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Header Tags SEO


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Yes. You have to change a setting in that contribution though, as I recall.


Which setting in which contrib is that?


My problem is, that the individuel entries in every product and category don't be shown, only

the standard entries in "Page control". When i uninstall the USU5, the individuel entries will work.


I have "Meta Tags SEO 3.2.5" and "Ultimate_Seo_Urls_5_PRO_r197" on a osC 2.2rc2a installed.

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If you turn that contribuion off and still have the problem, then the fault is with Header Tags. If it goes away, it is with that contribution and you would need to ask in its support thread.


Not entirely correct.


Header tags is coded in such a way that it breaks if a path based uri is introduced ( USU5 osC Seo Urls .. any others ). Turning off USU5 will indeed cause header tags to function ( as will choosing the rewrite method of USU5 which is not path based ) but USU5 is not at fault .. it is just producing a correct link.


Path based uri








Non path based ..




or ..




Basically it's a header tags bug and has been for a long time which is why the reaction surprised me.

Edited by FWR Media
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My problem is, that the individuel entries in every product and category don't be shown, only

the standard entries in "Page control". When i uninstall the USU5, the individuel entries will work.

Then there isn't anything wrong with your installation of Header Tags SEO.

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I can't update tags for several pages, it always display the default tags instead of the tags I specific.


and the file permission of /includes/header_tags is ok, as it is updated once I update tags for pages.


any suggestions?




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I can't update tags for several pages, it always display the default tags instead of the tags I specific.


and the file permission of /includes/header_tags is ok, as it is updated once I update tags for pages.


any suggestions?

Maybe you don't have the correct check box checked in page control for that page?

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Hi Jack,


For pages like about_us.php, what's your suggestion for these checkbox?





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For pages like about_us.php, what's your suggestion for these checkbox?


The only ones that will work are the root and default ones. If you want something specific, then use the root.

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Does this mean, that your contrib isn't fully compatible with USU5? Any experience?

No, it means USU5 is not comaptible with this contribution, and quite a few others. For that reason, and others, I recommend Ultimate SEO V2.2d. If you want to use USU5, then you have to find a solution in its support thread.

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No, it means USU5 is not comaptible with this contribution, and quite a few others. For that reason, and others, I recommend Ultimate SEO V2.2d. If you want to use USU5, then you have to find a solution in its support thread.


Jack stop talking garbage. I find it increasingly offensive that you continue this stupid misinformation, I'll clarify it right now.


USU5 has no known issues ( PRO is new and highly complex so may have a few until over it's initial release ).


Why does header tags break:


Answer: It is buggy.


Why is it buggy: because it breaks with path based uris, plain and simple and not just USU5 ANY path based URIs so get it fixed and stop telling clear untruths!! If you are not willing to correct these bugs then at least have the decency to hold your hands up and admit to them.


It is ridiculously easy to prove ..


The following are perfectly valid seo urls as produced by USU5.




Result header tags works, why? because it is exactly the same as Chemos old urls.


www.mysite.com/index.php/cPath/1 ( standard osCommerce SEF url )


Header tags breaks because it is buggy.


www.mysite.com/index.php/my-great-product-p-2 ( perfectly valid USU5 path based URL ).


Header tags breaks because it is buggy.


Now stop pointing the finger at contributions that work and fix the bugs in your contributions that don't.

Edited by FWR Media
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Okay, okay, i see it's a difficult topic.


The Header Tags SEO is a wealthy contrib, because u can give each product/kategory

a explicit meta information. That's why i will use ist instate of the

"KissMT Dynamic SEO Meta & Canonical Header Tags" Contrib. There u can "only" generate

automaticaly the meta information. Am I right?


So let's fix the probleme with this Header Tags SEO contrib.

I don't understand the difficulty, the url's are mostely the

same u see:







Result header tags works, why? because it is exactly the same as Chemos old urls.


www.mysite.com/index.php/cPath/1 ( standard osCommerce SEF url )


Header tags breaks because it is buggy.


www.mysite.com/index.php/my-great-product-p-2 ( perfectly valid USU5 path based URL ).


Header tags breaks because it is buggy.





The difference is the additional "index.php" and the less ".html" at the end.

So, where can I edit this missing Tags in the Header Tags SEO Contrib?

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So let's fix the probleme with this Header Tags SEO contrib.

I don't understand the difficulty, the url's are mostely the

same u see:

Thre isn't anything to fix. It works fine.

The difference is the additional "index.php" and the less ".html" at the end.

So, where can I edit this missing Tags in the Header Tags SEO Contrib?

If there are missing meta tags, then you run fill tags or edit the item in catalog. Buf if you are talking about the url, that isn't a problem with this contribution so I can't help you.

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Thre isn't anything to fix. It works fine.


The whole contribution breaking if osCommerce produces path based urls isn't a problem?


It's a very serious problem if your users want to use the standard osCommerce Seo Urls or any other seo url contribution producing this type of url.

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In my deafult language the title tags work but in my second language nothing shows what can be wrong??

Did you enter text for the second language in Page Control? If you run the test function, do you get any language errors?

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I just got done installing this contribution and it went smooth as butter. My product pages and index are working perfectly. Almost everything is working perfectly.


The problem I am having is that on my custom pages which I have added the code to the header and are in the root of my site. They are only displaying the default header tags. So anything I type in the page control admin has no effect on them.


This is not true for product_info.php or for index.php but all of my custom pages are like that. I unchecked the three default checkboxes as well. this is the only code I added to the page maybe there is something else I need?


/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');
} else {
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">
 <title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>
/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/



Is there something I am missing?

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Txt is ok and no errors.. but I have ultimate seo innstalled as well and if turn it off the second language tags are working just fine

can this be solved in some way?

If you are using Ultimate SEO V2.2d, then there shouldn't be any problem. If you are using 2.2d, check to see if you have the Header Tags options set. That might be causing a problem. In fact, you may want to try turning off all of the options and then turing them on one at a time to see which is causing the problem. If you are using some other url rewriter, you will need to take it up with that contribution since the problem is with it.

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I just got done installing this contribution and it went smooth as butter. My product pages and index are working perfectly. Almost everything is working perfectly.


The problem I am having is that on my custom pages which I have added the code to the header and are in the root of my site. They are only displaying the default header tags. So anything I type in the page control admin has no effect on them.


This is not true for product_info.php or for index.php but all of my custom pages are like that. I unchecked the three default checkboxes as well. this is the only code I added to the page maybe there is something else I need?


/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');
} else {
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">
 <title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>
/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/



Is there something I am missing?



Ok well I found the problem. It is due to my filename.php naming scheme being different then the standard I believe. So for instance one of my pages was defined in filenames.php as: define('CAT_BAFFIN_ALL', 'cat_baffin_all.php');


And then in header_tags.php it show up as follows:


// cat_baffin_all.php
 case (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === FILENAME_N_ALL):
   if (! ReadCacheHeaderTags($header_tags_array, basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), $language, '')) {
     $header_tags_array = tep_header_tag_page(FILENAME_N_ALL);
     WriteCacheHeaderTags($header_tags_array, basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), $language, '');


If I change the FILENAME_N_ALL it works. Is there a way to somehow automate that? I kind of doubt it.

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Ok well I found the problem. It is due to my filename.php naming scheme being different then the standard I believe. So for instance one of my pages was defined in filenames.php as: define('CAT_BAFFIN_ALL', 'cat_baffin_all.php');


And then in header_tags.php it show up as follows:


// cat_baffin_all.php
 case (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === FILENAME_N_ALL):
   if (! ReadCacheHeaderTags($header_tags_array, basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), $language, '')) {
     $header_tags_array = tep_header_tag_page(FILENAME_N_ALL);
     WriteCacheHeaderTags($header_tags_array, basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), $language, '');


If I change the FILENAME_N_ALL it works. Is there a way to somehow automate that? I kind of doubt it.

Hmm, I can't imagine why one would change the filename definitions like that but you are correct, that will cause a failure. The code in Header Tags assumes the filename definitions to begin with FILENAME_. If it can't find such a definition, it tries to build one, which is why you see FILENAME_N_ALL, which is invalid. To fix it, you would have to change the code in admin/includes/functions/header_tags.php and includes/header_tags.php (I think that is all). The better approach would be to do a mass search and replace in your shops file and change all instances of CAT_BAFFIN_ALL to FILENAME. Of course, that assumes that is only used for filenames. If the person that did it uses that elsewhere, it may break your shop.

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Hmm, I can't imagine why one would change the filename definitions like that but you are correct, that will cause a failure. The code in Header Tags assumes the filename definitions to begin with FILENAME_. If it can't find such a definition, it tries to build one, which is why you see FILENAME_N_ALL, which is invalid. To fix it, you would have to change the code in admin/includes/functions/header_tags.php and includes/header_tags.php (I think that is all). The better approach would be to do a mass search and replace in your shops file and change all instances of CAT_BAFFIN_ALL to FILENAME. Of course, that assumes that is only used for filenames. If the person that did it uses that elsewhere, it may break your shop.


It actually won't take long at all to replace all the filenames to look like that as its only in filenames.php and my header.


I just didn't know the naming scheme it had to be.

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Is this contribution compatible with Online Merchant 2.2 RC1 because I can't find any of the code you are asking me to change in index.php or product_info.php?

Shop Egon Publishers


N.B. This is a bookshop so quite a few fields like Manufacturer are turned off and extra fields like ISBN are added.

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Is this contribution compatible with Online Merchant 2.2 RC1 because I can't find any of the code you are asking me to change in index.php or product_info.php?


N.B. This is a bookshop so quite a few fields like Manufacturer are turned off and extra fields like ISBN are added.

Yes, Header Tags will work with any version of oscommerce. The problem is that your shop is using a template so the code has probably been hacked up so that it no longer resembles oscommerce code. Header Tags can still be installed but it would require going through the code and adjusting the instructions based on it.

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It actually won't take long at all to replace all the filenames to look like that as its only in filenames.php and my header.


I just didn't know the naming scheme it had to be.


Ok I changed all the filename definitions however I need to "delete" and re-add all of them through the admin. Is there a quicker way to do that than to do each one individually?

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