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Going Nuts


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Ok, after running about 50 one cent charges to my credit card I am starting to go nuts. I understand on page 9 there was some good information, however its not working for me. Here is what I did, please help:


Keep in mind I am running on a non-secure site so the checkout page is not secure until 2checkout - I am running OSC 2.2MS2 and just signed up for 2CO


I installed the latest PM2Checkout contribution


I then overwrote the PM2checkout and PM2checkout_process files with the information on page 9


I didn't write anything for the hash or secret word because for some reason I see 2 blank boxes and no wording describing what they are


Once I attempt to checkout everything goes fine until I click to confirm the order, then it says page cannot be displayed and charges the card. However it doesn't take me anywhere.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Or else a detailed list of everything to do if you just created a 2CO Account and have a new install of OSC installed. Thanks

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