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Posts posted by peterpil19

  1. Not sure I can agree with that. Phoenix is the latest iteration of osCommerce by any definition. It is much more advanced than considering the changes that have been made to its codebase. Hooks, modular functionality and layout, responsive design, PHP 7+ etc. 

    Yes it has been around 5 years and the challenges I outlined above has continued to persist and continues to undermine the launch of each version, yet Gary and others (including you) have continued to support the project to our collective benefit despite homeground disadvantages! That fact 5 years has gone by is an absolute credit to Gary and others.

    Just the other day a 75 year old gentleman posted to this forum asking for help. He had installed 2.3.4 and appeared stuck.  I hope not, but I reckon we lost him  (just like we lose many others) when he was told he had installed the wrong version from cPanelx followed by the requisite elaborate explanation to instruct him which version to install and how to go about it. So I come to the forum after installing the official version to be told, don't do that, install the non-official version.  This gentleman was someone who took the time to  actually install osCommerce. As I said, there would be countless others in the market for a cart like osCommerce who are seeing the official dated, non-responsive, demo and choosing an alternative. We never even get a chance to speak to them and it is our own fault.

    Just imagine you turn up to a stadium with tickets to watch the official team play.  You present your tickets and get told - yes that is the official team but they are really bad and out of shape. You really should see the other non-official team play, they are younger and much better and you will enjoy it more! You think to yourself - that can't be right so you go watch the official team play and are disappointed. You don't come back again. Why on earth are they selling tickets for the official team and why is the non-official team not the official team?!

    There is definitely a sizeable market for this type of shopping cart. Google proves it. The sheer number of websites built on osCommerce and comparable carts proves it. The market is large enough to sustain Phoenix if we fix some fundamental issues like I mentioned above. We do not need millions of members. yes, if we wanted that, things might need to change. But you need to crawl before you walk and right now perhaps crawling is what is needed so we can learn how to walk again. I definitely do not agree that the market is limited to just a few enthusiasts.

    Understandably given your tenure and clear passion for osCommerce, you are entitled to feeling jaded. However I hope you continue to support Phoenix with your add ons and passion.


  2. I think the marketing / marketability issue raised above is a different issue, caused by the way Phoenix is treated on this website and in cPanelx.

    • Phoenix is the latest working responsive version yet this site is revolves almost entirely around the official version which is dated and frankly, unmarketable. I could not believe that there would be anyone on this forum that maintains a view that the official version is still a marketable product. I would be gobsmacked if there were.
    • New users are offered a demo of the official version only.  Most likely they do not proceed because it is old and non-responsive.
    • New users install osCommerce on cPanelx (or they see the demo there) and then proceed to an alternative shopping cart available from cPanelx that is modern and responsive.

    This means we are losing people on our own turf!  It is mind-boggling how ludicrously simple the solution is this but for whatever reason that solution seems to be considered an impossibility. There is no point talking about marketing and marketability when we are scoring own-goals and there is no place to market our own product. Our own stadium is promoting a different team.

    On the subject of keeping core simple, one advantage is that the core stays manageable in circumstances where there is a sheer lack of coders dedicated to maintaining and improving it (as evident at GitHub). @burt cannot do everything.

    If I understand the vision correctly, it means, building a core code-base that allows coders to build modules without altering core and allowing each coder to focus within their areas of strengths. It also empowers the user to alter layout, content and functionality, without touching core code. Modularity means scalability and opens up possibilities to creating loads of modules.

    There is NOTHING stopping anyone from creating modules, whether payment modules or otherwise, or in fact from suggesting changes to core in GitHub. If I could code better,  I would. If everything was loaded into core I would guess we would be in a situation where many of the modules being offered would not be able to be maintained because they would be relegated to the team focused on core.


  3. I have found that delivery information is no longer passing through to paypal since the instant update appears to no longer be functional. So the customer only sees a sub-total on the paypal screen, the total when returned to shop and the paypal receipt records only the total...




  4. Hi Gerry,

    I agree 100% with Craig.

    CE Phoenix is the only version of osCommerce worth installing.

    It is the only version that is modern and continues to be updated.


  5. Hi Sebastian,

    What is the consequence of the 301 redirects? Is it having any adverse effect? 

    Unfortunately I do not believe this add on is supported any more.

    Also,  it does not appear to work with the most recent version of osCommerce - CE Phoenix

    The Ultimate SEO add on by @Jack_mcs continues to be supported and works with CE Phoenix. I have it installed.

    I would encourage you to upgrade to CE Phoenix  in due course.

    In the interim, perhaps Jack as the resident SEO expert could answer your question for you.


  6. Hi Zahid,

    Firstly, thank you for continuing to work on add-ons for CE Phoenix.

    This add-on is a great idea in principle.

    However at present, on my computer (Safari and Google Chrome) and iphone (Safari), the sidebar remains fixed when the user scrolls. When the user stops scrolling, the sidebar jumps back into position and the user sees it moving vertically across the screen which is distracting and looks a little odd.

    Would it be possible to:

    • force the sidebar to move as the user is scrolling so that it may appears to be fixed - just like your 'back to top' add-on? 
    • Or, if not possible or easy, cause the side bar to fade out when the user is scrolling, then fade in again when the user has stopped, so that there is a nice transition rather than jumping from one place to the next?



  7. Hi Zahid,

    Great contribution, thank you!

    One observation and question: when you activate the modal, the screen scrolls to the top, which undermines its utility, assuming it is to prevent losing one's place. Do you know of any way to stop this? My google searches revealed this to be a common issue with modals and I could not get any of the recommended solutions to work.



  8. @kymation

    Hi Jim,

    Good idea. Here is what I did:

    1. Delete the following from Line 246:


    2. At Line 243, insert the following so that it appears after "var slideshow_products = new Slideshow({"

    items :  ' . MODULE_CONTENT_FRONT_PAGE_FEATURED_PRODUCTS_CAROUSEL_MAX_DISPLAY . ', // This variable allows you to set the maximum amount of items displayed at a time with the widest browser width
    itemsDesktop : [1199,4], // This allows you to preset the number of slides visible with a particular browser width. For example [1199,2] means that if(window<=1199){ show 2 slides per page}
    itemsDesktopSmall: [979,2], // As above
    itemsTablet: [768,1], // As above
    itemsMobile : [479,1], // As above

    This solution worked for me. I borrowed code from auzStar's new products carousel add on and referenced the defined text for maximum products displayed above from your add on for the largest screen size.  It should now resize at the breakpoints described above (which of course can be changed)and show the corresponding number of images entered after the comma in the square brackets. The number of visible items at large screen sizes is still linked to the number entered into Admin for this add on.

    The formatting is not great. Someone with better CSS knowledge can improve the way the images align as they do not align to the beginning (left) of the photo at smaller screen sizes. Also, I think this add on could greatly benefit from each slide appearing in a thumbnail so that it is consistent in appearance with the non-carousel "featured products" add on. Regrettably, that is beyond my skill set and my attempts thus far to introduce thumbnail formatting breaks the way the slides appear.

    Edit: I just realised this post was my 666th...(shudder)


  9. On 06/10/2017 at 2:17 PM, kymation said:

    Sorry, but I just can't remember what it did. I remember checking that it worked correctly at several different sizes, but that's all. I don't have one set up to test right now, so I can't even go take a look.




    Hi Jim,

    RE Number of products not reducing when the screen shrinks, from above (refer images below)

    I have spent some time looking at the differences between your Featured Products add on and Auzstar's New Products add on.  I was hoping to take the relevant parts of featured products code and put it into the latter add on which appears to handle the resizing. However the differences between the two add ons are too vast and has proven to beyond my limited capability.

    In case there is a simple solution, I noticed that in Auzstar's new products add on, where where the javascript function is called, there is the ability to set the number of "slides" which appear for different breakpoints when resizing the screen. That does not appear to be in your addon. 

    Is the solution simply to add the same code somewhere into your add on? Adding it into the corresponding section did not seem to work for some reason. (I copied the lines beginning with "items" below)

      $(document).ready(function() {
      var owl = $("#fp-new-products");
          items : 4, // This variable allows you to set the maximum amount of items displayed at a time with the widest browser width
          itemsDesktop : [1199,4], // This allows you to preset the number of slides visible with a particular browser width. For example [1199,2] means that if(window<=1199){ show 2 slides per page}
          itemsDesktopSmall: [979,2], // As above
          itemsTablet: [768,1], // As above
          itemsMobile : [479,1], // As above

    If it is not a simple solution then I appreciate you are busy and might not be in a position to update this add on for the functionality above.

    However I was hoping that if the changes were simple you could perhaps point me in the right direction to figure it out myself.

    Kind Regards,




  10. @auzStar


    Thank you for responding to my post.

    The above solution works. It does add a few seconds to the page loading time and seems hang for an extended period of time if I refresh or disable my cache (to replicate going to the website for the first time). It is better than what it was doing before however. I am grateful for the suggestion.

    I could not replicate it on your website either for some reason. That was the first thing I tried.


  11. Hi there,

    This is a neat contribution.

    Could I trouble you with hopefully an easy one?

    In Google Chrome only, routinely when I visit the site and always when I refresh the cache (holding control whilst refreshing), the image becomes misaligned with the product name and the buttons. See below image.

    Refreshing again (but not clearing cache) fixes it, until it happens again later on another visit.

    Is there any obvious way I can fix this from happening?

    What would typically cause this to occur but then fix itself with a refresh?




  12. Hi Malcom,

    Not yet.

    I got the other add on working by making some changes,  but even then, without the photos working.  I am under the pump at the moment but plan to test it when I get a chance. When I get time I might actually just put together a simple search box in navbar contribution as I do not believe one exists. I do not think it is a difficult task to put one together.


  13. @ArtcoInc


    LeeFoster's is an existing Add On which is supposed to do exactly that: https://apps.oscommerce.com/dS9oo&modular-navbar-search-w-images-bootstr

    I tried your Add On (the second attachment with the missing file) but it would not function for some reason - I got a white screen below the navbar! Not having luck with this image search add on.  Even the original header one would not work with images showing when I installed it!


  14. On 19/04/2017 at 1:59 AM, LeeFoster said:



    Change line 46 in cm_nb_store_search from 


    $script .= '<script src="' . tep_href_link('ext/modules/content/header/store_search/content_searches.min.js', null, $request_type) . '"></script>';




    $script .= '<script src="' . tep_href_link('ext/modules/content/navbar/store_search/content_searches.min.js', null, $request_type) . '"></script>';

    Hi @LeeFoster

    I am still experiencing issues with this Add On. For feedback, I think there are a number of remaining coding issues with it, including:

    1. The content_search.min.js  in the ext /modules /content /navbar/store_search directory points to a  "header" location for content_search.php, not the file included with this Add On, therefore requiring that the original header search on which this version was based is installed. Pointing it to the right file breaks it for some reason. So it does not seem to work without the header version of the content_search.php file from the original contribution.

    2. The navbar content_search.php file above requires the header add on version of the language file, not the language file included with this Add On.

    3. The defined terms in the content_search.php file all reference MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_...  not what appears in the language file with this Add On.

    I think this Add On has great potential. But it needs some work. The search function itself works fine.


  15. @wdepot

    Hi, I downloaded and installed your update to this Add On.

    Thanks for taking the time to update it. Some feedback on items not working however:

    1. filenames.php I am fairly certain is deprecated in recent versions. I fixed by hardcoding the filenames.

    2. the instructions ask the user to reference a /catalog/ directory in their .htaccess file.  I would assume most are installing oscommerce into their public_html folder and not using a catalog folder.

    3. The pop up search help link does not work. It references a  popup_search_help.php file which is missing from my installation of osCommerce.


  16. 2 hours ago, kymation said:
    1. I believe that the carousel used to resize itself when the screen was resized. I have no idea why it would not do that. Unfortunately I don't have much time to look at these things right now.
    2. You should be able to target the images with some CSS to add a border. Yes, the structure is different from other carousels. There are about a thousand different ways to make a carousel, so chances are good that any two will differ.



    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for the response.

    1. I did not explain the first issue well enough. The carousel does resize but you end up with the entire carousel shrinking and the same number of products being displayed. So by the time you end up on a smaller screen you have squashed products. By comparison, the new products carousel reduces the number of products at different breakpoints so by the time you end up on mobile sized screen, it only displays 1 product. To restate my question to hopefully yes / no as I appreciate you are busy: 1) is  your featured products carousel  designed to work in that same way as the new products carousel module (in which case something is not working in my install), or not (in which case I can attempt to replicate elements from the new products carousel module).
    2. Thanks, I will try to do so.

    Thanks again,


  17. Hi Kymation,

    I just installed the front page featured products carousel add on: https://apps.oscommerce.com/m0JMb&featured-products-carousel-content-modul

    I would be most grateful if you could point me in the right direction on the following, as I am stuck:

    1. The carousel does not collapse when resizing the screen (viewing on different sized devices). Is it meant to? If so, any ideas why it would not be doing so (things I can check to see which might be contributing to it)? Note that the new products carousel, which I have also tested, does collapse: https://apps.oscommerce.com/KmAQo&category-new-products-carousel-bootstra So I am assuming that the featured products carousel should collapse.

    2. Is there a simple way to create the rectangular thumbnail border around each of the products like which appears on the standard front page new products or front page featured products? I am thrown off because this carousel add on is structured differently with a "slides" class where it would normally be thumbnail class so not sure where I can make this change.

    The front page add-ons are exceptional and I am grateful that you took the time to put these together for our benefit.


  18. Hello,

    it seems that the file "product_reviews_info.php" is not part of the BS-OScommerce version.

    I use this contribution with rewrite urls in htaccess.

    To avoid an increase in 404 errors I'd like to change the line


    RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9/-]+)-pri-([0-9]+).html$ product_reviews_info.php [NC,L,QSA]




     RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9/-]+)-pri-([0-9]+).html$ product_info.php [NC,L,QSA]


    But it doesn't really works (it send me to the index page)


    Has somebody the same issue?






    If the file does not exist then why would that result in a 404 errors if it is never going to be accessed?





    You need to change the corresponding file in the USU5 folder so that it redirects to product_info.php


    The products_reviews_info.php in the "page_modules" directory? What should be changed?



  19. @@piernas




    I have just updated my installation of this add-on to the latest version and it continues to work perfectly for me.


    However the updated version of the usu5 sitemaps no longer works. It presents the following error:

    Warning: Missing argument 3 for usu5_create_sitemap_set(), called in /home/.../public_html/usu5_sitemaps/index.php on line 223 and defined in /home/.../public_html/usu5_sitemaps/index.php on line 137
    1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY p.products_last_modified DESC, p.products_date_added DESC' at line 1
    SELECT p.products_id, p.products_date_added, p.products_last_modified FROM products_description pd INNER JOIN products p ON p.products_id = pd.products_id WHERE p.products_status = '1' AND pd.language_id = ORDER BY p.products_last_modified DESC, p.products_date_added DESC
    [TEP STOP]

    The older version  works fine and I will continue to use it. 

    The error appears to be caused by those lines relating to the multi-language support and thought you should be aware.



  20. Hi


    I have v2.3.4 bootstrap but can't find the following in my files...


    In catalog/index.php...

    tep_draw_form('filter', 'index.php', 'get')

    in catalog/includes/application_top.php...

    require('includes/languages/' . $language . '.php');

    ..any help on how I can install this add-on would be much appreciated.





    Hi Glen,

    They are definitely in the bootstrap version.


    Refer the original files:




    1. Search "tep_draw_form" in index.php and you should find the first part.


    2.  Note that what you are looking for:

    require('includes/languages/' . $language . '.php');

    Is represented differently in the bootstrap version as:


    Let us know if you still cannot find them.



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