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The e-commerce.

anyone using basic mdwebhosting


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i am using mdwebhosting but having some problem


i sign up for the basic home web hosting plan which mean i don't get factastico to install oscommerce.


so i will have to do it manually by ftp the oscommerce catalog into public_html and run www.mystore.com/catalog to install it


but i can't get through the database setting, can anyone shed some light?


database server will be?

username leave blank?

password leave blank?

database name just put in anyname i want and it will automatically create them in mysql database?



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Database server will proably be 'localhost', but you should check with your hosting company.


User Name for MySQL access has to be the one which either you or your hosts set up. The same for MySQL Password.


You have to create a blank database before beginning the install. You usually do this in your web hosting control panel.


This advice is generic and would apply to any host.



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hi there,


i created a blank database using hosting Cpanel


and assign a full privillage user to the blank database


localhost is correct


password is empty

no persistant connection

ticked database


but it still giving me "Access denied name@localhost" :(


any help?

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