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Parse Error with USPS Labels installation

Tilapia Film

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I am installing USPS Lables and the installation went just fine, except toward the end the instructions say:

Line 416 after:


     if (isset($oInfo) && is_object($oInfo)) {

       $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>[' . $oInfo->orders_id . ']  ' . tep_datetime_short($oInfo->date_purchased) . '</b>');

       $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, tep_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id . '&action=edit') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_edit.gif', IMAGE_EDIT) . '</a> <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, tep_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id . '&action=delete') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_delete.gif', IMAGE_DELETE) . '</a>');

       $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS_INVOICE, 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id) . '" TARGET="_blank">' . tep_image_button('button_invoice.gif', IMAGE_ORDERS_INVOICE) . '</a> <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS_PACKINGSLIP, 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id) . '" TARGET="_blank">' . tep_image_button('button_packingslip.gif', IMAGE_ORDERS_PACKINGSLIP) . '</a>');

       $contents[] = array('text' => '<br>' . TEXT_DATE_ORDER_CREATED . ' ' . tep_date_short($oInfo->date_purchased));

       if (tep_not_null($oInfo->last_modified)) $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_DATE_ORDER_LAST_MODIFIED . ' ' . tep_date_short($oInfo->last_modified));

       $contents[] = array('text' => '<br>' . TEXT_INFO_PAYMENT_METHOD . ' '  . $oInfo->payment_method);

Insert (before the "}"):

       $rqShipping = tep_db_query("SELECT title FROM " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " WHERE orders_id = " . $oInfo->orders_id . " AND class = 'ot_shipping'");

       $shipping = tep_db_fetch_array($rqShipping);

       $ship_method = substr(preg_replace(array('/^United States Postal Service/', '/^US Postal Service/'),'USPS',$shipping['title']),0,-1);

       $contents[] = array('text' => '<br>' . TEXT_INFO_SHIPPING_METHOD . ' ' . (preg_match('/Priority/',$ship_method)? $ship_method : '<b>' . $ship_method . '</b>'));

       if (preg_match('/^USPS/',$ship_method)) {



So before the last } I inserted the code as instructed.


However when I tried to go to order page in admin..... I got a Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in on line 409 which around there reads like this:


if (isset($oInfo) && is_object($oInfo)) {


$heading[] = array('text' => '<b>[' . $oInfo->orders_id . ']  ' . tep_datetime_short($oInfo->date_purchased) . '</b>');



which I NEVER changed. I merely pasted code below this area.


But the interesting thing is that if I REMOVE this line.... everything seems to work fine.



So my question is.... what is this line? Is it ok to remove? And how can I fix my parsing error???



Thanks so much !!!

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