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Posts posted by surfalot

  1. Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with this. For the most part, the contribution seems to work on the back end.


    Where I'm having trouble, however, is that there is a giant black box at the top of my page when I enable Lightbox.


    When I disable lightbox, it still shows the image in Lightbox (darkened background, image comes up) when I click on it, instead of a popup page.


    When processing the images through Catalog > Additional Images in admin, 3 files are created: "s", "m", "l".


    The issue I'm having is that it only shows the "s" image files on click in the product_info page after being processed. Before this, I had lightbox installed and it would display the orignal file in its full size.


    When I change it from popup to product_info under the option "Product Image behavior," I get the same result.


    Only when I enable Group Parent with Sub-Images, the regular popup comes up. Unfortunately even with this option, only the "s" pic comes up, albeit in the size that I dictate (size of the original picture that I had before installing the contribution and processing). As a result, the image becomes extremely blurry.


    Any help? Please answer soon!


    this contribution will not make pics bigger for you. it needs to be larger then the largest size you wish to have, then the contribution will reduce it as your specify.

  2. Ok - I created a test file with one product and uploaded it. I get this message at the top of easypopulate:


    Easy Populate 2.74-MS2 - Default Language : English(1)


    File uploaded.

    Temporary filename: /tmp/php1KSsQL

    User filename: test.csv

    Size: 672


    But I have no product created. Could it also have to do with running Master Products? I don't see a way to designate if the product is a master or a slave, but I would think it would just upload as a slave by default - hmmm <_<


    Anyway - I checked both client side and via admin and it did not create the new product.


    With all of the customizations on our site I might just have to learn to write SQL and create a query file to run via phpMyAdmin for bulk updates - LOL



    A link to your file would help. See the support section of the latest version I uploaded for details.

  3. another question: do you have to have all of the fields in the excel file, even if they aren't used, in order to upload the changes?


    For example, I have a few hundred products that I just need to add a price for customer group 2. I downloaded the Model/Price/Qty csv and modified it to only contain the products I need to edit. I also removed the columns for additional price groups that I do not have (they would just be empty as I only have groups 0, 1 & 2 and it is group 2 I am setting).


    I have trimmed this initial file down to only 3 rows, the header row and two product rows.


    I then upload my file via "Upload EP File" and click "Insert into DB" button and I get the following message at the top:


    File uploaded.

    Temporary filename: /tmp/phpElK1ss

    User filename: test1.csv

    Size: 226


    I go check on the item via admin/catalog and look to see if the new price has been added to the product - and it has not. Nothing has changed with the product :huh:


    Am I doing something wrong? My csv file looks like this (not sure if it will come out right on here, but I'll try):


    v_products_model	v_products_price	v_products_quantity v_customer_price_1	v_customer_group_id_1	v_customer_price_2	v_customer_group_id_2	EOREOR
    AE4002	14.27	1000	9.97	1	7.14	2	EOREOR
    AE4004	24.97	1000	17.05	1	12.49	2	EOREOR

    what's the OS on your computer? what are you using to edit the file?

    since this is an older version, I probably won't be able to help much.

    The latest version (2.76i) has much better docs and far more bug fixes, BUT I'm not 100% sure it supports the latest version of SPPC. If my latest version doesn't support it, I believe the version you tried won't either.

  4. Thanks again for your help...


    Would you suggest that this is as I thought then, a timing out issue?


    Where would I find the instructions you refer to, this came on a pre-bundled site so am still finding my way around the detail on here - Is it as simple as downloading the zip folder from here?


    Also given my site is hosted on a shared server, would this cause any issues with timings or so much as in, being able to amend them?


    Many thanks once again,



    You should make sure you are not hosted on a plan with a remote SQL server. That is always trouble with osC.


    I don't know what osCommerce flavor you have, but 3.0 easypop was never adopted well here and it's author asked folks to use something else. So replacing what you have could be trouble if your shop is not osCommerce RCx.


    there isn't any reason to replace your EP version. just download the latest version uploaded by me (2.76i) and look at step 6 of the html docs included. search the contributions section for easypopulate.

  5. Have also just tried FTP to server and loading from there in the admin/temp file - same issue.


    Any ideas anyone please?


    I can't help you with 3.0. which is why you didn't see that setting in the file I suspect.


    But there is a pretty good detail in the latest version's installation instructions that should help with timeouts.

  6. Sorry for sounding "dence" - is this the .php file named easypopulate.php - the only reference to variable of 12 is the section I posted which lists a number of configuration guidelines throughout, am not sure where I should be looking for

    ....a setting at the top of the code page in the settings






    you're looking for this section of the settings


    //**** Size of products_model in products table ****
    // set this to the size of your model number field in the db. We check to make 
    // sure all models are no longer than this value. this prevents the database from 
    // getting fubared. Just making this number bigger won't help your database! They must match!
    // If you increase the Model Number size, you must increase the size of the field
    // in the database. Use a SQL tool like phpMyAdmin (see your host) and change the
    // "products_model" field of the "products" table in your osCommerce Database.
    define ('EP_MODEL_NUMBER_SIZE', 12); // default is 12

  7. Hi, this line is causing the empty shopping card


    // BOF: Additional Images
    if (empty($_GET['pID'])) { $_GET['pID'] = $_GET['products_id']; }


    I'm testing the site on an local server (Xampp) but it turned al on the php error handling in php.ini

    but no errors are showing up? maybee i did something wrong...


    No files are missing..

    if you remove that line and the page works, it sounds like a problem with xamp's interpreter. That code is fine.

  8. Hi,


    Sorry have posted as a stand alone question but came across this thread so sorry for newbie duplication - mods - can you delete dupe posting please as necessary?




    Can you please point me on how to extend the product model_id variant from the default 25 characters to 75 when importing a .csv file (first column) for new items as I have a number of variants in excess of the 25 range that I need to keep seperate.


    I have read I have to amend the EP mainpage file.php and also products model table but am not sure where to find these or indeed whether they are the correct ones I should be changing.


    Many thanks in advance




    the default is 12 chars. you have to change the setting in easypopulate.php and change the field length in the products database table using something like phpMyAdmin usually supplied by your host.

  9. Hi, this code is causing me a empty shoppingcard on product_info.php


    // BOF: Additional Images
    if (empty($_GET['pID'])) { $_GET['pID'] = $_GET['products_id']; }
    if (ADDIMAGES_MENU_LOCATION == 'product_info') { 
    include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_POPUP_ADD_IMAGE);
    // $navigation->remove_current_page();
    if (!empty($_GET['imagesID'])) {
    $products_query = tep_db_query( "SELECT ai.products_id, ai.images_description, ai.thumb_images, ai.medium_images, ai.popup_images, p.products_image, p.products_image_med, p.products_image_pop, p.products_image_description FROM " . TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES . " ai, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p WHERE ai.products_id=p.products_id and ai.additional_images_id = '".(int)$_GET['imagesID']."'");
    $selected_image = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query);
    } elseif (!empty($_GET['pID'])) {
    $products_query = tep_db_query( "SELECT products_id, products_image, products_image_med, products_image_pop, products_image_description FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " WHERE products_id = '".(int)$_GET['pID']."'");
    $selected_image = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query);
    $imagemenu = new displayonpageimagemenu ( $selected_image['products_id'] );
    // calculate menu size in pixels
    $extra_window_width = 24; // space for web browser
    $extra_window_height = 86; // space for web browser
    if (ADDIMAGES_POPUP_SHOW_ON_POPUP == 'true' && ($imagemenu->addimages_count > 1)) {
    list ($menu_width, $menu_height) = $imagemenu->boxsize();
    $extra_window_width += $menu_width; 
    if ($imagemenu->maximageheight < $menu_height) { $imagemenu->maximageheight = $menu_height; }
    $extra_window_height += $menu_height; 
    if ($imagemenu->maximagewidth < $menu_width) { $imagemenu->maximagewidth = $menu_width; }
    if(!empty($selected_image['products_image_description'])) { 
    $imagemenu->maximageheight += 22; // add space for large image description text height
    // EOF: Additional Images


    Somebody knows why?


    Without the script the buy now button works o.k.

    double check that all the included files actually got uploaded to your site. Then double check that PHP errors are turned on with your host so that you may be able to debug future issues.

  10. Hi, I am about to install this contribution and have been reading through the Documentation and Installation file.


    Firstly I have downloaded the latest files dated 27 Mar 2010 by mickthehat. Although this is titled "additional instructions", am I right to think that this is the full package with extra things added within it?


    Also in the download folder there are 2 Documentation and Installation files with one of them having update at the end. I have looked at both files and they seem to be the same, I can not see any differences between the files so can I use any of them to do the installation or should I use the one that says Documentation and Installation update?


    Finally, near the end of the Documentation and Installation files there are instructions for users who have installed other contributions such as Extra Fields Contribution. I have noted that one of the contributions mentioned is Additional Images Contribution. Now I do not have that installed but I do have Simple Multiple Images (Unlimited) with Fancy Popups V1.3.5. installed. Would these instruction apply to this contribution or not?


    Thanks for any help



    sorry, not sure what mickthehat updated in that version. It appears by the description the docs were updated. Most folks haven't had trouble with the version I uploaded.


    The support for other contributions are quite specific to those contributions. I would not expect them to work with other contributions.

  11. Is step #3 correct? it says to add:


    'Easy Populate' .


    But there is no link info?


    step 3 says:

    STEP #3 - Add a link in the Admin Panel. Edit file "/catalog/admin/incudes/boxes/catalog.php"


    Find this code (Around Line 25):


    '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . '</a><br>' . 


    Directly AFTER add this:

    '<a href="' . tep_href_link('easypopulate.php', '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">Easy Populate</a><br>' . 

  12. I have my site hosted at dropshippingwholesalers.com as www.dreamdolldesigns.com. They decided to eliminate the catalog directory so everything starts at public_html as the root.


    My osCommerce version is v2.2 RC2a.


    Easy Populate seems to be included (sort of) ... it is listed under My Configuration under ADMIN but I don't see anything under Catalog to use it (if I am reading the documentation correctly).


    Should I just walk through the full install instructions to see if anything was missed or has anyone had any experience with this that would help?




    I would. the install is pretty easy.

  13. Hi

    does anybody know why my Froogle Products export file is enquoting titles and descriptions and omitting the html please?


    - Title is coming out in quotes:

    "Zzino vs. Accelerator: Waterproof 12"""


    ...should be...


    Zzino vs. Accelerator: Waterproof 12"


    - Description is coming out in quotes, html formatting tags have been omitted:

    "Zzino vs. Accelerator: Waterproof12""Re-load Records REL 972103Belgium 1997-00-00Waterproof (Original Mix)Waterproof (Mould Impression Remix)Waterproof (Space DJz Remix)Item condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)Sleeve condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)"


    ...should be...


    Zzino vs. Accelerator: Waterproof[bR]12"[bR]Re-load Records REL 972103[bR]Belgium 1997-00-00[bR]Waterproof (Original Mix)[bR]Waterproof (Mould Impression Remix)[bR]Waterproof (Space DJz Remix)[bR]Item condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)[bR]Sleeve condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)


    Any help appreciated, apologies if this has already been covered...

    the froogle part is quite out of date. please use a contribution specifically for product feeds for full compatibility with latest Googlebase standards.

  14. Hi everyone. :blink:


    Newbie to posting so apologies in advance if i stuff this up.


    I run a heavily modded shop and have loaded up easy poulate and made the relevant changes to the PHP config (at least i think i've done them correctly). The issue we are having is we can export the CSV file no probs and instead of the " it places the # & 34 which is all well and good, however when we upload it changes the inverted comma into an inverted comma and a ' so for example an html reference comes out like this '"http:// rather than just "http:// (i.e. it is adding the ' symbol before any inverted commas throughout the html code. this includes in font codes as well and not just html references, so all inverted commas throught the code).


    We do run a wysiwyg add on for the product description window (v 1.7 by maxidvd) so unsure if this is an issue?


    I have looked through the forum and can't find an answer (hopefully i haven't missed it and again appologies if i have).


    Hopefully my post makes sense. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as i'm pulling my hair out.


    please see the support section of the docs for the complete list of items needed help you further.

  15. AI admin problems after moving to subfolder




    I have moved my OSC installation to subfolder and done all necessary corrections in config files. AI works great in catalog.

    It also appears in admin. But when clicking on 'Delete' button for AI image - it just take me to previous page.


    Also in admin area instead of all AI images an image broken link shows. It seems that AI module relates to old place, before moving OSC it to subfolder.


    My question: Where the heck do I need to update AI admin settings to point to new OSC location? So that I can work with AI panel in admin again.




    my bet is a problem in your admin configure.php.


    for deleting, it will look for the file by combining the DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES from your config plus the image name in the database. DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES is a concatenation of DIR_FS_CATALOG + 'images/' (stock). DIR_FS_CATALOG is usually a concatenation of DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT + DIR_WS_CATALOG.


    You need to make sure the combination of all those items equals the correct path to your images. Equally important is not having duplicate slashes in the path. DIR_WS_CATALOG usually has a leading slash and a trailing slash. one of the more common mistakes is to also add a trailing slash to DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT, which is incorrect.


    Hope that helps. PM me your admin configure file if you need further help.

  16. Then I try to set the option "Type" to product_info I get some style issues




    If I set the option to popup the page is displayed like normal. i.e. navigation aligned with background.





    you should examine why <table width="900px"> is in your code just above the images. it will cause problems

  17. I just tried to install this add-on, but I got stuck on 2_files_to_compare. I used Notepad++ to compare side by side, but I wasn't sure what to add in my original file :|


    Please make some changing guide, like is for Featured Products , in this way will be more users happy with this add-on.


    Here is a printscreen with one of many ambiguities: http://img689.images...22/compared.jpg


    What I need is a way to upload an additional (different !) image to show it on mouse over. Maybe is a more simple add-on for this? I really don't need everything what Additional Images Module offers.

    I just installed Featured Products with tooltip.


    Thank you.

    if you are looking for a mouseover, I believe this is the only images contribution that offers that kind of display. There are other simpler contributions that will do the additional images, but you will have to code the mouseover yourself.


    you should get use to using a compare tool. once your shop gets to the point where using a compare tool seems difficult, doing a "find this, change that" method is impossible since the "find this" part has most likely changed.


    You can try comparing to the stock osC shop for each page first, then it should be very clear what need to be inserted in your code. Beyond Compare software (purchased) has been great for me. WinMerge is another that is free.

  18. Hi there.


    I have installed this add on today and everything looks to be ok, other than the category product listing page.


    The images displayed in that table are showing full size so its obviously messing the layout up.


    Can anyone help.






    you are missing the step "D" in the instructions: D. More FILES MODIFICATION (Search and Replace)

  19. Hi, wondered if anyone can help.


    I am importing a largish file of around 15MB and basically it stops, it wont let me split it, I have been able to upload 3,000 products which is about 1/5 of the files contents.


    Is there any server/ file settings I can use to help load it for splitting or upload it all?



    step 6 of the install instructions. If you didn't understand the process there when installing, please let me know where you got stuck.

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