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Posts posted by ctroyp

  1. That was UPS Choice from the contributions page. That is a very old module, and I am a bit surprised it still functions at all. But I use that one my self, and agree that for some reason, the rates it returns do seem to be more accurate.


    Craig :)

    Are you using a modified version beyond the latest release of UPS Choice?

  2. In the base MVS includes/modules/vendors_shipping directory, there are two UPS modules, ups.php and upsxml.php. I have one site that uses the ups.php within MVS and it works great. Estimates are nearly perfect-unlike the upsxml.php module.


    I have another non-MVS site that I would like to incorporate the ups.php module into instead of the upsxml.php bu I cannot find the contrib for it in the list. Could anyone tell me where this comes from (ups.php) for MVS? Was it developered for MVS only or is it available for a non-MVS site?

  3. The is most likely due to the register globals off setting. I don't think anything that has been uploaded has completely addressed the issue. So you are going to have to be patient with the rest of the folks waiting for at register globals off fix. Sorry, still no ETA.

    Some hosts allow you to override the php.ini settings by placing a php.ini file on your site. Check with your host.

    I have turned on Register Globals and it works fine now. Do most sites running OSC have this on or off? Are there any security concerns with having it on?



  4. That is a bug.


    In catalog/checkout_process.php, find:


    //let's get the Vendors
    		  $vendor_data_query = tep_db_query("select v.vendors_id, v.vendors_name, v.vendors_email, v.vendors_contact, v.vendor_add_info, v.vendor_street, v.vendor_city, v.vendor_state, v.vendors_zipcode, v.vendor_country, v.account_number, v.vendors_status_send, os.shipping_module, os.shipping_method, os.shipping_cost, os.shipping_tax, os.vendor_order_sent from " . TABLE_VENDORS . " v,  " . TABLE_ORDERS_SHIPPING . " os where v.vendors_id=os.vendors_id and v.vendors_id='" . $vendors_id . "' and os.orders_id='" . (int)$oID . "' and v.vendors_status_send='" . $status . "'");
    	   while ($vendor_order = tep_db_fetch_array($vendor_data_query)) {


    and replace with:

    //let's get the Vendors
    		  $vendor_data_query = tep_db_query("select v.vendors_id, v.vendors_name, v.vendors_email, v.vendors_contact, v.vendor_add_info, v.vendor_street, v.vendor_city, v.vendor_state, v.vendors_zipcode, v.vendor_country, v.account_number, v.vendors_status_send, v.vendors_send_email, os.shipping_module, os.shipping_method, os.shipping_cost, os.shipping_tax, os.vendor_order_sent from " . TABLE_VENDORS . " v,  " . TABLE_ORDERS_SHIPPING . " os where v.vendors_id=os.vendors_id and v.vendors_id='" . $vendors_id . "' and os.orders_id='" . (int)$oID . "' and v.vendors_status_send='" . $status . "' and v.vendors_send_email = '1'");
    	   while ($vendor_order = tep_db_fetch_array($vendor_data_query)) {

    Somehow, the call to check to see if the email was enabled was missing from the query. Surprising that noone else has happened across this yet, thank you very much


    Craig :)


    It appears to have fixed the problem, but I just found that if I manually update an order via the admin panel, the same thing happens--the vendor is sent an email even though I have the vendor email option disabled.


    To fix (hopefully), I made the same change in /catalog/admin/orders.php


    Can you confirm that this would be a correct change as well?


    Thanks much!

  5. I think you are in the "nothing-happens" group, see post 5289.

    Easy Populate version?

    PHP version? (register globals ? on/off)

    MySQL version?

    any info you can provide would help greatly. :)


    osC: 2.2MS2

    Easypopulate: v 2.76d

    PHP: 5.0.5 w/Register Globals set to 'off' in php.ini

    MySQL: 4.1.16


    The problem I am having is that I cannot export anything. No files are ever created in my temp directory.


    Below are the confguration settings:

     $Id: easypopulate.php,v 2.76d 2006/10/16 22:50:52 surfalot Exp $
     Designed for osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
     Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce
     Released under the GNU General Public License
    // Current EP Version
    $curver = '2.76d-MS2';
    // C O N F I G U R A T I O N
    // V A R I A B L E S
    // **** Temp directory ****
    // if you changed your directory structure from stock and do not have /catalog/temp/, then you'll need to change this accordingly.
    // Please set DOCUMENT_ROOT to $DOCUMENT_ROOT in your /catalog/admin/includes/configure.php
    $tempdir = DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/store/temp/";
    //**** File Splitting Configuration ****
    // we attempt to set the timeout limit longer for this script to avoid having to split the files
    // NOTE:  If your server is running in safe mode, this setting cannot override the timeout set in php.ini
    // uncomment this if you are not on a safe mode server and you are getting timeouts
    // set_time_limit(330);
    // if you are splitting files, this will set the maximum number of records to put in each file.
    // if you set your php.ini to a long time, you can make this number bigger
    global $maxrecs;
    $maxrecs = 300; // default, seems to work for most people.  Reduce if you hit timeouts
    //$maxrecs = 4; // for testing
    //**** Image Defaulting ****
    global $default_images, $default_image_manufacturer, $default_image_product, $default_image_category;
    // set them to your own default "We don't have any picture" gif
    //$default_image_manufacturer = 'no_image_manufacturer.gif';
    //$default_image_product = 'no_image_product.gif';
    //$default_image_category = 'no_image_category.gif';
    // or let them get set to nothing
    $default_image_manufacturer = '';
    $default_image_product = '';
    $default_image_category = '';
    //**** Status Field Setting ****
    // Set the v_status field to "Inactive" if you want the status=0 in the system
    // Set the v_status field to "Delete" if you want to remove the item from the system <- THIS IS NOT WORKING YET!
    // If zero_qty_inactive is true, then items with zero qty will automatically be inactive in the store.
    global $active, $inactive, $zero_qty_inactive, $deleteit;
    $active = 'Active';
    $inactive = 'Inactive';
    //$deleteit = 'Delete'; // not functional yet
    $zero_qty_inactive = true;
    //**** Size of products_model in products table ****
    // set this to the size of your model number field in the db.  We check to make sure all models are no longer than this value.
    // this prevents the database from getting fubared.  Just making this number bigger won't help your database!  They must match!
    global $modelsize;
    $modelsize = 25;
    //**** Price includes tax? ****
    // Set the v_price_with_tax to
    // 0 if you want the price without the tax included
    // 1 if you want the price to be defined for import & export including tax.
    global $price_with_tax;
    $price_with_tax =false;
    // **** Quote -> Escape character conversion ****
    // If you have extensive html in your descriptions and it's getting mangled on upload, turn this off
    // set to 1 = replace quotes with escape characters
    // set to 0 = no quote replacement
    global $replace_quotes;
    $replace_quotes = false;
    // **** Field Separator ****
    // change this if you can't use the default of tabs
    // Tab is the default, comma and semicolon are commonly supported by various progs
    // Remember, if your descriptions contain this character, you will confuse EP!
    global $separator;
    //$separator = "\t"; // tab is default
    //$separator = ","; // comma
    //$separator = ";"; // semi-colon
    $separator = "~"; // tilde
    //$separator = "-"; // dash
    //$separator = "*"; // splat
    // *** Excel safe output ***
    // this setting will supersede the previous $separator setting and create a file
    // that excel will import without spanning cells from embedded commas.
    global $excel_safe_output;
    $excel_safe_output = false; // default is: false
    if ($excel_safe_output == true) { $separator = ","; }
    // *** Preserve Tabs, Carriage returns and Line feeds ***
    // this setting will preserve the special chars that can cause problems in 
    // a text based output. When used with $excel_safe_output, it will safely
    // preserve these elements in the export and import.
    global $preserve_tabs_cr_lf;
    $preserve_tabs_cr_lf = false; // default is: false
    // **** Max Category Levels ****
    // change this if you need more or fewer categories
    global $max_categories;
    $max_categories = 7; // 7 is default
    // VJ product attributes begin
    // **** Product Attributes ****
    // change this to false, if do not want to download product attributes
    global $products_with_attributes;
    $products_with_attributes = true; 
    // change this to true, if you use QTYpro and want to set attributes stock with EP.
    global $products_attributes_stock;
    $products_attributes_stock = false; 
    // change this if you want to download selected product options
    // this might be handy, if you have a lot of product options, and your output file exceeds 256 columns (which is the max. limit MS Excel is able to handle)
    global $attribute_options_select;
    //$attribute_options_select = array('Size', 'Model'); // uncomment and fill with product options name you wish to download // comment this line, if you wish to download all product options
    // VJ product attributes end
    // *** Show settings on EP page ***
    global $show_ep_settings;
    $show_ep_settings = true; // default is: false
    // ****************************************
    // Froogle configuration variables
    // ****************************************
    // **** Froogle product info page path ****
    // We can't use the tep functions to create the link, because the links will point to the admin, since that's where we're at.
    // So put the entire path to your product_info.php page here
    global $froogle_product_info_path;
    $froogle_product_info_path = "http://www.internetshoppersdepot.com/store/product_info.php";
    // **** Froogle product image path ****
    // Set this to the path to your images directory
    global $froogle_image_path;
    $froogle_image_path = "http://www.internetshoppersdepot.com/store/images/";
    // **** Froogle - search engine friendly setting
    // if your store has SEARCH ENGINE FRIENDLY URLS set, then turn this to true
    // I did it this way because I'm having trouble with the code seeing the constants
    // that are defined in other places.
    global $froogle_SEF_urls;
    $froogle_SEF_urls = false;
    // ****************************************
    // End Froogle configuration variables
    // ****************************************
    // E N D
    // C O N F I G U R A T I O N
    // V A R I A B L E S

  6. That is a bug.


    In catalog/checkout_process.php, find:


    //let's get the Vendors
    		  $vendor_data_query = tep_db_query("select v.vendors_id, v.vendors_name, v.vendors_email, v.vendors_contact, v.vendor_add_info, v.vendor_street, v.vendor_city, v.vendor_state, v.vendors_zipcode, v.vendor_country, v.account_number, v.vendors_status_send, os.shipping_module, os.shipping_method, os.shipping_cost, os.shipping_tax, os.vendor_order_sent from " . TABLE_VENDORS . " v,  " . TABLE_ORDERS_SHIPPING . " os where v.vendors_id=os.vendors_id and v.vendors_id='" . $vendors_id . "' and os.orders_id='" . (int)$oID . "' and v.vendors_status_send='" . $status . "'");
    	   while ($vendor_order = tep_db_fetch_array($vendor_data_query)) {


    and replace with:

    //let's get the Vendors
    		  $vendor_data_query = tep_db_query("select v.vendors_id, v.vendors_name, v.vendors_email, v.vendors_contact, v.vendor_add_info, v.vendor_street, v.vendor_city, v.vendor_state, v.vendors_zipcode, v.vendor_country, v.account_number, v.vendors_status_send, v.vendors_send_email, os.shipping_module, os.shipping_method, os.shipping_cost, os.shipping_tax, os.vendor_order_sent from " . TABLE_VENDORS . " v,  " . TABLE_ORDERS_SHIPPING . " os where v.vendors_id=os.vendors_id and v.vendors_id='" . $vendors_id . "' and os.orders_id='" . (int)$oID . "' and v.vendors_status_send='" . $status . "' and v.vendors_send_email = '1'");
    	   while ($vendor_order = tep_db_fetch_array($vendor_data_query)) {

    Somehow, the call to check to see if the email was enabled was missing from the query. Surprising that noone else has happened across this yet, thank you very much


    Craig :)


    No, thank you! I will let you know if there is further issue with the change. Thanks again...

  7. I am haveing a serious issue concerning the automatic email sent to the vendor once an order take place. The issue is that I cannot turn it off and for every order, my vendors are charging additional charges for utilizing the email order option.


    I see that there is an option in the vendor settings for each vendor that allows you to turn auto-email off. (I have it off and it still sends.) Also, if the auto-email function is turned off, why is the option above still enabled (when to send the email)?


    Thanks for any insight...

  8. That is how I added it. There didn't seem to be an admin portion to enter these amounts. However, I found entering through the database much faster.


    I can set individual shipping rates for multiple items quickly, but not one-by-one. It takes too long. I wonder if there is a contrib for adding this field to the new product page...

  9. I am using MVS with the correct Individual Shipping contrib. Everything works just fine, but what is the correct way to add the individual shipping price per product. I can manually add it to the db. Is there supposed to be a seperate field for the individual shipping price when adding a new product?



  10. HTML Editor? For the email maybe? There are many contributions adding HTML and Email editing for osC now, I am sure that you can find one that works for you Helle.


    That's an interesting name, can you enunciate it for me?

    Keep in mind that MVS completely replaces osC's shipping code, which means that only shipping modules written for or modified for MVS will work correctly. Individual Shipping has been modified for MVS, you can download the correct files from the MVS contrib page. If you have already modified your "categories.php" file, you will not need to change anything, only add the modified indiv_ship.php(or whatever the filename is) to catalog/includes/modules/vendor_shipping and catalog/includes/languages/english/modules/vendor_shipping.


    After that, you should see the module and be able to install and setup your vendors.


    Good luck, Craig :)

    Thanks Craig for the reply...


    MVS is functional and I have setup my venders. I have installed the Multiple Individual Shipping contrib and should be able to set up to 4 prices per product. When doing a test checkout of an item, the individual price is $0.

  11. I have installed MVS and it seems to work well. I also neeed the option to set individual shipping prives per product so I installed the Multiple Individual Shipping Prices contrib.


    How do I add the Individual Shipping modules 1-4 to the vendors shipping pages. I see it in the default shipping modues list of the admin panel, but just not in the vendors shipping pages.


    Can these contribs work together?

  12. Ctroyp,


    You should see an input field labled "Indv. Shipping Price" if you did this correctly. I actually installed a modified version of the same module.


    Multiple Individual Product Shipping Prices



    There are a lot of modifications to make, so maybe you missed something. Try going through the readme file again and make sure you made all the necessary changes. If your working off a fresh install or have a backup before you installed the Individual Shipping Price module, that helps as well.

    Thanks TMG. The Individual Shipping contrib that I used did not have a readme file, but it was really simple to add. Only proble is that it does not work. ;)


    With the Multiple Individual Product Shipping Prices contrib, will it work with the MVS contrib (which I have)?


    Thanks again,


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