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[CONTRIBUTION] Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1 - by Chemo

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Problem: "Ultimate_SEO_URLSv22d_10 added on 5 Jul 2010 by (you :)

) Jack_mcs " after installing it gives me "Error 404: File Not Found" when i click on items. I have "oscommerce-2.2rc2a" not "RC2"

In the Instalation Step 3: Before Edit includes/functions/html_output.php ( problem could be due to Line 66 )


some lines that must be edited don't match: They are

I'm confused about this last step. You aren't supposed to edit the lines in the includes/functions/html_output.php. You are supposed to replace the whole section of code that starts with function tep_href_link. Don't pay any attention to comparing what is in that function since it is all to be replaced. Please try that and see what happens.

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Thanks Jack,


Problem: "Ultimate_SEO_URLSv22d_10 added on 5 Jul 2010 by (you :)

) Jack_mcs " after installing it gives me "Error 404: File Not Found" when i click on items. I have "oscommerce-2.2rc2a" not "RC2"


URL is: www.Diamonds.LK


.htaccess is:


# $Id: .htaccess,v 1.3 2003/06/12 10:53:20 hpdl Exp $


# This is used with Apache WebServers


# For this to work, you must include the parameter 'Options' to

# the AllowOverride configuration


# Example:


# <Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs">

# AllowOverride Options

# </Directory>


# 'All' with also work. (This configuration is in the

# apache/conf/httpd.conf file)


# The following makes adjustments to the SSL protocol for Internet

# Explorer browsers


<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>

<IfDefine SSL>

SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \

nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \

downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0




# If Search Engine Friendly URLs do not work, try enabling the

# following Apache configuration parameter


#AcceptPathInfo On


# Begin Ultimate SEO V2.2d

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On


# RewriteBase instructions

# Change RewriteBase dependent on how your shop is accessed as below.

# http://www.Diamonds.lk = RewriteBase /

# http://www.mysite.com/catalog/ = RewriteBase /catalog/

# http://www.mysite.com/catalog/shop/ = RewriteBase /catalog/shop/


# Change the following line using the instructions above


RewriteBase /


RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-(.*).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-(.*).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-(.*).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-(.*).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-au-(.*).html$ articles.php?authors_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-(.*).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-(.*).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-f-(.*).html$ faqdesk_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fc-(.*).html$ faqdesk_index.php?faqPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fri-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fra-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_article.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-(.*).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-links-(.*).html$ links.php?lPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pm-([0-9]+).html$ info_pages.php?pages_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-n-(.*).html$ newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nc-(.*).html$ newsdesk_index.php?newsPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nri-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nra-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_article.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-po-([0-9]+).html$ pollbooth.php?pollid=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

# End Ultimate SEO V2.2d



# Fix certain PHP values

# (commented out by default to prevent errors occuring on certain

# servers)


#<IfModule mod_php4.c>

# php_value session.use_trans_sid 0

# php_value register_globals 1




In the Instalation Step 3: Before Edit includes/functions/html_output.php ( problem could be due to Line 66 )


some lines that must be edited don't match: They are


Line 19:

Given: die('<br><br><font color="#ff0000"><b>Error!</b></font><br><br><b>Unable to determine the page link!<br><br>');

I have before Edit: die('</td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br><br><font color="#ff0000"><b>Error!</b></font><br><br><b>Unable to determine the page link!<br><br>');


Line 31:

Given: die('<br><br><font color="#ff0000"><b>Error!</b></font><br><br><b>Unable to determine connection method on a link!<br><br>Known methods: NONSSL SSL</b><br><br>');

I have before Edit: die('</td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br><br><font color="#ff0000"><b>Error!</b></font><br><br><b>Unable to determine connection method on a link!<br><br>Known methods: NONSSL SSL</b><br><br>');


Line 66 <<<<===********************** could be the problem ******************************

Given: $link .= $separator . $_sid;

I have before Edit: $link .= $separator . tep_output_string($_sid);


Line 70

Given: }</b>

I have before Edit: }


Please Help if any one knows how to fix this problem. :(



Shop is located at http://www.diamonds.lk/index.php


in the .htaccess


did try with

1) RewriteBase /index.php/

2) RewriteBase /index/


with 1 & 2 I still get the same problem :(

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in the .htaccess


did try with

1) RewriteBase /index.php/

2) RewriteBase /index/


with 1 & 2 I still get the same problem :(

The previous entry you had in the file was corect. The problem seems to be with the edits, as already mentioned.

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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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Hi hoping someone can help me - total beginner here.


I have tried the install but had a few error messages as a result associated with application_top.php, so I just copied over all of the original files that I had made a back up of before I did the install,


i.e. I just copied over the original files:








The site is fine, but when I try and go to www.http://mysitename.co.uk/admin to login in, I now get the error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_get_languages() in /home/digita27/public_html/admin/login.php on line 79


Can anyone help explain why this is, and the best way to allow me to bring back up the login panel again please?


Very worried and hoping it is simple.


Many thanks,



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Hi hoping someone can help me - total beginner here.


I have tried the install but had a few error messages as a result associated with application_top.php, so I just copied over all of the original files that I had made a back up of before I did the install,


i.e. I just copied over the original files:








The site is fine, but when I try and go to www.http://mysitename.co.uk/admin to login in, I now get the error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_get_languages() in /home/digita27/public_html/admin/login.php on line 79


Can anyone help explain why this is, and the best way to allow me to bring back up the login panel again please?


Very worried and hoping it is simple.

That error is saying a basic oscommerce function is missing. But that function isn't changed by this contribution. Also, this contribution doesn't provide files you can use for replacement so I don't know where you got the files to overwrite with. You should restore everything and make sure admin works. Then make the changes one at a time, starting with the innermost files in admin (functions) and checking after each change to make sure it still works.

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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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Ok thanks Jack_mcs, sorted that out now - used a more recent backup.


Can you help explain why I get the error message when trying to view the site after doing the SEO URL install and making the changes:


Warning: require(includes/classes/logger.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/digita27/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 76


Warning: require(includes/classes/logger.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/digita27/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 76


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/classes/logger.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/digita27/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 76


Running OSc V2.2 installed clean install 2.2


Thank you.

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Hi Jack,


I have reinstalled Windows Vista and so have also reinstall my oscommerce in local for testing purpose.


I have saved the database and /catalog/ before install Windows, so I just copy the database and catalog back.


But I now have Error 404 when I clic on items in the Categories, otherwise other links works fine as well as admin. The url looks correct like


but it cannot be found. Do you know what the problem can be?


I have Ultimate SEO V 2.2d-7, and oscommerce-2.2rc2a-fr


Here is my .htaccess :


Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /catalog/


RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-(.*).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-(.*).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-(.*).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-(.*).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-au-(.*).html$ articles.php?authors_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-(.*).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-(.*).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-f-(.*).html$ faqdesk_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fc-(.*).html$ faqdesk_index.php?faqPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fri-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fra-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_article.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-(.*).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-links-(.*).html$ links.php?lPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pm-([0-9]+).html$ info_pages.php?pages_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-n-(.*).html$ newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nc-(.*).html$ newsdesk_index.php?newsPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nri-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nra-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_article.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-po-([0-9]+).html$ pollbooth.php?pollid=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}


Thanks for your help

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Hi there


I installed the program..., I have checked and rechecked my installation and I have found one issue...,


If the SEO is switched on (top line in admin set to true), if I go to my website then choose any manufacturer - I simply get redirected back to the front page index.php. No Manufacturer page appears (see www.wizbits.biz, click on the manufacturers product search and you will see the loop). If I turn the SEO switch to false, then the manufacturer pages appear properly throughout the website and the loop stops!


What is causing this?



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Ok thanks Jack_mcs, sorted that out now - used a more recent backup.


Can you help explain why I get the error message when trying to view the site after doing the SEO URL install and making the changes:


Warning: require(includes/classes/logger.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/digita27/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 76


Warning: require(includes/classes/logger.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/digita27/public_html/includes/application_top.php on line 76

The error is saying it can't find the logger.php file. Since that is not part of the standard oscommerce package, I can't help you with it. You'll need to install a valid copy of oscommerce or ask in general support for help with the missing file.

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I have reinstalled Windows Vista and so have also reinstall my oscommerce in local for testing purpose.


I have saved the database and /catalog/ before install Windows, so I just copy the database and catalog back.


But I now have Error 404 when I clic on items in the Categories, otherwise other links works fine as well as admin. The url looks correct like


but it cannot be found. Do you know what the problem can be?

If all of the links work with Ultimate SEO turned off, it could be that you don't have mod_rewrite enabled.

Support Links:

For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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I installed the program..., I have checked and rechecked my installation and I have found one issue...,


If the SEO is switched on (top line in admin set to true), if I go to my website then choose any manufacturer - I simply get redirected back to the front page index.php. No Manufacturer page appears (see www.wizbits.biz, click on the manufacturers product search and you will see the loop). If I turn the SEO switch to false, then the manufacturer pages appear properly throughout the website and the loop stops!

A problem with the manufacturers was just answered recently. Maybe that will help.

Support Links:

For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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hi guys,


yep 404 error! went over the install seems ok, but when i set to ON i get the 404 error...


version: Ultimate SEO 2-2.2d-10


here is the .htaccess file that is on the server.

AuthType    basic
AuthName    "petshops.com.au"
AuthUserFile    /hsphere/local/home/USERNAME/petshops.com.au/_vti_pvt/XXXXXXX.pwd
AuthGroupFile    /hsphere/local/home/USERNAME/petshops.com.au/_vti_pvt/XXXXXXXX.grp
Require    valid-user
# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all

order deny,allow
deny from all

# Begin Ultimate SEO V2.2d 
Options  FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On 

 # RewriteBase instructions 
 # Change RewriteBase dependent on how your shop is accessed as below. 
 # http://www.mysite.com = RewriteBase / 
 # http://www.mysite.com/catalog/ = RewriteBase /catalog/  
 # http://www.mysite.com/catalog/shop/ = RewriteBase /catalog/shop/ 

 # Change the following line using the instructions above  

RewriteBase /catalog/

RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-(.*).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-(.*).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-(.*).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-(.*).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-au-(.*).html$ articles.php?authors_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-(.*).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-(.*).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-f-(.*).html$ faqdesk_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fc-(.*).html$ faqdesk_index.php?faqPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fri-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fra-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_article.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-(.*).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-links-(.*).html$ links.php?lPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pm-([0-9] ).html$ info_pages.php?pages_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-n-(.*).html$ newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nc-(.*).html$ newsdesk_index.php?newsPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nri-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nra-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_article.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-po-([0-9] ).html$ pollbooth.php?pollid=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
# End Ultimate SEO V2.2d


not sure if this line would change anything???

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*


running OSC 2.2-MS2


please help, this is a fantastic contrib and i have it running on other shops but just got this error on this one...


site: http://petshops.com.au/catalog/index.php


thanking you all in advance.


Edited by DogFoodIT
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not sure if this line would change anything???

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

It is best to remove everything except the Ultimate SEO code from the .htaccess file when a problem like this occurs to determine if any of it is causing a problem. If you remove it all and the redirects work, then add them back in one at a time, testing each as you go.

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The previous entry you had in the file was corect. The problem seems to be with the edits, as already mentioned.


Dear Jack can you pls take alook at my website and see whats wrong with it. :(




I did the instalation to the letter and geting the same pblem. PLS HELP


# $Id: .htaccess,v 1.3 2003/06/12 10:53:20 hpdl Exp $


# This is used with Apache WebServers


# For this to work, you must include the parameter 'Options' to

# the AllowOverride configuration


# Example:


# <Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs">

# AllowOverride Options

# </Directory>


# 'All' with also work. (This configuration is in the

# apache/conf/httpd.conf file)


# The following makes adjustments to the SSL protocol for Internet

# Explorer browsers


<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>

<IfDefine SSL>

SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \

nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \

downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0




# If Search Engine Friendly URLs do not work, try enabling the

# following Apache configuration parameter


#AcceptPathInfo On



# Fix certain PHP values

# (commented out by default to prevent errors occuring on certain

# servers)


#<IfModule mod_php4.c>

# php_value session.use_trans_sid 0

# php_value register_globals 1



# Begin Ultimate SEO V2.2d

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On


# RewriteBase instructions

# Change RewriteBase dependent on how your shop is accessed as below.

# http://www.diamonds.lk = RewriteBase /

# http://www.mysite.com/catalog/ = RewriteBase /catalog/

# http://www.mysite.com/catalog/shop/ = RewriteBase /catalog/shop/


# Change the following line using the instructions above


RewriteBase /


RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-(.*).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-(.*).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-(.*).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-(.*).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-au-(.*).html$ articles.php?authors_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-(.*).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-(.*).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-f-(.*).html$ faqdesk_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fc-(.*).html$ faqdesk_index.php?faqPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fri-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-fra-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_article.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-(.*).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-links-(.*).html$ links.php?lPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pm-([0-9]+).html$ info_pages.php?pages_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-n-(.*).html$ newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nc-(.*).html$ newsdesk_index.php?newsPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nri-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-nra-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_article.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-po-([0-9]+).html$ pollbooth.php?pollid=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

# End Ultimate SEO V2.2d

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Dear Jack can you pls take alook at my website and see whats wrong with it. :(


I did the instalation to the letter and geting the same pblem. PLS HELP

It's not possible to tell from the web what might be wrong. If you have installed it correctly and your server has mod_rewrite enabled then it should work. If it doesn't, then it is probably something in your code.

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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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404 error after the installation. I stripped out the .htaccess file and just put in the one that comes with the Ultimate SEO contribution. One change is required by host:



# For security reasons, Option followsymlinks cannot be overridden.

#Options +FollowSymLinks

Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

But everything else is as distributed.


Any page that is not a product or category loads correctly. http://stephaniebluebird.com/catalog/index.php loads and any page that is .php. But if a product is clicked on it returns


The requested URL /catalog/silver-ceramic-p-411.html does not exist.


The mouse over says the link is http://stephaniebluebird.com/catalog/silver-ceramic-p-411.html


I am sure this is something basic, but I have searched the forums and read about configure.php files and just didn't see the problem. I am going to disable SEO for now.

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If all of the links work with Ultimate SEO turned off, it could be that you don't have mod_rewrite enabled.


Dear Jack,


I think I am having this problem. Could you please tell me how to enable mod_rewrite?

Where should I edit?

What is the line(s) of code i need to insert to enable mod_rewrite?


I am soo sorry if this sounds like a very stupid and basic question. :( I have done about 6 Add-on installs that work properly to my new OSC and still very new at this.




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404 error after the installation. I stripped out the .htaccess file and just put in the one that comes with the Ultimate SEO contribution. One change is required by host:

.php files and just didn't see the problem. I am going to disable SEO for now.

Since you didn't post your .htaccess file, per the instructions, I can't help you.

Support Links:

For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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I think I am having this problem. Could you please tell me how to enable mod_rewrite?

Where should I edit?

What is the line(s) of code i need to insert to enable mod_rewrite?

That's a server setting. You'll need to contact your host and ask them to do that.

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I have insalled ultimate SEO URLs V22d_10. Whe in click on a product or a catergory i just get redirected back to the home page.


here is my url www.hfs-online.com


and my .htaccess file


# $Id: .htaccess 1739 2007-12-20 00:52:16Z hpdl $
# This is used with Apache WebServers
# For this to work, you must include the parameter 'Options' to
# the AllowOverride configuration
# Example:
# <Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs">
#   AllowOverride Options
# </Directory>
# 'All' with also work. (This configuration is in the
# apache/conf/httpd.conf file)

# The following makes adjustments to the SSL protocol for Internet
# Explorer browsers

#<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
#  <IfDefine SSL>
#    SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \
#             nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
#             downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
#  </IfDefine>

# If Search Engine Friendly URLs do not work, try enabling the
# following Apache configuration parameter

# AcceptPathInfo On

# Fix certain PHP values
# (commented out by default to prevent errors occuring on certain
# servers)

# php_value session.use_trans_sid 0
# php_value register_globals 1

# Begin Ultimate SEO V2.2d 
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On 

 # RewriteBase instructions 
 # Change RewriteBase dependent on how your shop is accessed as below. 
 # http://www.hfs-online.com = RewriteBase / 
 # http://www.mysite.com/catalog/ = RewriteBase /catalog/  
 # http://www.mysite.com/catalog/shop/ = RewriteBase /catalog/shop/ 

 # Change the following line using the instructions above  

RewriteBase /catalog/

RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-(.*).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-(.*).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-(.*).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-(.*).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-au-(.*).html$ articles.php?authors_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-(.*).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-(.*).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-f-(.*).html$ faqdesk_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fc-(.*).html$ faqdesk_index.php?faqPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fri-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fra-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_article.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-(.*).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-links-(.*).html$ links.php?lPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pm-([0-9]+).html$ info_pages.php?pages_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-n-(.*).html$ newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nc-(.*).html$ newsdesk_index.php?newsPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nri-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nra-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_article.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-po-([0-9]+).html$ pollbooth.php?pollid=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
# End Ultimate SEO V2.2d


any idea?


Edited by home_field
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I have insalled ultimate SEO URLs V22d_10. Whe in click on a product or a catergory i just get redirected back to the home page.


RewriteBase /catalog/

The above should be

RewriteBase /

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I changed that but it didnt make a difference. could it be some of my admin setting that need changing??

No, that shouldn't make a difference. It could be the code changes made by some templates as mentioned in this thread many times.

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It is best to remove everything except the Ultimate SEO code from the .htaccess file when a problem like this occurs to determine if any of it is causing a problem. If you remove it all and the redirects work, then add them back in one at a time, testing each as you go.


Thanks Jack i will give it a try...

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Hello, anybody know how to remove this strange url, not sure if it's a bug on seo url, when i open google webmaster, it's showing much different url for same content page, and there is strange string in url. Then i upgrade the ulitmate seo url to 2.2d, the problem still is there. Anybody had same problem to me, thanks.



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