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    Jade Burnside

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  1. Here's an update on the issue of making FedEx 2.07 work with the "Add Weight To Product Attributes" contribution. I've got a simple modification that will solve the problem, which you can view and download in the FedEx contrib section here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1462 Special thanks to Roaddoctor who answered my call for help and pointed me in the right direction. Cheers, Jade
  2. Sorry, just a correction about my post above. It's primarily concerned with making FedEx work with the "add weight to attribute" contribution, and the "Attribute Sets" contribution relationship is not part of the conflict. For some reason when I was posting here I mistakenly thought this support thread was for the "add weight to attribute" contribution. However, others in this thread have expressed an interest in making "add weight" and "attribute sets" more compatible, so perhaps it's not completely inappropriate to have my question here.
  3. A little more info on the problem with making FedEx work with the "add weight to attribute" contribution. I've tried a fix for "add weight to attribute" to make it work with an earlier version of UPS, and although that didn't work I thought that perhaps those modifications might shed some light on what needs to be modified for FedEx. So, I'm copying that fix into the code box below, since it's a short and simple mod. // IN shopping_cart.php ADD THIS // BOF add-weight-to-product-attributes with UPSxml mod // determine total weight of attributes to add to weight of product $attributes_total_weight = 0; if (isset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) { reset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes']); $where = ' AND (('; while (list($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) { $where .= 'options_id=' . $option . ' AND options_values_id=' . $value . ') OR ('; } $where=substr($where, 0, -5) . ')'; $attribute_weight_query = tep_db_query('SELECT options_values_weight FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . ' WHERE products_id=' . (int)$prid . $where); if (tep_db_num_rows($attribute_weight_query)) { while ($attributes_weight_array = tep_db_fetch_array($attribute_weight_query)) { $attributes_total_weight += $attributes_weight_array['options_values_weight']; } } // end if (tep_db_num_rows($attribute_weight_query)) } // end if (isset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) // EOF add-weight-to-product-attributes mod // BEFORE THIS $products_array[] = array('id' => $products_id, // AND CHANGE THIS 'weight' => $products['products_weight'], // TO THIS 'weight' => $products['products_weight'] + $attributes_total_weight, Also, I've posted about this in the "add weight to attribute" support thread. You can see that posting here. Thanks in advance to anyone who looks into this.
  4. Hi everyone, I like this contribution and it's really helpful. However, there's a problem with making it work with the FedEx Direct shipping contribution. For some reason, FedEx only quotes shipping rates for the base weight of the product and doesn't add the weight of the selected attributes. Has anyone come up with a solution for this? I've tried the "UPS xml and attributes with weights fix" hoping that it might solve the problem, but it doesn't work. In case it's helpful, I'm copying that fix into the code box below, since it's a simple and straightforward modification and hopefully it might point someone in the right direction for solving the FedEx issue. // IN shopping_cart.php ADD THIS // BOF add-weight-to-product-attributes with UPSxml mod // determine total weight of attributes to add to weight of product $attributes_total_weight = 0; if (isset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) { reset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes']); $where = ' AND (('; while (list($option, $value) = each($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) { $where .= 'options_id=' . $option . ' AND options_values_id=' . $value . ') OR ('; } $where=substr($where, 0, -5) . ')'; $attribute_weight_query = tep_db_query('SELECT options_values_weight FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . ' WHERE products_id=' . (int)$prid . $where); if (tep_db_num_rows($attribute_weight_query)) { while ($attributes_weight_array = tep_db_fetch_array($attribute_weight_query)) { $attributes_total_weight += $attributes_weight_array['options_values_weight']; } } // end if (tep_db_num_rows($attribute_weight_query)) } // end if (isset($this->contents[$products_id]['attributes'])) // EOF add-weight-to-product-attributes mod // BEFORE THIS $products_array[] = array('id' => $products_id, // AND CHANGE THIS 'weight' => $products['products_weight'], // TO THIS 'weight' => $products['products_weight'] + $attributes_total_weight, I've posted about this in the FedEx contrib topic (as have others who've encountered the same problem) and I'm hoping to find a fix for all of us. You can see that post here. Please, if anyone can shed light on how to make these contributions work together, I'd be so grateful. Thanks, Jade
  5. Hi everyone, I'm quoting Coolfly's post from May 2008, where he asked about solutions for making FedEx work with the "add weight to attribute" contribution. I've got the same problem and I'd really like to get it solved. Has anybody found a workaround to make this function properly? By the way, I'm using FedEx Direct 2.07 on Osc 2.2RC2a, php5 Thanks in advance, Jade
  6. Okay, in the instructions file on line 369 where it says: I think it should actually read: ***ADD AFTER instead of ***CHANGE TO At least, that worked for me. Whether there'll be other issues associated with this change, I can't say. So, good luck with it.
  7. I think I've just solved it. I'll post the fix shortly.
  8. I've just run into exactly the same problem. I followed the same steps as cjpopp and in Dreamweaver I backed out of the modifications to admin/categories.php one step at a time, testing the page after each step backward. The page failed until the precise same point cjpopp mentioned. So, if someone can take a quick look at this replacement step, they may be able to figure out the problem. I think it's the step that replaces: } else { $products_image_name = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_image']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_image'] : ''); } With this: // BOF: More Pics 6 // copy subimage1 only if modified $products_subimage1 = new upload('products_subimage1'); $products_subimage1->set_destination(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES); if ($products_subimage1->parse() && $products_subimage1->save()) { $products_subimage1_name = $products_subimage1->filename; } else { $products_subimage1_name = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage1']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage1'] : ''); } // copy subimage2 only if modified $products_subimage2 = new upload('products_subimage2'); $products_subimage2->set_destination(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES); if ($products_subimage2->parse() && $products_subimage2->save()) { $products_subimage2_name = $products_subimage2->filename; } else { $products_subimage2_name = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage2']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage2'] : ''); } // copy subimage3 only if modified $products_subimage3 = new upload('products_subimage3'); $products_subimage3->set_destination(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES); if ($products_subimage3->parse() && $products_subimage3->save()) { $products_subimage3_name = $products_subimage3->filename; } else { $products_subimage3_name = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage3']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage3'] : ''); } // copy subimage4 only if modified $products_subimage4 = new upload('products_subimage4'); $products_subimage4->set_destination(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES); if ($products_subimage4->parse() && $products_subimage4->save()) { $products_subimage4_name = $products_subimage4->filename; } else { $products_subimage4_name = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage4']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage4'] : ''); } // copy subimage5 only if modified $products_subimage5 = new upload('products_subimage5'); $products_subimage5->set_destination(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES); if ($products_subimage5->parse() && $products_subimage5->save()) { $products_subimage5_name = $products_subimage5->filename; } else { $products_subimage5_name = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage5']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage5'] : ''); } // copy subimage6 only if modified $products_subimage6 = new upload('products_subimage6'); $products_subimage6->set_destination(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES); if ($products_subimage6->parse() && $products_subimage6->save()) { $products_subimage6_name = $products_subimage6->filename; } else { $products_subimage6_name = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage6']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_subimage6'] : ''); } // EOF: More Pics 6 The actual error message when I try to run admin/categories.php is: Note: line 1454 is the final line in the file. Also, FYI, I'm using osCommerce v2.2 RC2a Hoping for a response. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion. I've posted a very detailed question about this in the support thread for CSS Menu, so I'm posting a direct link to my question here in case there are other users of your template who encounter the same problem.
  10. Hi everyone, Background: I'm using toyicebear's Modern Template for RC2a (contrib: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6094 support thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=309562). This is a great template and I encourage everyone to check it out. toyicebear has included the CSS Menu in his template. However, I've encountered a problem with CSS Menu and toyicebear has directed me to this topic to see if anyone knows what's happening. Versions: I did a file comparison and it appears he has used v0.4 of CSS Menu. I've installed the the template on OSC RC2a The problem is: When includeProducts is set to true the product links DO NOT contain session IDs. The category links DO contain session IDs, but not the product links. I don't think I need to explain why this is a problem. So, my questions are: Is this a unique problem (possibly only occurring with toyicebear's template) or have other people encountered this with other installations? Can anyone suggest how I could modify the product link building function to include the session IDs? I think the relevant part of the link building function (function PrintProducts) is this (line 210 in v0.4) : $returnval .= "<li><a href='".$product_path.$products['products_id']."'>".$product['products_name']."</a></li>\n"; Thanks very much in advance to anyone who can shed light on this. Jade
  11. Hi toyicebear, First I want to begin by saying I think this is a fantastic template. It's clean, attractive, simple and professional. I intend to use it as a default skin for any new installations I do in the future. So, thank you for creating this and sharing it with us. I have a question regarding the CSS flyout menu. I've turned on the option to IncludeProducts and that works fine. However, the links to individual products don't seem to be including the session ID. They're included in the category links, but not product links. So, as a result OSC creates a new session for the visitor when they click a product link from the flyout menu. I'm puzzling over the code in includes/boxes/categories.php trying to figure out how to pass the variable to those links, but haven't found the trick yet. Got any tips? Thanks again for a great contribution.
  12. Wow! What a terrific contribution. I've just finished installing it on a fairly heavily modified cart and it worked like a dream. Of course, it helped that the instructions were so clearly written and neatly presented. I just want to say thanks for this. I intend on making a donation once I've seen it in operation bug-free for a couple of weeks. It's definitely worth it. Thanks!!!
  13. Have a look at line 29 of /admin/languages/english/recover_cart_sales.php You should find it there.
  14. minionsweb is right. I had the same problem and this solved it: Find this code in checkout_process.php // {{ buySAFE Module $buysafe_cart_id = MODULE_BUYSAFE_BUYSAFE_CART_PREFIX . '-' . tep_session_id() . (tep_count_customer_orders()-1); $checkout_params = array('WantsBond' => ($WantsBond ? $WantsBond : 'false'), 'orders_id' => $insert_id, 'buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id); $checkout_result = $buysafe_module->call_api('SetShoppingCartCheckout', $checkout_params); if (is_array($checkout_result) && $checkout_result['IsBuySafeEnabled'] == 'true') { $update_data_array = array('buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id, 'buysafe_client_ip' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'buysafe_session_id' => tep_session_id()); tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $update_data_array, 'update', "orders_id = '" . (int)$insert_id . "'"); } // }} And comment it out like this (by wrapping the code with /* and */: // {{ buySAFE Module /* $buysafe_cart_id = MODULE_BUYSAFE_BUYSAFE_CART_PREFIX . '-' . tep_session_id() . (tep_count_customer_orders()-1); $checkout_params = array('WantsBond' => ($WantsBond ? $WantsBond : 'false'), 'orders_id' => $insert_id, 'buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id); $checkout_result = $buysafe_module->call_api('SetShoppingCartCheckout', $checkout_params); if (is_array($checkout_result) && $checkout_result['IsBuySafeEnabled'] == 'true') { $update_data_array = array('buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id, 'buysafe_client_ip' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'buysafe_session_id' => tep_session_id()); tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $update_data_array, 'update', "orders_id = '" . (int)$insert_id . "'"); } */// }} Hope it helps. Jade
  15. Hi Joanne, I had the same problem and this solved it: Find this code in checkout_process.php // {{ buySAFE Module $buysafe_cart_id = MODULE_BUYSAFE_BUYSAFE_CART_PREFIX . '-' . tep_session_id() . (tep_count_customer_orders()-1); $checkout_params = array('WantsBond' => ($WantsBond ? $WantsBond : 'false'), 'orders_id' => $insert_id, 'buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id); $checkout_result = $buysafe_module->call_api('SetShoppingCartCheckout', $checkout_params); if (is_array($checkout_result) && $checkout_result['IsBuySafeEnabled'] == 'true') { $update_data_array = array('buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id, 'buysafe_client_ip' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'buysafe_session_id' => tep_session_id()); tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $update_data_array, 'update', "orders_id = '" . (int)$insert_id . "'"); } // }} And comment it out like this (by wrapping the code with /* and */: // {{ buySAFE Module /* $buysafe_cart_id = MODULE_BUYSAFE_BUYSAFE_CART_PREFIX . '-' . tep_session_id() . (tep_count_customer_orders()-1); $checkout_params = array('WantsBond' => ($WantsBond ? $WantsBond : 'false'), 'orders_id' => $insert_id, 'buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id); $checkout_result = $buysafe_module->call_api('SetShoppingCartCheckout', $checkout_params); if (is_array($checkout_result) && $checkout_result['IsBuySafeEnabled'] == 'true') { $update_data_array = array('buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id, 'buysafe_client_ip' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'buysafe_session_id' => tep_session_id()); tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $update_data_array, 'update', "orders_id = '" . (int)$insert_id . "'"); } */// }} Hope it helps. Jade
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