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What is the Best Payment Module for me.


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Was wondering if anyone could share to me what the best method of credit card processing is for me to integrate with OS Commerce. I purchase payflow pro, but have spent days now trying to integrate it w/ oscommerce, but it is just simply not working.


I want the customers to remain on my site while they fill out the cc info. I want my oscommerce to be integrated with the credit card processor. Payflow pro seemed perfect for me. But literally impossible for me to install.


So what do you think I should use?


Thanks for you input

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Was wondering if anyone could share to me what the best method of credit card processing is for me to integrate with OS Commerce.  I purchase payflow pro, but have spent days now trying to integrate it w/ oscommerce, but it is just simply not working.


I want the customers to remain on my site while they fill out the cc info.  I want my oscommerce to be integrated with the credit card processor.  Payflow pro seemed perfect for me.  But literally impossible for me to install.


So what do you think I should use?


Thanks for you input


If you process using Merchant account and payment gateway your customers are not redirected when the payment is made. Anyway there are some 3pp that also don't redirect your customers. Example- www.Merchantboss.com. Your customers stay at your site when the payment is processed.

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there are numerous ways of doing this, however is Verisign going to let you out of the contract?

Cambist, Authorizenet are just a few providers

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Merchant Boss seems really interesting....

Do you use this? How hard is it to set up with OsCommerce?


If you process using Merchant account and payment gateway your customers are not redirected when the payment is made. Anyway there are some 3pp that also don't redirect your customers. Example- www.Merchantboss.com. Your customers stay at your site when the payment is processed.

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Merchant Boss seems really interesting....

Do you use this? How hard is it to set up with OsCommerce?


Merchantboss is a good solution, that's true. As I know their payment module for OSC is being made right now. Ask the support team, I think they will tell you what the progress is.

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I joined today.... but I don't see any information on they're fees....

I've also contacted Peppercoin http://peppercoin.com/ because they handle micropayments. It's like 10? per transaction PERIOD....


on a 99? download, that means a lot as Pay Pal would take 33? (2.9% and 30? transaction fee)


Merchantboss is a good solution, that's true. As I know their payment module for OSC is being made right now. Ask the support team, I think they will tell you what the progress is.

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Last time i saw some rates from Merchantboss it was a 10% discount fee and a 10% rolling reserve for 180 days.....


Please post if you know their current rates, which should be a lot better to be of any interest.

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Last time i saw some rates from Merchantboss it was a 10% discount fee and a 10% rolling reserve for 180 days.....


Please post if you know their current rates, which should be a lot better to be of any interest.


Merchantboss' rates vary for different merchants. After your registration you may ask support for your rates. 10% holdback fee is not a fee for Merchantboss it's taken by acquiring bank for it's warranty, as I know.

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here's what I got from Merchant Boss:



There's a 10% percent sysyem fee...? a - is that per transaction or per month?


Per transaction.


So say I sold an album download for $9.99, how much of that money will I see.


Our bank adds $1.95 transaction fee per transaction.

So $9.99+$1.95=$11.94 = total transaction amount.


$10.76 - is your part of this transaction and $1.94 - is ours. $8.991 is yours.



Hold back is taken not by us but by our bank as a guarantee.

The money will be returned to you in 6 months (even if you stop working with us).


Hold back is deducted from your part of transaction when actually withdraw your funds.


I.e. $10.76 - 10% = $9.684 <-- you can withdraw this amount


Holded funds you will receive after 6 months (even if you stop working with us).


I have a programmer that can create a working OsCommerce payment module in two weeks


Maybe we will have it next week, if not - you assistance would be appreciated.

Edited by Mediajuggle

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