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Everything posted by xs2usun

  1. Yes, please share. I'm receiving the same error. :(
  2. I'm receiving the same error as cmjennings21: Site Map data = array(); while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $this->data[$categories['parent_id']][$categories['categories_id']] = array('name' => $categories['categories_name'], 'count' => 0); } } function buildBranch($parent_id, $level = 0) { $result = $this->parent_group_start_string; if (isset($this->data[$parent_id])) { foreach ($this->data[$parent_id] as $category_id => $category) { $category_link = $category_id; $result .= $this->child_start_string; if (isset($this->data[$category_id])) { $result .= $this->parent_start_string; } if ($level == 0) { $result .= $this->root_start_string; } $result .= str_repeat($this->spacer_string, $this->spacer_multiplier * $level) . ''; $result .= $category['name']; $result .= ''; if ($level == 0) { $result .= $this->root_end_string; } if (isset($this->data[$category_id])) { $result .= $this->parent_end_string; } $result .= $this->child_end_string; if (isset($this->data[$category_id]) && (($this->max_level == '0') || ($this->max_level > $level+1))) { $result .= $this->buildBranch($category_id, $level+1); } } } $result .= $this->parent_group_end_string; return $result; } function buildTree() { return $this->buildBranch($this->root_category_id); } } ?> Fatal error: Class 'osC_CategoryTree' not found in D:\wamp\www\dynamic_sitemap.php on line 58 Can it be Wamp specific? I already double checked if all the files are in place. I also tried this contribution: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2208 But then I'm receiving the exact same error (just on a different line).
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