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A Little Code Help


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I have a import utility, but for some reason on a particular drop down box, it sorts randomly. Can someone look at the below code and let me know what I missed to sort it alphabetically.


Thanks JR


<TD class='main' width='15%'>Categories:</TD>

<!--<TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="categories"></TD>-->


$cat_parents_sql="SELECT distinct(parent_id) FROM categories";


//put the parents in an array

$parents_array = $db->getAll($cat_parents_sql);


//now get a list of all the bottom level sub categories

$bottom_level_sql = "SELECT categories.categories_id,categories.parent_id, categories_name

FROM categories, categories_description

WHERE categories.categories_id = categories_description.categories_id

AND categories.categories_id not in (";

foreach($parents_array as $parent_id){ $bottom_level_sql .= $parent_id[0].','; }


$bottom_level_sql = rtrim($bottom_level_sql, ',');


$bottom_level_sql .= ") order by categories_name asc";


$bottom_level_query = $db->query($bottom_level_sql);

if (DB::iserror($bottom_level_query)){ die("'".$bottom_level_sql."' ".$bottom_level_query->getMessage()); }


<TD><SELECT name="category">




$category_string = $bottom_level_row[2]." (".$bottom_level_row[0].")";


$parent = $bottom_level_row[1];

while($parent != 0){

$get_upper_category_sql = "SELECT categories.categories_id,categories.parent_id,categories_name

FROM categories,categories_description

WHERE categories.categories_id = categories_description.categories_id

AND categories.categories_id = ".$parent." order by categories_name asc";


$get_upper_category_query = $db->query($get_upper_category_sql);

if (DB::iserror($get_upper_category_query)){

die("'".$get_upper_category_sql."' ".$get_upper_category_query->getMessage());





$parent = $upper_category_row[1];

$category_string = $upper_category_row[2] ."->".$category_string;





$category_string = ltrim($category_string,'->');


echo "<OPTION>".$category_string;






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There is a contribution called "attribute sorter" that will do what you want. I don't know if it will mess up what you have already done though. Worth checking out.



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