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    Marie Wendel

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  1. I've seen that done, not that that helps much-- at <a href="http://www.drivethrurpg.com/catalog/index.php">DriveThruRPG</a>, specifically, which I'm reasonably sure is running an osCommerce version or derivative. (Wish I could be more help than that.) On my own problem... I finally discovered that the ultimate problem was that the last_modified wasn't setting at all, presumably some sort of problem in checkout_process.php. The section modified by the download controller, 'last_modified' => 'now()', 'date_purchased' => 'now()', should be setting last_modified identical to date_purchased. Instead, date_purchased sets, but not the other. I'm utterly and completely baffled by this. Theoretically this query still ought to work - at least everything I read of it in tep_db_perform seems in order. I finally solved it by the inelegant workaround of adding tep_db_query("update ". TABLE_ORDERS . " set last_modified = now() where orders_id = '" . $insert_id . "'"); just after the $insert_id below the array, and that worked. If anybody has <i>any</i> clue why the original variant might not work, I'd love to hear it - things that inexplicably don't work are usually a bad sign.
  2. Using: osCommerce 2.2ms2 DownloadsController 5.3 ms2.2 I've been trying to fish this bug out of the existing files, and I'm finally coming up stumped. With free products - free price and free shipping - orders are processing just fine right through confirmation, but on completion of confirmation, the download link isn't available. The only way to make it available is for an admin to manually change the update status. It isn't that the update status is setting wrong; I checked that. It's that wherever the product is supposed to update for download_maxdays and download_count, it's not, so the if-statement that checks to see whether it should display the plain or linked version is getting an invalid result for the datestamp. Only the manual updating is setting the maxdays and count variables; prior to that, the order is being set with both at 0, which I presume is normal. I haven't been able to track down where the freecharger presumably ought to set them on confirmation so that the download link is immediately available. (Nor figured out whatever I've screwed up so that they're not getting set.) Any help is much appreciated - I've been stumped on this for a couple of days now.
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