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Header Tags SEO


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Check the manufacturers in admin. If the data is there, then there is some problem on the shop side - either the index.php or includes/application_top.php file. If the data isn't there, then try running fill tags again and/or entering the data in the manufacturers edit page.

Hi Jack_mcs


The data is ok, but manufacturer are not displayed...


After this I tried on a oscommerce fresh install with HTS 3.2.5 files (using a backup of my database). If a click on a product, manufacturer are not show in title, but if I click on the manufacturer first and now go to the same product, this time it shows the manufacturer on title.



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Hi Jack,


I have installed version 3.2.5


I do have a few errors which are being reported by KissER Error Handling


Error: Use of undefined constant FILENAME_AUTOCOMPLETE - assumed 'FILENAME_AUTOCOMPLETE'

File: includes/header_tags.php

Line: 218


File: includes/header_tags.php

Line: 250

Error: Use of undefined constant FILENAME_OPENSEARCH - assumed 'FILENAME_OPENSEARCH'

File: includes/header_tags.php

Line: 290

Error: Use of undefined constant FILENAME_OSCTHUMB - assumed 'FILENAME_OSCTHUMB'

File: includes/header_tags.php

Line: 298

Error: Undefined index: logo_text

File: includes/header.php

Line: 20


Although not directly related to Header Tags there is a conflict somewhere.


Any ideas?





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I tried to search for an answer to my problem from this topic, but I couldn't find one...

So, here it is:


I have installed the Header Tags SEO add-on - it seems to be really useful, thank you!

It seems to be working fine, but I can't add products anymore. The "add product"-window doesn't open.


It's probably a admin/categories.php -related problem, isn't it? But I went through again all the changes the Install_Admin.txt told me to do, and found nothing wrong. So, if someone could tell me where to look for a problem, so I could check that part of the code once again, I'd be really thankful. B)


Oh, yeah, I made the test. It only found a bunch of missing titles and/or descriptions.

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The data is ok, but manufacturer are not displayed...


After this I tried on a oscommerce fresh install with HTS 3.2.5 files (using a backup of my database). If a click on a product, manufacturer are not show in title, but if I click on the manufacturer first and now go to the same product, this time it shows the manufacturer on title.

If you have the cache option set, try turning that off. For products, be sure you have the manufacturers box checked in Page Control for product_info.php. Other than that, you could try using the included index.php and product_info.php files to see if the symptoms change.

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I have installed version 3.2.5


I do have a few errors which are being reported by KissER Error Handling


Although not directly related to Header Tags there is a conflict somewhere.

That happens because Header Tags generates the code on the fly as it is needed and the defines aren't included. You can try placing this line at the top of the includes/header_tags.php file, though those types of errors are usually not worth worrying about.

require_once(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'filenames.php');

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I have installed the Header Tags SEO add-on - it seems to be really useful, thank you!

It seems to be working fine, but I can't add products anymore. The "add product"-window doesn't open.


It's probably a admin/categories.php -related problem, isn't it? But I went through again all the changes the Install_Admin.txt told me to do, and found nothing wrong. So, if someone could tell me where to look for a problem, so I could check that part of the code once again, I'd be really thankful. B)

The instructions say to use the included categories.php file to troubleshoot such problems. Perhaps that is what you should try.

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If you have the cache option set, try turning that off. For products, be sure you have the manufacturers box checked in Page Control for product_info.php. Other than that, you could try using the included index.php and product_info.php files to see if the symptoms change.

Hi Jack_mcs,


Cache is set off, manufacturer box are checked in page control por product_info.php, files index.php and product_info.php that I are using are files includes in the contribution 3.2.5


The symptons are same, when I click on a product, manufacturer don't display on title, if I click in manufacturer page and then go to product_info.php manufacturer are show.


Thanks for your time :)

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Cache is set off, manufacturer box are checked in page control por product_info.php, files index.php and product_info.php that I are using are files includes in the contribution 3.2.5


The symptons are same, when I click on a product, manufacturer don't display on title, if I click in manufacturer page and then go to product_info.php manufacturer are show.

I don't have any other suggestions. It sounds like something specific to your shop since it works for me and others.

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Hi Jack,

My problem is I can only get the default tag information for these programs for these conditions:

product_info.php - All conditions only displays default tag information

article.php - All

article_info.php - All, even when the article (article_info.php?articles_id=63) is entered in Page Control

index.php - when a category is selected. Index.php as the home page is OK.

(there might be others)

Here's the results of Test:

Test Results

Permissions Error: explain

Permissions settings for the xxx/includes/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect. Change to 775. NOTE: Disregard if on Windows server.


Duplicate meta description found: explain

for English

Anna's Bow AB-004 exists more than once.

Anna's Bow AB-002 exists more than once.

The header_tags.php file IS verified writeable regardless of test results.


Taking product_info.php as an example:

1 - Value is entered in Page Control for this program and displays when you select "Review Results"

2 - I verified by direct observation that the database table (products_description) was properly populated after running "Fill Tags."

3 - The installation changes have been checked twice. In the latest download of "HeaderTags_SEO-3.2.5/Use_if_version_greaterthan_2.3/catalog_for_new_shop_only_2.3" there is NO .../includes/header_tags.php. I used the one in .../catalog/includes. This seems to be OK.

I use Theme Switcher Shop so I had to change includes/template_top.php to be:

/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');
} else {
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>" />
 <title><?php echo tep_output_string_protected($oscTemplate->getTitle()); ?></title>
/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/


I also have these contributions installed:




and others.


By placing comments in includes/header_tags.php I determined that the section of code for product_info.php is never being executed because if fails the case test condition.

header_tags.php is being entered and the default section an others (like contact_us.php) function correctly. $PHP_SELF is being set correctly.

Can you give me some clues as to maybe why that test condition is not being met or where to look further?

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Jack,


Can you give me some clues as to maybe why that test condition is not being met or where to look further?

Thanks in advance,



I just determined that if I DISABLE Seo Urls 5 then everything works!

What is the proper configuration for these two contributions to play nicely together?



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I just determined that if I DISABLE Seo Urls 5 then everything works!

What is the proper configuration for these two contributions to play nicely together?

There's a setting, from what others have said, in that contribution that you need to change to get it to work correctly with this contribution.

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The instructions say to use the included categories.php file to troubleshoot such problems. Perhaps that is what you should try.


Oh... I must have missed that part of the instructions. You're right, that was what I needed to try - problem found and solved! Thank you, Jack.

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Hey Jack!


I'm currently trying to resolve a problem I noticed in Google's Webmaster tools where my site is receiving duplicate meta descriptions and duplicate title tags. I'm currently using you're header tags controller contribution and thinking I should upgrade to this one.


First of all, will this fix my meta description and title problems?


Will the old header controller contribution fix this problem?


Is it easy to upgrade?


Do I need to upgrade or do I start from scratch when implementing this contribution?


Also, my site is V. 2.2


Thanks so much Jack!





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First of all, will this fix my meta description and title problems?

It usually isn't a problem. See my recent post on this.

Will the old header controller contribution fix this problem?



Is it easy to upgrade?

It's easy for me but probably not to someone that's never seen an oscommerce shop. How easy it is for you dependins upon your experience with such changes. You need to make the database changes manually since you don't want to lose your existing data. All of those changes are documented in the update files. Treat the file changes as a new install.


Do I need to upgrade or do I start from scratch when implementing this contribution?

Upgrade if you want to keep your data. Do a new install if you don't care about it.


Also, my site is V. 2.2

Header Tags SEO is compatible with all oscommerce based shops.

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If the languages work fine for products, then there is a mistake in how you added the new page or you haven't filled in the other languages in Page Control. If the title and tags data show up for both languages in Page Control, then the problem is on the shop side with code you added.


No the page control panel is right. All the languages panel right. I inserted the info for the three languages but only works for english(default language).


For example:


www. myweb .com/notebooks.php

header tag:notebooks

description tag:we sell notebooks .. bla .. bla


canonical:www. myweb .com/notebooks.en


In spanish bad:

www. myweb .com/notebooks.php/es

header tag:

description tag:


canonical:www. myweb .com/notebooks.php/es/es


In german bad:

www. myweb .com/notebooks.php/ge

header tag:

description tag:


canonical:www. myweb .com/notebooks.php/ge/ge




In control panel all info is right. I dont know if problem here is with Header Tags V.3 or USU5 Pro. I asked Robert for it and said I I probably could problem with Header Tags.


I also entered in phpmyadmin > tables > headertags


modify languages 2 & 3 (spanish and german) as:

1 notebooks.php

2 notebooks.php/es

3 notebooks.php/ge


But nothing. Where is the code i should looking for??


I created new pages duplicating info page shipping.php and modifying it (..new filename, ..new languaje file, etc).

In Configuration > HeaderTags > Automatically add new pages.


Then refressing the page, and look for folder includes/header_tags.php (chmod777) and see new line notebooks.php


// notebooks.php
 case (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === FILENAME_NOTEBOOKS):
   $header_tags_array = tep_header_tag_page(FILENAME_NOTEBOOKS);


Any suggestion??

Edited by bhbilbao
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No the page control panel is right. All the languages panel right. I inserted the info for the three languages but only works for english(default language).


In control panel all info is right. I dont know if problem here is with Header Tags V.3 or USU5 Pro. I asked Robert for it and said I I probably could problem with Header Tags.

There is, most likely, either a problem with your language ID's not matching or with SEO 5. Turn the latter off to elimiate it. If the problem goes away, then you have to follow up in its support thread or use Ultimate SEO V 2.2d, which is what I recommend. If the problem doesn't go away, then you need to compare the language id's in the header tags tables with those in the languages table.

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There is, most likely, either a problem with your language ID's not matching or with SEO 5. Turn the latter off to elimiate it. If the problem goes away, then you have to follow up in its support thread or use Ultimate SEO V 2.2d, which is what I recommend.


What bhbilbao is saying Jack is that USU5 is doing its job and producing the correct URI


www. myweb .com/notebooks.php/es


Yet header tags is producing a canonical URL that is incorrect ..


www. myweb .com/notebooks.php/es/es


As all USU5 PRO does is produce URIs and we know it is being produced correctly it is impossible for USU5 to be the problem.


Switching from a new multi language capable system ( which bhbilbao obviously needs ) to Chemos old 2005 non multi language system is not the correct solution.


Turning off USU5 PRO will do nothing except provide header tags with a non multi language URL that we already know it can work with.

Edited by FWR Media
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I have installed header tags seo from this http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5851


When I go to admin panel configuration-> header tags seo

I get warning message


Warning: call_user_func(header_tags_reset_cache) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home/bef/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1195


Jack you have replied in one of the threads as :

You have to install the new code from the contribution. Please see the update instructions before posting.


But i install this contribution first time and install vesion: "Use_if_lessthan_2.3 ->> Catalog" ,(because i have installed before many other adds its not clean 2.2RC2a)


I have only installed full package codes from this link



and here's lines :




function tep_call_function($function, $parameter, $object = '') {

if ($object == '') {

return call_user_func($function, $parameter);

} elseif (PHP_VERSION < 4) {

return call_user_method($function, $object, $parameter);

} else {

return call_user_func(array($object, $function), $parameter);


what shoudl i do to solve the issue please help.Many Thanks in advance

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I have installed header tags seo from this http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5851


When I go to admin panel configuration-> header tags seo

I get warning message


Warning: call_user_func(header_tags_reset_cache) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home/bef/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1195

The error is saying it can't find the header_tags_reset_cache function. If you added it, maybe you added it to the wrong file. If you are using the lastest version of Header Tags, then there should be a file named header_tags_general.php in your admin/includes/functions directory and a line in your admin/includes/functions/general.php file that loads that file. As long as you don't get the same sort of error with other parts of your admin->Configuration, that's all I can think of that would cause it.

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Hi, ive gone through the installation and everything seems to be working except for the tags on product_info.php


For some reason, the page title is just the category name Example: 'Stoves' despite the changes and settings have being made in the admin.


Below is the code from product_info.php


Any help would be greatly appreciated! I tried posting the entire code from the file, but this board wouldnt let me do it.



/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');
} else {
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">
<!-- begin Extra Product Fields //-->
<meta name="DCTERMS.modified" content ="<?php echo $datemod;?>">
<title><?php echo TITLE . ': ' . tep_output_string_protected($pname['products_name']); ?></title>
<meta name="Description" content="<?php echo tep_output_string($pname['products_name']); ?>">
$keywords = array();


The installation says to have the code read


/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');
} else {
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">
 <title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>
/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/


Though i also had the additional images contrib installed so i modified the code accordingly. Though the title tags dont seem to function as they should.


See the problem at thecitywidestore.ca



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Any help would be greatly appreciated! I tried posting the entire code from the file, but this board wouldnt let me do it.

I'm glad you didn't. It is annoying to others trying to find answers to their problems.


<title><?php echo TITLE . ': ' . tep_output_string_protected($pname['products_name']); ?></title>

<meta name="Description" content="<?php echo tep_output_string($pname['products_name']); ?>">

The code is not correct. The code for loading the title from Header Tags is there but it is being overwritten by the other title string. If you compare your file to the one in the contribution, you should be able to find the problem.

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The error is saying it can't find the header_tags_reset_cache function. If you added it, maybe you added it to the wrong file. If you are using the lastest version of Header Tags, then there should be a file named header_tags_general.php in your admin/includes/functions directory and a line in your admin/includes/functions/general.php file that loads that file. As long as you don't get the same sort of error with other parts of your admin->Configuration, that's all I can think of that would cause it.

Thanks for Yours quick reply!


I am trying to install the lastest version of header tags. I cheked and i have "header_tag_general.php" in my admin/includes/functions directory.

Also i have line in my admin/includes/functions/general.php that should load that file




function tep_call_function($function, $parameter, $object = '') {

if ($object == '') {

return call_user_func($function, $parameter);

} elseif (PHP_VERSION < 4) {

return call_user_method($function, $object, $parameter);

} else {

return call_user_func(array($object, $function), $parameter);




In "Instal Catalog" installation note:

"The Search Engine Frienly" must be off.

In my admin control panel (admin->>configuration) no field "The search engine frienly"

I have example- "use search engine safe urls"

Any ideas! Many Thanks!

Edited by Inesyta
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I'm glad you didn't. It is annoying to others trying to find answers to their problems.

The code is not correct. The code for loading the title from Header Tags is there but it is being overwritten by the other title string. If you compare your file to the one in the contribution, you should be able to find the problem.


Thanks Jack,


I'll give it a whirl and see what happens. This install is beyond heavily modified haha, with that being said, its amazing my shop works at all let alone with no errors in the front or back end.


Thanks again,

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I'm glad you didn't. It is annoying to others trying to find answers to their problems.

The code is not correct. The code for loading the title from Header Tags is there but it is being overwritten by the other title string. If you compare your file to the one in the contribution, you should be able to find the problem.


Looked it over in winmerge, 3 times. Couldnt find any descrepencies outside of the <h1> tag which i left out as per my notes in the install doc. I added THAT back in however.


Im still stumped about the page titles not working on product info.php


I tried removing the additional images code all together, still, Header Tags is not producing titles for this file.



Any ideas?




EDIT: It works. :)


Just had to flipflop some code, quick fix. Though (and forgive me if this is by design) header tags is not accepting the title, meta desc/keyword settings in admin if the global defaults are set. Is this how it is supposed to work?



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