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Everything posted by varnco

  1. Maybe this will help? How to use OSC Affiliate: ++++++++++ CONFIGURATION TAB IN ADMIN: Affiliate Pay Per Sales Payment % - amount of commission you will pay each affiliate for each order. This is a global %. Payment Threshold - minimum amount an affiliate has to have earned before you will payout. This is a total of all commissions, not per sale. (example: if your threshold is $25, when you press payment, commissions to be paid won't be calculated until their cumulative commissions equals $25 or more.) Cookie Timeout - how long the cookie to track affiliate clicks will be active. This is in seconds. Billing Time - How aged an order needs to be before you will pay commission. This is important so you can exclude any returns. Recommend 30 days Order Min Status - The status the account needs to be in before it will calculate a commission for an affiliate sale. In my shop, "1"= pending, "2"= processing and "3" = completed/shipped. Pay Affilaites by (check, bank, paypal) - Payment methods you will offer your affiliates for paying their commissions. This program does not have a payment system.. you will have to do that seperately/on your own using paypal or writing checks, etc. Individual Affliate Percentage - If you want to assign a specific percentage to an affiliate instead of the global % Use Affiliate Tier - set whether your affiliate can have affiliates Tier Levels - how many levels? Just an affiliate and one affiliate under, or can the affiliate under the affiliate have an affiliate under them and so on? Percentage Rate for Tier Levels - Payout options for the tier affiliates. You must have Individual affiliate turned off to use tier levels Affiliate News - How many "Affiliate News" items appear under news for affiliates when they log into their affiliate account. +++++++++ AFFILIATE TAB IN ADMIN: Summary - Self Explanatory Affiliates - Names of affiliates signed up and a link to their individual stats (similar to "Summary") Payment - This will generate a "payment sheet" for any affiliate sales that qualify for a commission and have the commission amount as pending. That is, the customer's order must be in the "STATUS" that you set in configuration (1, 2, 3, etc.) AND the "billing time" must have passed (set up in configuration) AND the total of commissions for the affiliate must exceed your set "payment threshold". After you actually pay your affiliate, you mark the sale as paid and send an email update to affiliate (similar to how you send one to a customer for a update to their order). This module does not automatically pay any $$ towards affiliate. You do that separately. Sales - Sales made by the affiliates. Clicks - Clicks made on affiliate links (sources) Banners - Set up banners (and text links) for your products/categories - Set up a banner link and ti will automatically set up a text only link as well, using the name of the banner link. - Click on the little double squares graphic to the left of the listing of the banners, to see a popup of the banner. Affiliate News - News to your affiliates. Displays on the screen once your affiliate has logged in. HTML can be used. Affiliate Newsletter - create affiliate newsletter if you want to mail a newsletter to your affiliates. If you want HTML newsletters, see below how to make this change. Contacts - If you want to send an email to an individual affiliate or all affiliates. ++++++++ CHANGE AFFILIATE NEWSLETTER FROM TEXT HTML: in admin/includes/modules/newsletters/affiliate_newsletter.php Find this: $mimemessage->add_text($this->content); change to: $mimemessage->add_html($this->content); ++++++++ DISABLE PAYING TAXES ON AFFILIATE PAYMENTS: Find in admin/affiliate_configure.php: define ('AFFILIATE_TAX_ID','1'); // Tax Rates used for billing the affiliates Put this from a 1 to a 0 tax rate. ++++++++ "From" email address on affiliate newsletters or regular affiliate email is not correct: -Make sure you have set up the email address for your server. -Make sure you have entered the return email address under the configuration tab. +++++++ FAQ can be found and edited here: includes/languages/english/affiliate_faq.php TERMS can be found and edited here: includes/languages/english/affiliate_terms.php +++++++ OTHER CONFIGURATION OPTIONS: Other configuration options change from false to true or true to false to suit your needs. Where the option is days, you either enter "false" or the # of days: /admin/includes/affiliate_configure.php define ('AFFILIATE_NOTIFY_AFTER_BILLING','false'); // Notify affiliate if he got a new invoice define ('AFFILIATE_DELETE_ORDERS','false'); // Delete affiliate_sales if an order is deleted (Warning: Only not yet billed sales are deleted) define ('AFFILIATE_DELETE_CLICKTHROUGHS','false'); // (days / false) To keep the clickthrough report small you can set the days after which they are deleted (when calling affiliate_summary in the admin) define ('AFFILIATE_DELETE_AFFILIATE_BANNER_HISTORY','false'); // (days / false) To keep thethe table AFFILIATE_BANNER_HISTORY small you can set the days after which they are deleted (when calling affiliate_summary in the admin)
  2. Oops. i guess you meant this one: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=1382608 Thanks!
  3. Spooks, which thread? this very one we're in? i didn't see anything regarding setting it up with reviews. I have "guest reviews" installed, which allows guests to post reviews (since i don't require an account to order my product). Thanks.
  4. Curious if anyone has been able to get this to work with reviews page? I have guest reviews mod installed on my site, and can't figure out how to get this integrated. Seems like reviews was the only submit page which wasn't included. Looks very easy to install too.
  5. I was having problems with my product feeds not accepting at froogle us, so I went into the froogle_us.php file under admin and turned the advanced options off.
  6. I added mine in here.. it's basically adding a section for where you'll go to manage your affiliates, see clicks, sales, etc. array('title' => BOX_HEADING_REPORTS, 'image' => 'reports.gif', 'href' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_PRODUCTS_PURCHASED, 'selected_box=reports'), 'children' => array(array('title' => REPORTS_PRODUCTS, 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_PRODUCTS_PURCHASED, 'selected_box=reports')), array('title' => REPORTS_ORDERS, 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_CUSTOMERS, 'selected_box=reports')))), /// BOF Added for affiliate array('title' => BOX_HEADING_AFFILIATE, 'image' => 'affiliate.gif', 'href' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_SUMMARY, 'selected_box=affiliate'), 'children' => array(array('title' => BOX_AFFILIATE, 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE, 'selected_box=affiliate')), array('title' => BOX_AFFILIATE_BANNERS, 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_BANNERS, 'selected_box=affiliate')))), /// EOF added for affiliate array('title' => BOX_HEADING_TOOLS, 'image' => 'tools.gif', 'href' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_BACKUP, 'selected_box=tools'), 'children' => array(array('title' => TOOLS_BACKUP, 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_BACKUP, 'selected_box=tools')), array('title' => TOOLS_BANNERS, 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_BANNER_MANAGER, 'selected_box=tools')), array('title' => TOOLS_FILES, 'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_FILE_MANAGER, 'selected_box=tools'))))); I am using version 2.6 installed on a 2004 release of OSC. My index.php in admin is almost 300 lines long...are you sure you're looking in the right "index.php" file?
  7. I am having the same issue. I had this mod installed a while ago, tested it, it worked fine, but now no billing. But, did you check the affiliate_configure.php file in admin/includes for the billing time and the status the record has to be in before it will get "billed"?
  8. Has anyone installed this on a heavily modified consumer web site? About 25 contributions installed. Thanks.
  9. Daniel, do you care to post how you've done this? I'm sure someone will be asking in the future how you did this. Well, kinda like me asking. :-)
  10. Have you tried using the 2.61 version of OSC SQL command instead? That is the version that I used and have no issues. I assume you backed up your database before you executed the SQL command, so would have an original that you could reload, and then apply the new SQL?
  11. Great! Care to share how you did this, so others can perhaps use? Thanks.
  12. Jamie, add this at the bottom of includes/application_top.php // BOF added for affiliate program to remove the ref= from the url if (isset($_GET["ref"])) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: http://www.yourdomain.com/"); header("Expires: 0"); exit; } // EOF added for affiliate program to remove the ref= from the url this will strip everything and give a permanent redirect to the domain you enter.
  13. I just commented out the text links portion, so my affiliates can't click on the link and see the text links. It would be nice if the text links could be created separately from the banner ads.... but hey, this contribution is FANTASTIC, as is!
  14. My store is from 2004, and is currently running PHP 5.2.5. Affiliate works just fine and dandy.
  15. Trying to figure out if there is a way to limit the number of text links. I've simply created a bunch of different banners, where each one is a different size. The description of each banner is the size of the banner. This is a problem when someone needs just a text link code as the part that is underlined is the name of the banner. Is there a way to manually input text link code so they're not automatically created from the banners? Thanks.
  16. You have to go to paypal and pay directly. This does not make any payments on your behalf. It simply tells you how much to pay, and then you change the status for your affiliate from Pending payment to "paid"...
  17. Here's some documentation I've put together. Not sure it's 100% correct, as I'm still testing this out. I'm about 95% ready to go.
  18. you can use a variation of the above... but the above coding is based on $$ value, not quantity of items within a category.
  19. This add-on/contribution MIGHT be what you are working for... not per product, but it appears you can tell it what products CAN be sold by your affiliate. I haven't tried it though. http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1858
  20. You set the cookie time for the referral, under configuration for the affiliate program contribution If, you have the cookie set for 30 days, then yes, if the customer returns again to your site within the 30 days then the affiliate will get credit for the sale. The cookie is reset for a new 30 day time the next time the customer is referred by the link from aaa.com I plan on setting my cookie for 7 days... 30 seems too long.
  21. This is way too good of a contribution for it to die.... Here's a recent change I made to my site for discounts. I was giving discounts based on quantity of items that were ordered (since April 2006), but I added low priced items (accessories), so that type of discounting wouldn't work, as customers added low price and low margin items and got discounts they shouldn't have qualified. This is the old code, discounts based on # of items in shopping cart: $easy_discount->reset(); if ($cart->count_contents() > 0) { // cart contents $cart_total = $cart->show_total(); if ($cart->count_contents() > 9) $easy_discount->set('BK1','Bulk Discount -10%',$cart_total*0.10); // 5% of cart total if ($cart->count_contents() > 14) $easy_discount->set('BK1','Bulk Discount -15%',$cart_total*0.15); // 6% of cart total if ($cart->count_contents() > 29) $easy_discount->set('BK1','Bulk Discount -20%',$cart_total*0.20); // 7% of cart total } else{ $easy_discount->clear('BK1'); // remove discount if present and cart gets empty } I have since changed it to give discounts based on total $$ value of items in cart, so if they want to add 350 items of $1 cost to get a discount... go for it: $easy_discount->reset(); if ($cart->count_contents() > 0) { // cart contents $cart_total = $cart->show_total(); if ($cart->show_total() > 350) $easy_discount->set('BK1','Bulk Discount -10%',$cart_total*0.10); // 10% of cart total if ($cart->show_total() > 500) $easy_discount->set('BK1','Bulk Discount -15%',$cart_total*0.15); // 15% of cart total if ($cart->show_total() > 800) $easy_discount->set('BK1','Bulk Discount -20%',$cart_total*0.20); // 20% of cart total } else{ $easy_discount->clear('BK1'); // remove discount if present and cart gets empty } The numbers after the greater than is the $$ amount (> 350, >500, etc.) So flexible. You need to know a bit of coding, but man... nice. Thanks Boxtel. Others should share their coding for those that don't know how to code, can at least use what is out there and tweak....
  22. It seems that the coding you refer to is creating a date that is today less the affiliate billing time: $time = mktime(1, 1, 1, date("m"), date("d") - AFFILIATE_BILLING_TIME, date("Y")); $oldday = date("Y-m-d", $time); And then this code that actually pulls the sales that qualify, comparing the above date, is it less than or equal to the "affiliate date" / Get all orders which are AFFILIATE_BILLING_TIME days old $sql=" SELECT a.affiliate_orders_id FROM " . TABLE_AFFILIATE_SALES . " a, " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o WHERE a.affiliate_billing_status!=1 and a.affiliate_orders_id=o.orders_id and o.orders_status>=" . AFFILIATE_PAYMENT_ORDER_MIN_STATUS . " and a.affiliate_id='" . $affiliate_payment['affiliate_id'] . "'and a.affiliate_date <= '" . $oldday . "' "; $affiliate_orders_query=tep_db_query ($sql); $orders_id ="("; while ($affiliate_orders = tep_db_fetch_array($affiliate_orders_query)) { $orders_id .= $affiliate_orders['affiliate_orders_id'] . ","; } $orders_id = substr($orders_id, 0, -1) .")";
  23. tom, I may be sticking my foot in my mouth, because I am no expert, maybe someone else can chime in, but this thread after 2000+ posts seems somewhat quiet. Anywho, the way I see it, the Affiliate_Billing_Time is the amount of days you set up in configuration before a commissioned sale is paid commission. I think that you are focused on is calculating out into the future WHEN that commission would be payable. INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('','Billing Time', 'AFFILIATE_BILLING_TIME', '30', 'Orders billed must be at least "30" days old.<br>This is needed if a order is refunded', 900, 5, NULL, now(), NULL, NULL); But then again, I may be way off... where in the database are these dates stored? They have to be in the database somewhere. I assumed they were in the clump of affiliate tables.
  24. Not sure what to tell you. I installed 2.6X and it's worked fine for me... no issues at all.
  25. Tom, I checked in the affiliate database, and changed the date the affiliate sale came in on my web site to 03/07/07, and then clicked to create payment, and it did... I changed the date in the affiliate_sales table, and the affiliate_date field within the table. I could not find a data field with the name that you quoted in the code.
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