc v2.2RC2,everything seems working fine.Now I have a problem.when I clicked

a product and went to product_info.php page,I got an error message:Fatal error: Call to undefined function StripSID()...catalog/includes/modules/header_tags_social_bookmarks.php on line 10 Call Stack: 0.0021 449944 1. {main}()...catalog/product_info.php:0 2.4631 1976312 2. include('/usr/local/...catalog/includes/modules/header_tags_social_bookmarks.php') /usr/local/.../catalog/product_info.php:361,I searched this error in this support thread,several people had a similar problem,some people in the following link even had some solution:


But I don't know how to do it.

Thanks for your help in advance!



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Thanks for your great contribution.

Today I installed Header Tags SEO V 3.2.8 on Osc v2.2RC2,everything seems working fine.Now I have a problem.when I clicked

a product and went to product_info.php page,I got an error message:Fatal error: Call to undefined function StripSID

It is saying it can't find one of the Header Tags functions so you, most likely, didn't upload all of the files in the catalog directory.

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Hello Jack,

the keywords for each product are generated from the product title.


E.G. "This is turn off auto red with 200ps", this title will be fully registered as a keyword in the meta description.


I would like to have a comma between each word,

E.G. "This, is, turn, off, auto, red, with, 200ps"

What can I do?


Thank you very much, Mark.

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