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Everything posted by punchapparel

  1. Well, I got this... partially. // Draw first option dropdown with all values if(sizeof($attributes[0]['ovals']) > 1) { $out.='<tr><td align="right" class=main><b>'.'<!-- XXX' . sizeof($attributes[0]['oname']) . ' -->'. $attributes[0]['oname']. ":</b></td><td class=main>". tep_draw_pull_down_menu('id['.$attributes[0]['oid'].']', array_merge(array(array('id'=>0, 'text'=>'First select '.$attributes[0]['oname'])), $attributes[0]['ovals']),$attributes[0]['default'], "onchange=\"i".$attributes[0]['oid']."(this.form);setDetail(this.form);return false;\""). "</td></tr>\n"; } else { $out.='<tr><td align="right" class=main><b>'. $attributes[0]['oname']. ":</b></td><td class=main>". tep_draw_pull_down_menu('id['.$attributes[0]['oid'].']', $attributes[0]['ovals'], " ", "disabled\""). "</td></tr>\n"; } // Draw second to next to last option dropdowns - no values, with onchange for($o=1; $o<sizeof($attributes)-1; $o++) { $out.='<tr><td align="right" class=main><b>'.$attributes[$o]['oname'].":</b></td><td class=main>".tep_draw_pull_down_menu('id['.$attributes[$o]['oid'].']',array(array('id'=>0, 'text'=>'Next select '.$attributes[$o]['oname'])), '', "onchange=\"i".$attributes[$o]['oid']."(this.form);setDetail(this.form);return false;\"")."</td></tr>\n"; } It's the "Draw second to next to last option dropdowns - no values, with onchange" loop that has been a lot tougher. I want to do the same thing as in the first option, display the dropdown, item selected, dropdown disabled. Tips?
  2. Well, another suggestion has sally'd forth from the client. QT Pro 4.x has this concept of a single dropdown. This is very close to what they really would like to have. I'll call it a combination of the single dropdown and multiple dropdown. In the first dropdown they want to merge Shirt color and Ink Color. The second dropdown would be Shirt size. Should I just be looking to hack pad_multiple_dropdowns.php to accomplish this? I'm not really sure I'm up to the task actually. Anybody doing it? Maybe it's already built in.
  3. Yes. A given shirt might come with options for men/women, shirt color, ink color, and size. Men/Women are catorgorized, so not a problem. It's the other three, where a shirt might only come in one (1) color and one (1) ink color that I'm focused on (size always being a choice). That's what I'm doing now. But not "good enough" for client. Sometimes, clients don't get it. :-"
  4. Using QT Pro 4.1. Where should I look to hack the display of attributes that have only one option. For example, I'm using sequenced drop down, for the first attribute, shirt color, if only one (1) shirt color is available, I would like to "auto select it" and disable the dropdown, or possible just display it as text. Possible? Tips?
  5. JayZ and SPPC gurus: MM suggested I post here. A recent business development raised the need to waive shipping for specific customers. This feature seems to fit nicely with the purpose of SPPC. Warmest Regards, Tim
  6. I would like to add a javascript function to the QT Pro dropdown. Where should I look...in the code or a link to an existing reply/topic would be helpful. Many Thanks, Tim
  7. Part One w/o Part Two and other ?s/comments. Many thanks for the contribution! It is the best one out there! KUDOS Can I do "Part One" without "Part Two"? What about the other way around, Part Two without Part One? Also, how the instructions read, it is at least partially implied, copying the "new files" is not necessary in one of the steps. Also, on "seelily.com" it would be helpful if the "Try my checkout type 1" and "Try my checkout type 2" were explained in the documentation as such or visa versa. No where in the documentation are the applications of "Fast Easy Checkout" described as "Checkout Type 1" or "Checkout Type 2" adding a bit of confusion. What is the relationship of "Type 1" to "Part One," if any? Many thanks for the contribution! It is the best one out there! KUDOS But some constructive criticism: the instructions are, well, confusing and in need of a "Technical Documention" template or editor.
  8. Many thanks for the contribution! It is the best one out there! KUDOS But some constructive criticism: the instructions are, well, confusing and in need of a "Technical Documention" template or editor. So, I have questions: Can I do "Part One" without "Part Two"? What about the other way around, Part Two without Part One? Also, how the instructions read, it is at least partially implied, copying the "new files" is not necessary in one of the steps. Also, on "seelily.com" it would be helpful if the "Try my checkout type 1" and "Try my checkout type 2" were explained in the documentation as such or visa versa. No where in the documentation are the applications of "Fast Easy Checkout" described as "Checkout Type 1" or "Checkout Type 2" adding a bit of confusion. What is the relationship of "Type 1" to "Part One," if any?
  9. This is about the most frustrating subject. Why I'm I searching the forums for a solution to a problem that seems to evade the OSC masters? Here's my setup. Standard PayPal module in a typical OSC-MS2 install. PayPal Sandbox configuration. Auto-Return (via Merchant Tools) works FINE for people checking out that have a PayPal account. Okay, test case complete. So why does this NOT work in PayPal account optional scenarios? Here's the run down on my experiences to date: Create OSC account. Buy products. Check out, land at PayPal. PayPal clears all hurdles for a non-PayPal account. The "Return to Merchant" button is there... click... BAM! I'm redirected to the login screen and my shopping cart is, well, where is my shopping cart? Doesn't matter, I didn't get to my "configured return URL". Instead it appears that /catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal.php is telling PayPal the return URL is "checkout_process.php" This is okay actually, the final PayPal page has this return URL in the HTML of the page, BUT, and a big BUT it is, this is not how it works! What happens when clicking on that button is one is taken to the login in page (as noted), but if you take the source for the action of the button (the button is wrapped in a single form), AFTER you have already been redirected to the login page, and paste this code in the location bar, VIOLA! the cart, order and session are successful! So with this information now in hand, maybe some of the more estemeed members can hunt this problem down. IPN is not an option. Please don't fall back to another configuration. Let's see if this can be fixed. What changed at PayPal? The standard PayPal module should work, or it should be pulled.
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