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Need new description boxes on mainpage.


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I was wondering if anyone has put out a contribution already that allows you to have a brief description in the mainpage?

I havent seen one, but maybe i have missed something.


Or does anyone know how to put this in place? I have tried but not succeeded!


This is what I mean if you need an idea of what I am on about. I want this on the mainpage of my site for each product.




If you can not see it go here: http://www.lan-arena.co.uk/description.gif


Please let me know if you can help me with this, I really need it!





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I thought that too Kenny


But I keep buggering something up in my attempts.

It just kills the complete page when I try it.


I have not quite got the hang of database integration with php, and I recon that is where my problem lies... :cry:


I know from seeing your site and speaking with you before that you are quite nifty at messing with OSC, even to a point when some were a little upset.

Putting that behind us I hope we can now extract some of that excellent knowledge you have to help with issues wuch as this. :wink:


In fact - feel free to come up with something on these lines if you wish. :D :wink:


But seriously, if you have any good pointers to help me with this I would appreciate it.



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I have installed this addition but it only seems to be for listings in the categories section rather than on the homepage.


Anyone have instructions on what I need to change in the admin section for this feature to occur?


BTW - nice graphic!

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There isnt really anything that can be done to make this work on the mainpage, apart from hacking the mod you have.


I recon if a little time is spent taking out the needed part from the product listing description mod and putting it into featured products mod, then we could make this work.


But I am not sucseeding in making it work at present.


Let me know if anyone else has more luck.



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The descriptions in product listing hack isn't going to help terribly much here. It will give you a handy function to truncate the text you're displaying and show you how to strip unwanted html, but that's about it. The query will probably need to be tweaked a bit and the implementation reworked to suit the module. So basically this will call for a completely new hack.


A hint to integrate things into the admin side: check out the sql instructions for the installation of this hack :wink:

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-- Andrew Jackson

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