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Everything posted by Andrew_Yer

  1. Yes, of course. Try zen-cart.org.ua with and without javascript, please :)
  2. I'll fix it and next version of the menu will work properly in subfolder. No problem. In this case will be rendered NOSCRIPT version of the categories menu. It aslo generated by this module and present at the page. I have not any advice jet. Sorry.
  3. I have seen the html-source of your page here http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=200249# Your shop is placed in the subfolders, isn't it? href:"http://localhost/ms2fr/catalog/index.php?cPath=1_36_37 YahooTreeMenu does not work in subfolder jet. Sorry. Also maybe you had changed yahootreemenu.php. Look here, please. var request = "yahootreemenu.php?cPath=" + node.data.id; MUST be var request = "categories.php?cPath=" + node.data.id; Because of that yahootreemenu dosn't work in your shop.
  4. Please, request the URL like this http://your.site.here/categories.php?cPath=1 from your site (with existing cPath number). The server must give you the XML answer, containing the information about subcategories.
  5. Yes. It don't work with cache yet. I'll add this function soon.
  6. Thank you for your attention to this contribution! I'll continue the work to fix the bugs and to improve the menu. The results I'll publick. Some words about the links on the categories. If the category has not products, only subcategories, it has not a link. If you see this not right, I'll change it. :) Yes, of course. There is a small bug in the tree.css. The path to the triangles images - like this: background: url(../images/menu/expand.gif) may be not correct. Correct please it according your directory layout. Can you please send me the html-source of the page with this menu. My e-mail address is [email protected] Thanks.
  7. This is the support thread for the Yahoo! Tree Menu With AJAX http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4094 This contribution allows the inclusion of a TreeView menu from Yahoo! User Interface Library in your osCommerce store. This menu has AJAX futures. It populates subcategories branches dynamicalli without reloading the page.
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