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Who can help me with 2 big OSC problems

Peter Dirks

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Underneath are the issues, which we ran into missing/failing in the 2.2 version,

the problem is that none of the available mods is up2date to be working with the latest releases, therefore this posting



The most important 1

- creditcard(VISA) and the CVV/ccv number

None of the mods is working with the 2.2 releases, atleast the ones

from20 august and later

Visa is no longer accepting Payments without the CVV/CCV number

given, but putting that aside as backinfo


- Disabeling States/Provincies: if youy have to define all states for all

286 countries (lets say 10 states a country means 2860 cells extra in the database), isn't it easier to disable the whole states-thing from the Shop..

Currently we don't use it in our shop, and we are shipping to the US without any problems.....

however if we try to disable States in OSC, then the whole tax-zone collapse



So my questions are:

who can help me fixing the CVV/CCV part of CCpayment

or mod/update one of the existing to get it working with the current 2.2 releases


Does anybody know the answer on the state/province problem,to disable it completely or a good working method, to get the shop functioning "normally"


maybe i sound a bit agressive

but thats due to the fact i'm stuck to the ceiling :), 'cause everything we need to change on the shop to get inline with the "normal" worldwide stores available, results in a completely NONfunctional shop of OSC




if anybody has time first to read my posting and second also finds time to answer/help me...


my future kids would be gratefull/honour to you....



Thanx/ & appreciation

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As far as the Credit Card/Cvv number mod goes try Si Cranmers contribution




don't be put off by the fact that it says UK Switch. It actually covers all major credit cards and allows a bit more personalisation in admin over which Credit Cards you accept.


I've just integrated this into a 29 August Snapshot with no problems.


Nice one Si.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Your *processor* may not be accepting Visa without the CCV number, but VISA does. I put through a lot of them today, no problem at all.


Very few banks systems support the code correctly right now to get the better rate you would normally get, but, it still is very useful for fraud control.


For those who do store credit card numbers, you CANNOT store this card not present code. Period. This is explicitly forbidden by Visa/MC/etc.


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Your *processor* may not be accepting Visa without the CCV number, but VISA does. I put through a lot of them today, no problem at all.


That really depends on the type of contract you have and on your geographical location... In the Netherlands VISA nor Mastercard will accept mailorder transactions WITHOUT the CCV code.


period :)

"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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Wow, won't accept it?


I'd love to hear their explanation about this. Customer orders online. They do include the CCV code. Visa regulations say you *cannot* under any circumstances store the CCV code. You ship the item a week later. You cannot charge the card in advance, you are not permitted to do so.


So, how do you submit the transaction to Visa, as you were not permitted to store the CCV code, and thus do not have it?


Can you ask them in your country where they do not permit this? I'd love to hear a real explanation as to how they expect that to work.


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