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Everything posted by surfalot

  1. It wasn't designed to show thumbnails in the popup. just on the product page.
  2. look in the instruction file: Install_Catalog.TXT I believe you have missed the instruction that starts: the two examples you provided are actually produced from two different location of the index.php file. (one has subcats, one doesn't)
  3. Many folks use a program like winmerge or Beyond Compare to merge changes from contributions into their store. But you are in luck. Jack has painstakenly included the changes in the installation directions. Just follow the step by step file changes in the 2 direction files Install_Catalog.TXT & Install_Admin.TXT
  4. there are no images names being outputed to the pages. At the moment, I could guess what is wrong if you replaced the file. has been working for many others.
  5. W3.org specs say no html tags. not sure if it will actually affect the SEO.
  6. I have not used that contrib. I don't have any 'off the shelf' solution for that, sorry.
  7. make sure you have lines 703-756 of the contrib package's file /catalog/admin/catagories.php moved into your file.
  8. i don't know what "sppc" is. can you be more specific?
  9. sorry, don't know. You must have missed something there. maybe a brace was out of place.
  10. did you make these files writable? these files should be chmod to 666: catalog/includes/header_tags.php catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php
  11. you can modify the what's new box and pull the image restriction code. or you can install a "keep image proportions" contrib. There are a variety of them. this is one I have used... http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1137
  12. so you want to make the images in the what's new box show as unrestricted?
  13. this is not an issue with More Pics 6. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=179771
  14. Yes it should allow that. Here are some basic checks. It *should* work. 1) replace your /catalog/includes/header_tags.php file with the one in the contrib. 2) make sure your /catalog/product_info.php file got the code inserted from the "CHANGES TO ALL FILES:" section of the catalog install directions. 3) make sure the text you enter in the meta title, description and keyword fields for each product gets saved and show up when re-editing the product. product page items should reflect meta title, description and keyword updates from your catalog admin and the Fill Tags HTC admin tool.
  15. I think you are looking for a featured products type thing. There are a few featured products contribs available.
  16. this contrib doesn't alter the admin attributes page. I'd say restore and try again.
  17. Check these permissions. Only these files should be chmod to 666: catalog/includes/header_tags.php catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php if you have ALL the file permissions set to 666 and your server has suexec installed, you will not be able to execute the admin files. All the other files beside the ones listed above should be the same permissions as the files around them. (generally 644) catalog/admin/header_tags_controller.php catalog/admin/header_tags_english.php catalog/admin/header_tags_fill_tags.php catalog/admin/header_tags_popup_help.php and others..
  18. if the message reads like this: then you have Admin Access Control contrib installed. you need to go to your Administrator->File Access admin area and setup access for the Header Tags Controller files. The contrib and instructions for using it are here. If that isn't installed, then it's these files that need the correct permissions set: catalog/admin/header_tags_controller.php catalog/admin/header_tags_english.php catalog/admin/header_tags_fill_tags.php catalog/admin/header_tags_popup_help.php
  19. looks like you have a function being redefined. Can't figure out how it happened from this install. this contrib does not touch any of the files mentioned. recompare your original with the one in the package and make sure you didn't add this line <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'); ?> from the contrib package if your install didn't require it. Or maybe somehow duplicated the include. Remember, all areas that need to be merged into your code are marked with "BOF: More Pics 6" and "EOF: More Pics 6".
  20. I just noticed the SQL install is placing the Specials Module at the top of the list of Configuration groups in the admin. If anyone wants to push it to the bottom, run this SQL. Make sure the number in `sort_order` = '50' is higher then the highest sort order already there. UPDATE `configuration_group` SET `sort_order` = '50' WHERE `configuration_group_id` =6123 LIMIT 1;
  21. If you ran the SQL script, it is in your admin->configuration->Specials Module Should be at the top of the list of items in your Configuration groups. See the next post if you want to move it to the bottom of that configuration groups...
  22. Sounds like you ran the SQL a few times, or double-clicked the Go button. run this in your phpMyAdmin (or other SQL tool): DELETE FROM `configuration` WHERE `configuration_group_id` = 6123; INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Limit the Scope of Specials Shown', 'LIMIT_PRODUCT_SPECIALS_SCOPE', 'true', 'Show only Product Specials that are under the current category level.', 6123, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'); INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Show Specials on Catalog Page', 'SHOW_PRODUCT_SPECIALS_ON_CATALOG', 'true', 'Show Product Specials at the bottom of the Main Catalog Page', 6123, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'); INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Show Specials on Categories Page', 'SHOW_PRODUCT_SPECIALS_ON_CATEGORIES', 'true', 'Show Product Specials at the bottom of the Categories Page. Shown only on pages without a products list also.', 6123, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'); INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Show Specials on Products Info Page', 'SHOW_PRODUCT_SPECIALS_ON_PRODUCTS', 'true', 'Show Product Specials at the bottom of the Products Info pages.', 6123, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'); INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Show Specials on Products List Pages', 'SHOW_PRODUCT_SPECIALS_ON_PRODUCTS_LIST', 'true', 'Show Product Specials at the bottom of the Products List pages. This is best suited for column/row product list pages.', 6123, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'); INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Product Specials Columns', 'PRODUCT_SPECIALS_DISPLAY_COLUMNS', '3', 'Number of columns to display product specials.', 6123, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Max Product Specials', 'MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCT_SPECIALS', '3', 'Maximum number of product specials to display in a category.', 6123, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);
  23. OPEN: catalog/includes/modules/products_specials.php find: new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents,false,false, tep_href_link(FILENAME_SPECIALS)); replace with the following if you still want a title, otherwise just remove it. format as needed. echo $info_box_contents[0]['text']; Find: new contentBox($info_box_contents); replace with: new tableBox($info_box_contents, true); presto! no box!
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