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Everything posted by newtech

  1. I do not use the subcategories feature. What files and what edits do I need to do to remove all references to subcategories when an end user views FAQ's?
  2. Currently the customers order report calculates the totals by looking through all the customer's orders and adding up the prices of each item in the order, multiplied by the number of items. What the Customers Order report should use is the subtotal of the products minus any discounts. There must be some kind of formula that will calculate the totals based off of the subtotals in the orders_total. Any fix for the right card subtotals problem?
  3. After posting another article, it appears that the position of the entire link for the author is determined by how long the article title is. Is there a way to just force the title and author link to be on one line and the topic to be on a second line?
  4. I want to use this contrib, but there is a change I have done to my store that may be in conflict with this contrib or not allow me to use the full features of this contrib. I have changed the language name of 'manufacturer' to 'topics'. My recollection is that I have only changed the language file so that manufacturer is replaced with topics. I know I have not changed the database table names or the name of the manufacturer.php file. So, with the above info, will this contrib still pull info from manufacturer (topics)? If not, what file(s) would I need to edit in this contrib?
  5. Does the search feature for 1.4 work with 1.5? If so, is there anything different that needs to be done with the search feature to make it capability with 1.5?
  6. Tell a Friend feature I have installed the Tell a Friend for Non-Product Contrib. Does anyone else have this contrib installed and edited the php file so that it will work with the Article Manager Tell a Friend? If so, can ypu post the edits that you did to make both contribs work?
  7. I have installed Article Manager 1.5. Seems to be working fine so far. But there is one thing I would like to change: When you view the articles page, the author and topic links are not in the correct order. Here is how it appears: It should appear like this: It appears the code that needs to be changed is in articles_listing.php. How can I change this to make the above?
  8. as per previous post: Normally this means that you are missing a define in the database_tables.php file be sure to check this.
  9. I have tried to import customers using a csv database. I have partial success if I do a standard import in phpMyAmin not using easypopulate. Here is what I have done, the results, and what is not working. Done 1. I have imported data into three tables: a. address_book b. customers c. customers_info I have made sure the customer info id is the same for all three tables. I entered todays format for the date_account_created field using the format that was on the original field. Results I show all the data has imported into the database properly. Cannot find any problems. Not Working a. In OSC admin there is a list of all customers. b. However, there is no arrow on any of the customers and fi I click any of the customers, no arrow shows up. c. When I go to edit a customer, there is no data in their name in admin even though there is data in database. Any suggestions as to what I am missing to make the data in database to appear in admin?
  10. I have tried to import customers using a csv database. I have partial success. Here is what I have done, the results, and what is not working. Done 1. I have imported data into three tables: a. address_book b. customers c. customers_info I have made sure the customer info id is the same for all three tables. I entered todays format for the date_account_created field using the format that was on the original field. Results I show all the data has imported into the database properly. Cannot find any problems. Not Working a. In OSC admin there is a list of all customers. b. However, there is no arrow on any of the customers and fi I click any of teh customers, no arrow shows up. c. When I go to edit a customer, there is no data in their name in admin even though there is data in database.
  11. I was thinking of using this contrib but it appears to be way too buggy. One of the reasons I was going to use it is because my default OSC newsletter function does not work. It does not send out e-mails. I have tested newsletter feature with two different OSC installs and have same problem. The store is on a Unix server and my e-mail settings are: Sendmail LF Verifying e-mails through DNS is false. I receive e-mails as admin and my customers and order dept receive order e-mails. So, I would not think the problem is with e-mail sending feature, but with newsletter program, Any ideas, solutions?
  12. Is there a way to remove htmlarea so that it is not used when adding FAQ's. It loads way too slow even with broadband.
  13. Currently the customers order report calculates the totals by looking through all the customer's orders and adding up the prices of each item in the order, multiplied by the number of items. The problem with this is if any coupon, gift voucher, discount contrib is used, the total sales are not accurate. What the Customers Order report should use is the subtotal of the products minus any discounts. There must be some kind of formula that will calculate the totals based off of the subtotals in the orders_total. Any contrib on this or anyoen want to make a contrib to do this?
  14. Thanks for the info. I will post in the general support and general contrib to see if anyone has done this before.
  15. Normally this means that you are missing a define in the database_tables.php file
  16. The blank screen normally means there is a ' or ; or . or / in the wrong place or is an extra character. Or a command was not closed properly. Start with your original catalog/checkout_process.php file and re-edit it again. I had the same problem. The URL is wrong for the button. This is because there is a define line that is wrong in the contrib. If you look back a page or two in this forum you will find my post of the fix i did. You don't have all the defines entered in the language files. Need to check all of them. Also there are several defines that are missing in the contrib. I have posted mine here. Your store logo should go there. I think it is normally the oscommerce logo in the default mode. Most likely you have the wrong path entered for the image file. It is defined in admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php See my previous post about how to fix an error with the invoice number appearing on the packing slip. Here are my latest language files that seem to work "flawless". Be very careful that you don't mix up the folders. admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php //// START Edit the following defines to your liking //// // Footing define('INVOICE_TEXT_THANK_YOU', 'Thank you for shopping at'); // Printed at the bottom of your invoices define('STORE_URL_ADDRESS', 'http://www.domain.com'); // Your web address Printed at the bottom of your invoices // Image Info define('INVOICE_IMAGE', 'images/logo.jpg'); //Change this to match your logo image and foler it is in define('INVOICE_IMAGE_WIDTH', '241'); // Change this to your logo's width define('INVOICE_IMAGE_HEIGHT', '28'); // Change this to your logo's height // Product Table Info Headings define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS_MODEL', 'SKU #'); // Change this to "Model #" or leave it as "SKU #" //// END Editing the above defines to your liking //// // Misc Invoice Info define('INVOICE_TEXT_NUMBER_SIGN', '#'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_DASH', '-'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_COLON', ':'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE', 'Invoice'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_ORDER', 'Order'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_DATE_OF_ORDER', 'Date of Order'); define('ENTRY_PAYMENT_CC_NUMBER', 'Credit Card:'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_NR', 'Invoice#'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_DATE', 'Date: '); // Customer Info define('ENTRY_SOLD_TO', 'SOLD TO:'); define('ENTRY_SHIP_TO', 'SHIP TO:'); define('ENTRY_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Payment:'); // Product Table Info Headings define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS', 'Products'); define('TABLE_HEADING_PRICE_EXCLUDING_TAX', 'Price');I have removed the (ex) define('TABLE_HEADING_PRICE_INCLUDING_TAX', 'Price');I have remove dthe (inc) define('TABLE_HEADING_TOTAL_EXCLUDING_TAX', 'Total'); define('TABLE_HEADING_TOTAL_INCLUDING_TAX', 'Total'); define('TABLE_HEADING_TAX', 'Tax'); define('TABLE_HEADING_UNIT_PRICE', 'Unit Price'); define('TABLE_HEADING_TOTAL', 'Total'); // Order Total Details Info define('ENTRY_SUB_TOTAL', 'Sub-Total:'); define('ENTRY_SHIPPING', 'Shipping:'); define('ENTRY_TAX', 'Tax:'); define('ENTRY_TOTAL', 'Total:'); //Order Comments define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS', 'ORDER COMMENTS:'); define('TABLE_HEADING_DATE_ADDED', 'Date Added'); define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENT_LEFT', 'Comment Left'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_NO_COMMENT', 'No comments have been left for this order'); define('INVOICE_IMAGE_ALT_TEXT', Image Text); // Change this to your logo's ALT text or leave blank ?> admin/includes/languages/english/packingslip.php //// START Edit the following defines to your liking //// // Footing define('INVOICE_TEXT_THANK_YOU', 'Thank you for shopping at'); // Printed at the bottom of your packingslips define('STORE_URL_ADDRESS', 'http://www.domain.com'); // Your web address Printed at the bottom of your packingslips define('TITLE_PACKING_2', 'Packing Slip'); // Image Info define('INVOICE_IMAGE', 'images/logojpg'); //Change this to match your logo image and foler it is in define('INVOICE_IMAGE_WIDTH', '241'); // Change this to your logo's width define('INVOICE_IMAGE_HEIGHT', '28'); // Change this to your logo's height define('INVOICE_IMAGE_ALT_TEXT', 'Logo Text); // Change this to your logo's ALT text or leave blank // Product Table Info Headings define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS_MODEL', 'SKU #'); // Change this to "Model #" or leave it as "SKU #" //// END Editing the above defines to your liking //// define('TITLE_PACKING', 'Packing Slip'); define('TITLE_PACKING_2', 'Packing Slip'); define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS', 'Comments'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_NO_COMMENT', ''); define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS_MODEL', 'Model'); define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS', 'Products'); define('ENTRY_SOLD_TO', 'SOLD TO:'); define('ENTRY_SHIP_TO', 'SHIP TO:'); define('ENTRY_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Payment Method:'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_NR', 'Invoice#'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_DATE', 'Date: '); define('INVOICE_TEXT_NUMBER_SIGN', ''); define('INVOICE_TEXT_DASH', ''); define('INVOICE_NUMBER', 'Invoice #'); define('TITLE', 'Packing Slip'); define('ORDER_NUMBER', 'Order #:'); define('ORDER_DATE', 'Date of Order:'); ?> includes/languages/english/print_my_invoice.php //// START Edit the following defines to your liking //// // Footing define('INVOICE_TEXT_THANK_YOU', 'Thank you for shopping at'); // Printed at the bottom of your invoices define('STORE_URL_ADDRESS', 'http://www.domain.com'); // Your web address Printed at the bottom of your invoices // Image Info define('INVOICE_IMAGE', '/images/logo.jpg'); //Change this to match your logo image and foler it is in define('INVOICE_IMAGE_WIDTH', '241'); // Change this to your logo's width define('INVOICE_IMAGE_HEIGHT', '28'); // Change this to your logo's height define('INVOICE_IMAGE_ALT_TEXT', 'Image Text); // Change this to your logo's ALT text or leave blank // Product Table Info Headings define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS_MODEL', 'SKU #'); // Change this to "Model #" or leave it as "SKU #" //// END Editing the above defines to your liking //// // Misc Invoice Info define('INVOICE_TEXT_NUMBER_SIGN', '#'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_DASH', '-'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_COLON', ':'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE', 'Invoice'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_ORDER', 'Order'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_DATE_OF_ORDER', 'Date of Order'); define('ENTRY_PAYMENT_CC_NUMBER', 'Credit Card:'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_NR', ''); define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_DATE', 'Date:'); define('TEXT_INFO_ORDERS_STATUS_NAME', 'ORDER STATUS:'); // Customer Info define('ENTRY_SOLD_TO', 'SOLD TO:'); define('ENTRY_SHIP_TO', 'SHIP TO:'); define('ENTRY_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Payment:'); // Product Table Info Headings define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS', 'Products'); define('TABLE_HEADING_PRICE_EXCLUDING_TAX', 'Price (ex)'); I actually remove the (ex) define('TABLE_HEADING_PRICE_INCLUDING_TAX', 'Price (inc)'); I actually remove the (inc) define('TABLE_HEADING_TOTAL_EXCLUDING_TAX', 'Total (ex)'); define('TABLE_HEADING_TOTAL_INCLUDING_TAX', 'Total (inc)'); define('TABLE_HEADING_TAX', 'Tax'); define('TABLE_HEADING_UNIT_PRICE', 'Unit Price'); define('TABLE_HEADING_TOTAL', 'Total'); // account_history define('HEADING_PRODUCTS', 'Products'); // Order Total Details Info define('ENTRY_SUB_TOTAL', 'Sub-Total:'); define('ENTRY_SHIPPING', 'Shipping:'); define('ENTRY_TAX', 'Tax:'); define('ENTRY_TOTAL', 'Total:'); //Order Comments define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS', 'ORDER COMMENTS:'); define('TABLE_HEADING_DATE_ADDED', 'Date Added'); define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENT_LEFT', 'Comment Left'); define('INVOICE_TEXT_NO_COMMENT', 'No comments have been left for this order'); ?>
  17. I guess I should have worded this that the Customers Orders-Total Reports page is showing the subtotal without taking off the discount. What the Customers Order report should show is the subtotal of the products minus any discounts. There must be some kind of formula that is done by the order processing to come up with the subtotal after discounts because that is the subtotal that the sales tax calculator is using. So whatever the script is that is passing the subtotal for tax purposes is the script that should be used to come up with the subtotal that should be passed to Customers Orders Report. Any idea how to do this?
  18. I changed <?php echo date("n"); to <?php //echo date("n");
  19. Need to be more specific as to the errors you are getting.
  20. I am trying to use this contrib with ot discount code contrib. When I run the batch contrib, it is not showing the total of the order. Instead is showing the discount (i.e. $1.40). Can someone explain to me how this script is gathering the totals it records? Another problem: The ccbr contrib is recording the correct credit card, but on the right card subtotals is not showing the credit card total.
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