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Everything posted by Davewalters

  1. Installed Products attribute option type feature while ago and it worked fine - have since installed this order editor and now OTF has stopped working properly. It passes the details the user has inputted into the shopping cart and through ordering but will not pass the details any further. In admin when reviewing the order and also on the order emails I'm just getting the name of the field and "TEXT" instead of the user submitted info. I'm assuming this has something to do with order editor?? Help.
  2. Installed this a while ago and it worked fine - have since installed order editor and now OTF has stopped working properly. It passes the details the user has inputted into the shopping cart and through ordering but will not pass the details any further. In admin when reviewing the order and also on the order emails I'm just getting the name of the field and "TEXT" instead of the user submitted info. I'm assuming this has something to do with order editor?? Help.
  3. <FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial,Geneva" SIZE="2"> <center> <FONT SIZE="2"><b>Congratulations!</b><br>The domain <b>[>DOMAIN<].[>EXT<]</b> is available!</font> </center> <P> A search performed on <i>[>WHOIS_SERVER<]</i> has revealed that the domain "<b>[>DOMAIN<].[>EXT<]</b>" is available. <p> <form action="http://ukbis.net/oscommerce/product_info.php/cPath/133/products_id/2006" target="_parent" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="products_id" value="2006"> <input type=hidden name=domain value="[>DOMAIN<].[>EXT<]"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT TITLE=" Add to Cart " VALUE="Order NOW"> </form> </FONT> When you hit order now it sends the already created product, domain name, to the cart. I need it to send <input type=hidden name=domain value="[>DOMAIN<].[>EXT<]"> this as well - perhaps as an attribute????
  4. Hi - I don't want it to actually register just to search for an available domain name then add that info to the cart so the client can purchase from me and I can then register later. I'm sort of halfway there using Matts Whois in an Iframe and linking an order now button to an existing product called domain name. There it lets me down as I've no idea of how to make it pass the selected domain name to the cart as an attribute - helppppppppppppppppp
  5. I'm after a contrib which will search through domain names tell you if it's available and then add it to the shopping cart. Is there such a contribution??? I've tried several tonight and none of them work, they eiother won't pass the info or won;t even search. Can anyone point me to a working contribution - thanks in advance.
  6. Hi - Installed a few different versions of this contrib tonight and have ended up with the one by Theman based on a script by Matt and modified by Teddy Caddy - I've had a great night :angry: It basically does what I need in that it'll search whois and tell you whether a domain name is available. It then brings up an order now button which simply appends a pre created product id to the button and adds to the cart. What I need is the actual domain name [>DOMAIN<] and the extension [>EX<] to be passed to the cart as well. The information is currently passed from isavial (is available) file as follows; <FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial,Geneva" SIZE="2"> <center> <FONT SIZE="2"><b>Congratulations!</b><br>The domain <b>[>DOMAIN<].[>EXT<]</b> is available!</font> </center> <P> A search performed on <i>[>WHOIS_SERVER<]</i> has revealed that the domain "<b>[>DOMAIN<].[>EXT<]</b>" is available. <p> <form action="http://ukbis.net/oscommerce/product_info.php/cPath/133/products_id/2006" target="_parent" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="products_id" value="2006"> <input type=hidden name=domain value="[>DOMAIN<].[>EXT<]"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT TITLE=" Add to Cart " VALUE="Order NOW"> </form> </FONT> Is there anyway to modify this so that the domain and ext information can also be passed to the shopping cart, perhaps as an attribute? Failing that is there any working contribution that will do this? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi - I've installed the following http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...,latest+updates with no problems. This is primarily to give clients a page listing of what has recently come back into stock (it also lists recently edited items as well but that's superfluous). With my type of store there are dozens of small items which come in and out of stock with some frequency and sometimes have a waiting list for them. My store's at http://www.ukbcoins.co.uk/oscommerce/index.php and the new page/feature is at http://ukbcoins.co.uk/oscommerce/latest_updates.php As mentioned it all works fine and does what I need it to do. The infobox on the left hand column (titled "back in stock") though is drawing directly from boxes/latest_updates.php but unfortunately this file appears to be a direct copy of boxes/whats_new.php so I'm getting two infoboxes showing the same thing. Is there a quick fix or do I need to rewrite boxes/latest_updates.php, in which case I'm stuck, Could I do some sort of copy from catalog/latest_updates.php - Help and thanks in advance!
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