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send_order_html_email - English?!

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I am trying to install the latest version of the send_order_html_email_v1 contribution for a client, but I cannot read or translate French.


Can someone please translate, or post up English instructions?



This contribution enables you to send a mail in HTML (subscription, orders ...).

On each status of the order, you have a different message which you can change.

You have now in admin : 

professional template integrated in admin for the orders follow
Now, you can change the text when the orders status is pending or processing or delivered
The security is increased : now there are no links with the admin directory
You can change the template in the mail_html_admin.css in the catalog diectory or the image (but becarefull the size)

In catalog just a little modification.

The french version allow to connect direclty on the french post to follow your order (see note).

Cette contribution vous permet d'envoyer des mails au format HTML lors de la souscription, commande, suivi.

Su chaque statut de la commande, you pouvez param?trer des messages diff?rents.

Vous avez maintenant :
Un template professionnel int?gr? pour le suivi de commande
Vous pouvez changer les textes du suivi de commande en fonction du statut attente, en cours, envoy?
La s?curit? a ?t? augment?e, aucun liens n'est en relation avec le r?pertoire admin
Vous pouvez changer certains ?l?ments du template via le css.

Pour le catalog, il y a juste de petites modifications.

La version francaise permet en plus d'avoir la possibilit? de pouvoir se connecter directement au site de la poste 
(code encore ? d?velopper de votre part, j'ai mis un lien direct avec une variable $coliposte).
Cela fera l'objet d'une prochaine ?volution du pack (voir note)

Loic Richard alias Gyakutsuki on oscommerce-fr.info

Make a donation on paypal.com or paypal.fr

[email protected]



Addon for oscommerce MS2.2 after 29/05/2003

Compare the files before installation.
Use beyond compare or examdiff pro software


######### Added send HTML MAIL ####### 


######### End Added send html mail #######

Little ug discover and updated in order.php.


Version 5.1

just a little bug fix in add_create_account.php

Version 5.0

This is a new version :

Html orders in admin directory
professional template integrated in admin for the orders follow
Now, you can change the text when the orders status is pending or processing or delivered
The security is increased : now there are no links with the admin directory
You can change the template in the mail_html_admin.css in the catalog diectory or the image (but becarefull the size)

Also included store logo management

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (145, 'Logo de la Boutique', 'STORE_LOGO', 'mylogo.gif', 'Logo de la Boutique', 1, 2, '2003-06-15 23:20:31', '2003-06-12 22:46:31', '', '');

################ note ##################

near line 90, you this code :
define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?tat de votre colis en temps r?el, cliquez ici :</B><A href="http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.'">');

This code is for the french post, but you can change :

delete this line
define('EMAIL_IMAGE_POSTE2', '<IMG src="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/mail/ar_laposte2.gif"  border=0>'); 
define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?tat de votre colis en temps r?el, cliquez ici :</B><A href="http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.'">');

And insert this line
define('EMAIL_IMAGE_POSTE2', '<A href="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG .'account.php"><IMG src="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/mail/ar_laposte1.jpg"  border=0>'); 
define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?volution de l\'?tat de votre  commande, cliquez ici :</B>');


proche de la ligne 90, vous trouverez ce code
define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?tat de votre colis en temps r?el, cliquez ici :</B><A href="http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.'">');

Ce code a ?t? mis pour le suivi coliposte

Si vous souhaitez utiliser ce code, vous devez d?velopper une nouveau champs dans la base de donn?es pour y introduire le num?ro de colipost. 
Sinon vous pouvez mettre ce code :

supprimer ces lignes
define('EMAIL_IMAGE_POSTE2', '<IMG src="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/mail/ar_laposte2.gif"  border=0>'); 
define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?tat de votre colis en temps r?el, cliquez ici :</B><A href="http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.'">');

et les remplacer par 
define('EMAIL_IMAGE_POSTE2', '<A href="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG .'account.php"><IMG src="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/mail/ar_laposte1.jpg"  border=0>'); 
define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?volution de l\'?tat de votre  commande, cliquez ici :</B>');


The files in admin are :

admin/includes/languages/english/add_orders.php  ===> No translated

The files in catalog are :







version 4.2.4

just a little correction html_checkout_process.php

Thank you fissiaux


Version 4.2.3

Just little bug in create_account.php


Version 4.2.1

just a little bug in check_out process.php


Version 4.2

This contribution allow to send a mail in html format, you can customize your html in the css.

A little modification in the code to solve the bug in checkout_process

I installed this add on on the last snapshopt mS2 before MS3 and he work fine. 
But if you have others contributions installed, i not guaranted nothing.



Version 4.1 Apr?s le snapshopt du 29/05/2003

Modification du fichier checkout_process suite ? un petit bug d'affichage des produits selon
les options.
Je tiens ? remercier speedline pour son aide et les solutions qu'il a apport?.

nb : comparer biens vos fichiers car j'ai des modules suppl?mentaires que j'ai install?.
Ip collector
Conditions d'acceptation
print order.


Gyakutsuki version 4

Elle marche uniquement avec les snapshopt du 29/05/2003 et suivantes.

Suppression du create_account_process.php (bizarre mais c'est comme ca):
Le code a ?t? mis dans create_account.php

Sinon, il ne vous reste plus qu'? comparer les fichiers.


Thank you!

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Thank you!


I installed it by simply finding the new bits of code in the files, and filling them in in the existing files.


I am, however, unsure of how this contribution actually works, though. The install was done for a client, and I ran through a test order to be sure there were no errors on the pages. I received no errors, but the email that was sent about the order was the standard osC email...

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Thank you!


I installed it by simply finding the new bits of code in the files, and filling them in in the existing files.


I am, however, unsure of how this contribution actually works, though. The install was done for a client, and I ran through a test order to be sure there were no errors on the pages. I received no errors, but the email that was sent about the order was the standard osC email...


You need to enable html e-mails from admin.


You may also want to check out http://www.oscommerce.com/community/bugs,3847

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Thanks again for the response!


I believe HTML emails are turned on, this is what it says:


Default E-Mailed HTML Invoice Template html_invoice.php

Send HTML or Text Invoices to Customers true

E-Mail Transport Method sendmail

E-Mail Linefeeds LF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS false

Send E-Mails true



After looking around some, I would be inclined to think that a file named html_invoice.php would need to be created in admin/includes/languages/english/ similar to invoice.php (in the same directory), but with html tags added into the text definitions?

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Thanks again for the response!


I believe HTML emails are turned on, this is what it says:


Default E-Mailed HTML Invoice Template html_invoice.php

Send HTML or Text Invoices to Customers true

E-Mail Transport Method sendmail

E-Mail Linefeeds LF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS false

Send E-Mails true

After looking around some, I would be inclined to think that a file named html_invoice.php would need to be created in admin/includes/languages/english/ similar to invoice.php (in the same directory), but with html tags added into the text definitions?


Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails true

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Two questions left, I think:


Where do I set the store logo?


Where do I change the email that is sent after an order is placed?




I basically have the catalog side working (create account and checkout), but cannot get all of the the css stuff working in both.


Methinks the admin has to be another contrib.


What progress have you made?

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