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Everything posted by surfalot

  1. badlhby is almost right-on. for those that use other odd versions of USPS and USPS methods here's the fix that worked for my sites... Add this to your includes>functions>general.php or to the bottom of your usps.php module after the last ending bracket } /** * dechunk an http 'transfer-encoding: chunked' message * * @[member='param'] string $chunk the encoded message * @[member='Return'] string the decoded message. If $chunk wasn't encoded properly it will be returned unmodified. */ function http_chunked_decode($chunk) { $pos = 0; $len = strlen($chunk); $dechunk = null; while(($pos < $len) && ($chunkLenHex = substr($chunk,$pos, ($newlineAt = strpos($chunk,"\n",$pos+1))-$pos))) { if (!is_hex($chunkLenHex)) { trigger_error('Value is not properly chunk encoded', E_USER_WARNING); return $chunk; } $pos = $newlineAt + 1; $chunkLen = hexdec(rtrim($chunkLenHex,"\r\n")); $dechunk .= substr($chunk, $pos, $chunkLen); $pos = strpos($chunk, "\n", $pos + $chunkLen) + 1; } return $dechunk; } /** * determine if a string can represent a number in hexadecimal * * @[member='param'] string $hex * @[member='Return'] boolean true if the string is a hex, otherwise false */ function is_hex($hex) { // regex is for weenies $hex = strtolower(trim(ltrim($hex,"0"))); if (empty($hex)) { $hex = 0; }; $dec = hexdec($hex); return ($hex == dechex($dec)); } then find this small code chunck: if ($http->Get('/shippingAPI.dll?' . $request)) $body = $http->getBody(); change to if ($http->Get('/shippingAPI.dll?' . $request)) $body = http_chunked_decode($http->getBody()); should do it. works for me in several versions of this module.
  2. please backup your database just in case. The following script will clear all products for the default osc database. Run it in a utility that your host would offer like phpMyAdmin (popular free MySQL php database manager) DELETE FROM `categories`; DELETE FROM `categories_description`; DELETE FROM `manufacturers`; DELETE FROM `manufacturers_info`; DELETE FROM `products`; DELETE FROM `products_attributes`; DELETE FROM `products_attributes_download`; DELETE FROM `products_description`; DELETE FROM `products_notifications`; DELETE FROM `products_options`; DELETE FROM `products_options_values`; DELETE FROM `products_options_values_to_products_options`; DELETE FROM `products_to_categories`; DELETE FROM `specials`; Then import the products from easypopulate. You *can* avoid clearing your manufacturers and categories by leaving out the top four lines.
  3. easypopulate finds the correct product to update using the model number. If you exported the products, added the model number to the spreadsheet, then imported, what you experienced is exactly what will happen. You need the model numbers in the database/products to work.
  4. I appears you have a portion of header tags controller installed in your shop. You'll need to remove that or complete the installation with the correct database fields installed.
  5. If you have the current version of SPPC, I don't believe this will work for you. It is coded for an older version.
  6. sorry, no workaround. You will need to find a host that allows the php file to write to folders. The same will be true if you decide to use an image thumbnailer contribution.
  7. you will need to lookup how to set these in your .htaccess file. Your host should have been able to help you adjust the numbers if you told them the error you are getting. Doesn't sound like they actually helped you make the settings correct. The error says memory is being exhausted. So you need to increase the allowed memory in the .htaccess file to accommodate. I can't tell you how much, you need to try increasing the allowed memory and see what happens.
  8. if you are using some kind of thumbnail contribution, you'll need to find out how it generates the thumbs and help that contribution along to do so. there are a couple of additional/thumb images contributions EP will use. Please see the docs for information about contribution support.
  9. my guess is there is a file that should have been uploaded that wasn't. Why version 2.1? you'd have better results from 2.76i
  10. you need to take a close look at install instructions step #6 of the latest file set I uploaded. If you don't understand how to set up that file, please ask your host to assist you with that.
  11. Try adding the tax id column even if you do not use it. If you need further help, please see the "support" section of the docs and post what is requested for help.
  12. you will want to take a close look at install step #6 of my version 2.76i. Go over those settings with your host to ensure you are allowed to make those changes. Discuss with them the error you are receiving and ask them to help you set the .htaccess file with the instructions on step #6.
  13. the most important thing is a sample of the data file you are attempting to upload, which most folks don't post for some reason. Most problem happen because of problems formatting the import.
  14. please see the how to ask for help section of the docs and post all the requested info with an example of your import file.
  15. changes to backup.php shouldn't be necessary with the latest osC 2.2 version, all others yes. no changes this contribution makes should cause any blank pages. neither item you mention should cause a blank page after logging in. I suspect not all the files were uploaded correctly, double check the new files to make sure they were all uploaded correctly.
  16. neither item you mention should cause a blank page after logging in. I suspect not all the files were uploaded correctly, double check the new files to make sure they were all uploaded correctly.
  17. sorry, I don't know the answer to that. The question to Ultrapics forum would be; is there any database changes since then? Note: Ultrapics of that year was limited to 6 additional pics. Additional Images is unlimited.
  18. please see the instructions for adding fields to the code in the top settings section of easypopulate.php script. if you have further specific questions about that part, please post again.
  19. the latest version (march 2010) has EP_SHOW_EP_SETTINGS on line 36 of easypopulate.php. you are not looking hard enough for it. I can't help the version numbers. It's usually pretty clear to folks that they should increase the version numbers when they upload a new one. if you are looking for support for SPPC, I can't say it will work. Support in this package was for a version that was out many years ago.
  20. sorry to hear about your troubles, yes, hosts can be a pain when they don't want to help. If you can't make the settings described in step 6 of the install, then move hosts, interview them before about how well they can assist with osCommerce shops. Some will some just don't care about the "little guy". the best thing I can suggest is to make sure your host has a database server on your web server and not a remote database server. That will kill the site's performance and ability to run EP.
  21. Not sure why this settings section wouldn't save you time. It was designed to do just that: // ****************************************************************** // BEGIN Define Custom Fields for your products database // ****************************************************************** // The following setup will allow you to define any additional // field into the "products" and "products_description" tables // in your shop. If you have installed a custom contribution // that adds fields to these tables you may simply and easily add // them to the EasyPopulate system. custom product fields in an instant, really.
  22. if you are running out of memory, then you want to do is discuss the Step #6 in the install instructions (my latest version) with your host to ensure you are withing policy to change those settings. 500 errors are hard to diagnose since they are so vague. My gut is telling me it is something else like file permissions, or mod_security settings, or something else.
  23. if you are using one of my latest version, you went WAY out of your way to accomplish that. Reading the docs and the settings at the top of the script would have saved you lots of time.
  24. As I mentioned in the post at the top of the page, the latest version is 2.76i. If you would like me to help further, you need to download that version which I uploaded (2.76i). I didn't upload the March version. Please use that version & those instructions. If you are not seeing EP_SHOW_EP_SETTINGS or a section of settings at the top of the script, you are using a version I can't support. Please verify you are using that version and have read through all the docs for good measure. And of course once you do, you should note the category column headings in that version are different from those that you have used in your test file. And you have a v_attribute_options_id_1 column which is useless by itself.
  25. I'm sorry there are not any featured products contributions supported in the latest versions.
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