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Header Tags SEO


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Hey guys,


I really hope that someone can help...


I've just installed the contribution and am having 1 problem...


On every page where there are either no subcategories or you are looking at the product I just get a load of PHP under the application_top section.


"/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) $db_query = tep_db_query("select manufacturers_htc_title_tag as htc_title, manufacturers_htc_description as htc_description from " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS_INFO . " where languages_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and manufacturers_id = '" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'] . "'"); else $db_query = tep_db_query("select categories_htc_title_tag as htc_title, categories_htc_description as htc_description from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " where categories_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "' and language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $htc = tep_db_fetch_array($db_query); ?> "


I can't understand why this code isn't being processed by the Server and why its behaving in the way it is.


The site I am currently building is www.neddyup.co.uk. If you click on the 'For Dog' button you will see what I mean but if you click on the 'For You' button where their are subcategories the issue doesn't appear.


Does anyone have any idea why it is behaving in this way? - I would really hate to have to revert the changes I have been doing tonight :(


Thanks in advance for your help



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How can we avoid to have same title and description for every page if ha category has more than one page?




Page 1, Page2, Page 3 of the category are for google pages with duplicate description and title.


Something like: Category Name - Products from 10 to 20 - Website name will be good.

There's not an option for that in the contribution. It wouldn't make any sense, it seems to me, to have different titles since it is still the same category.



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Hey guys,


I really hope that someone can help...


I've just installed the contribution and am having 1 problem...


On every page where there are either no subcategories or you are looking at the product I just get a load of PHP under the application_top section.


"/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) $db_query = tep_db_query("select manufacturers_htc_title_tag as htc_title, manufacturers_htc_description as htc_description from " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS_INFO . " where languages_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and manufacturers_id = '" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'] . "'"); else $db_query = tep_db_query("select categories_htc_title_tag as htc_title, categories_htc_description as htc_description from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " where categories_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "' and language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); $htc = tep_db_fetch_array($db_query); ?> "


I can't understand why this code isn't being processed by the Server and why its behaving in the way it is.

You've made a mistake with the installation. Probably added, didn't add or removed a php delimiter.



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Fixed it! - That will teach me for trying to do so much in a day when I'm really tired! lol...1 extra ?> is all it takes to mess the whole site up! :)


Great contribution by the way!


Oh, I did spot one thing that I'm still having a problem with, sometimes when assigning the values to a page I get the error: 'Missing sort orders are not allowed'...Do you know what causes this?


Thanks again!

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Fixed it! - That will teach me for trying to do so much in a day when I'm really tired! lol...1 extra ?> is all it takes to mess the whole site up! :)


Great contribution by the way!


Oh, I did spot one thing that I'm still having a problem with, sometimes when assigning the values to a page I get the error: 'Missing sort orders are not allowed'...Do you know what causes this?


Thanks again!

If you select an option to add to a page, you have to select the sort order for it too. It is the box right next to the checkbox for the option you add.



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How can we avoid to have same title and description for every page if ha category has more than one page?




Page 1, Page2, Page 3 of the category are for google pages with duplicate description and title.


Something like: Category Name - Products from 10 to 20 - Website name will be good.


Hi Jack,

This is what I was asking a couple pages back but not so clearly :-) The meta titles and meta descriptions for every page in a category, specials, product reviews, links manager pages, etc. are viewed as duplicate content to Google in Webmaster tools. Anything with pagination it seems. The unique content on page does not seem to matter they (Google) wants unique meta titles and meta descriptions for every page under each category. Is it possible this may be added to an update of Header Tags SEO? Or something you will look into maybe?

Thank you once again for your continued sharing and knowledge!!!


Log Cabin Fever Gifts

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Hi Jack,

This is what I was asking a couple pages back but not so clearly :-) The meta titles and meta descriptions for every page in a category, specials, product reviews, links manager pages, etc. are viewed as duplicate content to Google in Webmaster tools. Anything with pagination it seems. The unique content on page does not seem to matter they (Google) wants unique meta titles and meta descriptions for every page under each category. Is it possible this may be added to an update of Header Tags SEO? Or something you will look into maybe?

Thank you once again for your continued sharing and knowledge!!!


Title and meta tags have never caused duplicate content porblems. It is perfectly permissible for every page of a site to use the same title and meta tags, though not very useful for SEO purposes. What you are referring to is the fact that the same page can be seen with different urls. That is what causes the problem, though I haven't seen evidence that it actually is one. But Header Tags doesn't do anything with the url's so changing it would not help.



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Dear Jack,


thank you for your great contribution to OS Commerce. !


I have the following system running:


Software installed:

OS Commerce 2.2 RC2

Ultimate Seo Urls 2.1d plus validation fix

Header Tags SEO V3.0

a custom skin


I have added the Header Tags SEO as indicated in the manual. However, I must have done something wrong because it does not have ANY effect on my page. The meta tags for any site, be it the index.php or any product, do not bear evidence for the existance of the Header Tags SEO contribution. I am completely baffled as this cannot be.

However, I do not receive any error messages either.


Can you help me on this matter? What could have happened?


Thank you very much,



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Hi Jack


Firstly, this is a really excellent contribution and I truly appreciate the work you and others put in to developing OsCommerce. Without you no one would be using OsCommerce, thanks to yours and others contributions (and continued support) surely OsCommerce can rival other commercial solutions. I know without you guys many shop owners would never be able to find the money to use commercial shopping cart software so.... thankyou!



I've installed the latest version of HT SEO on my test server and despite the long install and the fact that my shop was so heavily modded it seems to have worked out great! There's only one small problem...


It doesnt appear to have filled any of the index or category tags. Product_info works fine and fills the tags correctly, but the meta tags on my index and category pages are completely blank. How can they be filled to say the name of the manufacturer, or the category?





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This is a great contribution but for some reason my tags don't work on any page accept for index.php because in admin section I added them manually. It seems like titles, desc. and keywords don't get pulled from the server. After executing fill tags I checked the server and it's there. Could some one please help me figure it out.



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It doesnt appear to have filled any of the index or category tags. Product_info works fine and fills the tags correctly, but the meta tags on my index and category pages are completely blank. How can they be filled to say the name of the manufacturer, or the category?
Hmm, three different people with the same problem. That's a new one.


If the tags don't show up, it is either because the code is not installed correctly or the database is missing the items. Please look back in this thread for ways to check those items.



Edited by Jack_mcs

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Hi Jack,


I've discovered a second problem. When I click on 'Catalog' in the Admin menu I get the following error:


Parse error: parse error in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\admin\categories.php on line 93


I know that is very general and I know you will say take a look and make sure it is installed correctly, but I have replaced exactly what the instructions say. I do have Ultimate SEO URL's installed and this may be affecting it as you can see below. Is the error obvious from these lines?


84		  $language_id = $languages[$i]['id'];
86 /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
87	  $sql_data_array = array('categories_name' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id]),
88		   'categories_htc_title_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_title_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_title_array[$language_id]) :  tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id])),
89		   'categories_htc_desc_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_desc_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_desc_array[$language_id]) :  tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id])),
90		   'categories_htc_keywords_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_keywords_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_keywords_array[$language_id]) :  tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id])),
91		   'categories_htc_description' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_description_array[$language_id]));
92	  /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/
93	 	   'categories_seo_url' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_seo_url_array[$language_id]));
96		  if ($action == 'insert_category') {
97			$insert_sql_data = array('categories_id' => $categories_id,
98									 'language_id' => $languages[$i]['id']);

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Hi Jack...


I would love your contribution to work. After having asking help in the french forum, I am turning to you.


I redid and rechecked my installation... but:


1- when I run the "fill tags" it show a error from the server...

2- in the admin "page control", above I have:

that page must have the Header Tags code installed. See the Install_Catalog.txt file for directions on how to do that. Once that code has been added, the following options will allow for setting it up and applying whatever options are applicable to it.

3- on the top of "page control" I have

Found Missing Tags:

Products table has 208 items with missing meta tag information.Categories table has 53 items with missing meta tag information.


I know I have a lot of problems, but may be it is only one creating everything..

I already reinstalled it and I just rechecked EVERYTHING...

I do not know what to do anymore...



Thanks in advance !



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Hmm, three different people with the same problem. That's a new one.


If the tags don't show up, it is either because the code is not installed correctly or the database is missing the items. Please look back in this thread for ways to check those items.





Jack, I have installed the code to the best of my ability and have double checked all changes I've made. I can't see where the code could be going wrong. After looking through the thread I havent found a way to check to see if the database is missing these items.


I did read that a couple of people were having problems when they had Ultimate SEO URL's installed, but there are also numbers of people who experience no problem with the two installed together. Unfortunately, it seems that no one was able to find a fix for this either.


Im at a loose end here. I'm dont know how to proceed, does the error mean anything to anyone else?

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Hi Jack,


I've discovered a second problem. When I click on 'Catalog' in the Admin menu I get the following error:


Parse error: parse error in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\admin\categories.php on line 93


I know that is very general and I know you will say take a look and make sure it is installed correctly, but I have replaced exactly what the instructions say. I do have Ultimate SEO URL's installed and this may be affecting it as you can see below. Is the error obvious from these lines?

Yes, it is a coding problem. There are copies of the categories file in the contribution. Use the one that matches your version to see that it works. Then compare it to your file to see where the mistake is at.



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1- when I run the "fill tags" it show a error from the server...
Sharing what the error is might help find the problem. Your other problems are probably related to this one. The fill tags script just uses the code on that page, the functions file and the database. So it seems like you didn't upload the needed files or the database changes were not made.



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Hey Jack,

I've checked everything. Fill in tags option works. Everything gets filled in and I see it on the server. When I set Default Tags in admin - it shows up on every page. When I try to set title, desc, keywords on product_info.php - nothing changes and when I click view results - it comes up blank at the bottom. I'm using SEO_URLS contr. with caching. What do you think I need to check to figure out the problem. Please let me know.\



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Sharing what the error is might help find the problem. Your other problems are probably related to this one. The fill tags script just uses the code on that page, the functions file and the database. So it seems like you didn't upload the needed files or the database changes were not made.




Sorry to not having be more clear.

The error is exactly:


Error 500 - Internal server error


If it is from the same problem it would be good...

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Hi Jack,


Im a little confused as I've come across a difference between what the Install_Admin.TXT file asks me to add and what is already added in the catalog_for_new_shop_only_MS2 > admin > categories.php file.


For example:


In Install_Admin.TXT it says to:


FIND (a few lines down - around line 72)


$sql_data_array = array('categories_name' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id]));



	  /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
  $sql_data_array = array('categories_name' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id]),
	   'categories_htc_title_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_title_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_title_array[$language_id]) :  tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id])),
	   'categories_htc_desc_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_desc_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_desc_array[$language_id]) :  tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id])),
	   'categories_htc_keywords_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_keywords_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_keywords_array[$language_id]) :  tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id])),
	   'categories_htc_description' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_description_array[$language_id]));
  /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/



BUT... the actual file under catalog_for_new_shop_only_MS2 shows:


/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
  $sql_data_array = array('categories_name' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id]),
	   'categories_htc_title_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_title_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($categories_htc_title_array[$language_id])) :  tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($categories_name_array[$language_id]))),
	   'categories_htc_desc_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_desc_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_desc_array[$language_id]) :  tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id])),
	   'categories_htc_keywords_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_keywords_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($categories_htc_keywords_array[$language_id])) :  tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($categories_name_array[$language_id]))),
	   'categories_htc_description' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_description_array[$language_id]));
  /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/



Is this because the Manual Install instructions are written assuming that each shop is using RC2? As I am using MS2 should I change my categories file to use the same code in the respective files under the MS2 folder, rather than what the Install_Admin.TXT says?


By the way, I did replace my categories.php file with the one in the MS2 folder and the categories file worked perfectly and allowed manual editing of tags per product, although obviously lacked the added features I have in my categories.php file (More Pics 6, Ultimate SEO URLs).

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Great contribution and I'm looking forward to using it, but I have a slight problem.


Everything seems to be working as it should in the Admin side, and all the tags/headings appear as expected on my website, but when I click on to a sub-category link, no products appear. All that I get showing is the category heading and image.


Top categories show as they should, with links/images to nested categories and a selection of products.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Many thanks,


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Sorry to not having be more clear.

The error is exactly:

That error can be caused by a number of things so I won't be able to help you with it since isolating it would take too much time in a forum like this. You could try asking your host and see if they will explain why it is failing that way.



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Hi Jack,


Im a little confused as I've come across a difference between what the Install_Admin.TXT file asks me to add and what is already added in the catalog_for_new_shop_only_MS2 > admin > categories.php file.



Is this because the Manual Install instructions are written assuming that each shop is using RC2? As I am using MS2 should I change my categories file to use the same code in the respective files under the MS2 folder, rather than what the Install_Admin.TXT says?


By the way, I did replace my categories.php file with the one in the MS2 folder and the categories file worked perfectly and allowed manual editing of tags per product, although obviously lacked the added features I have in my categories.php file (More Pics 6, Ultimate SEO URLs).

I don't see the difference in the code. Perhaps just posting what you are trying to show would help. But since the file you used worked, it means the one you originally changed had an error. So you need to compare against that to find your mistake.



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Great contribution and I'm looking forward to using it, but I have a slight problem.


Everything seems to be working as it should in the Admin side, and all the tags/headings appear as expected on my website, but when I click on to a sub-category link, no products appear. All that I get showing is the category heading and image.


Top categories show as they should, with links/images to nested categories and a selection of products.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Many thanks,


You've made a mistake with the changes for the index.php file.



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I don't see the difference in the code. Perhaps just posting what you are trying to show would help. But since the file you used worked, it means the one you originally changed had an error. So you need to compare against that to find your mistake.





I restored my categories.php file from before the installation and redid all the changes. Yet, I still have the same problem. Surely it must be related to the Ultimate SEO URL code as the error always specifies that line of code. For example, the error I get when navigating to the categories.php page is:



Parse error: parse error in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\admin\categories.php on line 87

Which relates to:

/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
         $sql_data_array = array('categories_name' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id]),
	   'categories_htc_title_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_title_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($categories_htc_title_array[$language_id])) :  tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($categories_name_array[$language_id]))),
          'categories_seo_url' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_seo_url_array[$language_id]));          
   'categories_htc_desc_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_desc_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_desc_array[$language_id]) :  tep_db_prepare_input($categories_name_array[$language_id])),
          'categories_htc_keywords_tag' => (tep_not_null($categories_htc_keywords_array[$language_id]) ? tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($categories_htc_keywords_array[$language_id])) :  tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($categories_name_array[$language_id]))),
          'categories_htc_description' => tep_db_prepare_input($categories_htc_description_array[$language_id]));
     /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/	

Line 87 is ''categories_htc_desc_tag''. I cant help but notice that the line before ( 'categories_seo_url') ends in ';' and all other lines other than the last one and end in ',' Is this the problem?



I assume this because if I take out line 'categories_seo_url' I get this error:


Parse error: parse error in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\admin\categories.php on line 408


Which relates to:

/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
           $sql_data_array = array('products_name' => tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_name'][$language_id]),
                                   'products_description' => tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_description'][$language_id]),
                                   'products_url' => tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_url'][$language_id]),
			    'products_head_title_tag' => ((tep_not_null($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_head_title_tag'][$language_id])) ? tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_head_title_tag'][$language_id])) : tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_name'][$language_id]))),                                    	 
			    'products_seo_url' => tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_seo_url'][$language_id]));
			    'products_head_desc_tag' => ((tep_not_null($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_head_desc_tag'][$language_id])) ? tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_head_desc_tag'][$language_id]) : tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_name'][$language_id])),
                                   'products_head_keywords_tag' => ((tep_not_null($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_head_keywords_tag'][$language_id])) ? tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_head_keywords_tag'][$language_id])) : tep_db_prepare_input(strip_tags($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_name'][$language_id]))));                                     
       /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/

Line 408 being 'products_head_desc_tag', again, the previous line ends in ';' when all others, other than the last, end in ','

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