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  1. I love this script! My installation based on rtxs's suggestions: klick here! So far I only have some minor problems: - can't find includes/menu.js anywhere - javascript error (something about SortableTable function) - when I click on check box (Task Complete) - nothing happened (just reload) Any ideas?
  2. Try with this code: <?php $points_query_notyetredeemed = tep_db_query("select points_pending from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_POINTS_PENDING . " where orders_id = '" . tep_db_input($oID) . "'"); $points = tep_db_fetch_array($points_query_notyetredeemed); if ($points['points_pending']>0) { echo '<tr><td nowrap class="main"><b>POINTS EARNED:</b></td><td class="main"> '. number_format($points['points_pending'],0,",",".") . ' ('. $currencies->format($points['points_pending'] * REDEEM_POINT_VALUE).')</td></tr>'; } ?>
  3. The whole function in general.php should look like this: (this is MS2 function with small changes for use in MS1) function tep_count_customer_orders($id = '', $check_session = true) { global $customer_id; if (is_numeric($id) == false) { if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) { $id = $customer_id; } else { return 0; } } if ($check_session == true) { if ( (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id') == false) || ($id != $customer_id) ) { return 0; } } $orders_check_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as total from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where customers_id = '" . (int)$id . "'"); $orders_check = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_check_query); return $orders_check['total']; }
  4. Dusan

    Moneta, eMoneta, Mobitel

    Al pa morda tud sem kaj malega spregledal :blush: Je ?e daleč nazaj, ko sem tole ?timal, tako, da sem na?el ?e en svoj popravek funkcije v general.php (MS1): function tep_add_tax($price, $tax) { global $currencies; if ( (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') && ($tax > 0) ) { //return tep_round($price, $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']) + tep_calculate_tax($price, $tax); // ne pristej davka k ceni ker je cena ze z davkom return tep_round($price, $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']); } else { return tep_round($price, $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places']); } } Upam, da nisem spregledal ?e kak?ne "podrobnosti"...
  5. Dusan

    Moneta, eMoneta, Mobitel

    Nisem spregledal :) Seveda mora? v primeru, da vna?a? cene z DDV, potem pri vnosu artikla: - vpisati ceno z DDV - izbrati ustrezno davčno stopnjo za artikel DDV se bo torej OD?TEVAL od cene izdelka. Tako se ti bo v računu / naročilu (invoice) kasneje tudi pravilno izpisal obračunan DDV za celotno posamezno naročilo. Predhodno jasno vnese? tudi na?i dve davčni stopnji. Upam, da bo? re?il, sicer pi?i. Pa na PM, ker tole nima veliko skupnega z Moneto :)
  6. Dusan

    Moneta, eMoneta, Mobitel

    Hvala za tole, čeprav je isto tudi v va?ih navodilih, vendar mi najprej ni izgledalo kot re?itev za npr. Kupone za popust ali Darilne bone. Se bom ?e malo poigral s tem plačilnim modulom in če bo delovalo, bom objavil re?itev. BTW: kaj pomeni tale napaka? TarifData=Napaka v sistemu, koda: 030060007. Ponudnikova plačljiva stran ni bila dosegljiva. Hvala in pozdrav!
  7. Dusan

    Moneta, eMoneta, Mobitel

    Seveda: Display Prices with Tax da? na true in vna?a? cene z DDV.
  8. Dusan

    Moneta, eMoneta, Mobitel

    V zgoraj navedeni re?itvi je ?e vgrajena funkacija za pravilen preklop valute od 1.1.2007 dalje: $sCurrency = "SIT"; $Date = "" . gmdate("d.m.Y"); if(intval(gmdate("Y"))>=2007) { $sCurrency = "EUR"; } Sicer pa s tem pri Moneti ne bi smelo biti te?av, saj imamo ?e sedaj dvojno označevanje, ki ga s 1.1.2007 samo "obrnemo okoli", ker smo zavezani po tem datumu ?e pol leta prikazovati - takrat informativno ceno v SIT. Me pa zanima, če je komu uspelo pri pračevanju z Moneto uspe?no uporabiti tudi npr. Kupone za popust (Gift Vauchers), darilne bone (Discount Coupons) ali točke zvestobe (Loyality Points)?? Moneta sicer vsebuje tudi polje <LineDiscount>, ki pa se mi ne zdi uporabno v te namene. Se morda motim? Hvala za morebiten odgovor!
  9. That offer is still valid. I have successfully installed this great mod (v1.6) with rather old configuration: MS1 CRE Loaded 5 Credit Class/Gift Vouchers/Discount Coupons (Version 5.03) + some other minor contributions Everything works great for more than a mounth now so I've decided to kep'em for good :) And when PayPal will finally discover my country I will certainly make a donation to an author! And now for my question: It would be really useful to have some statistics regarding points flow on a customer basis (customers points history on admin side), then also of current sums of: all active (valid) points, all already spending points, all redeemed points, ... I believe some kind of basic stats of what is going on with points could be of a great help to any admin. Just a thought... Dusan
  10. Still for MS1 users only using this cherry: In SQL table "customers_points_pending" you also need to change field type to VARCHAR(15) as defined in MS1 against INT(11) as declared in MS2. Next step left is to resolve 'if...statement' in "checkout_payment.php": if ((get_redemption_rules($order) == true) && (get_points_rules_discounted($order) == true)){ At that point i would really need some suggestions as stated in my prior post considering those "$order" values and similar (orders_status)... Any help will be very welcome! If any of MS1 users need more help with things already been resolved in my postings - don't hesitate asking for more details. It will be pleasure for me. Dusan
  11. This message is relevant to osC MS1 so if you don't use this version you might skip this easiley (!) (BTW: this Invision Board Sux Big Time :devil: ) Yes, i am still using that good old MS1 and i have to say that installation of this contribution (v1.6) was really smooth and without any errors whatsoever. DEEP-SILVER, you are a King, but you must already now that :) Although i have to make some extra adjustements (since this cherry is made for MS2 only) like adopting missing function from MS2 in "/functions/general.php" (tep_count_modules) and also including new classes for splitpageresults from MS2 via renaming names like it was already posted somewhere in june 2005 on this same thread. I really love the main scope of this contribution and i am pretty sure that my customers will love it as much as i do :) Great RESPECT to author! And now for a questions: Since i have made changes to "orders_status" values completly (e.g. pending: 88889) i would like to know what (and where) changes do i have to make in "my_points.php" and in "customers_points_pending.php" to successfuly follow the main goal of this great contribution? I would really be VERY happy if someone could give me any hint or suggestion according this issue ("orders_status" and "$orders" values). Happy Valentine to all of ya :wub: Dusan
  12. This message is relevant to osC MS1 so if you don't use this version you might skip this easiley (!) Yes, i am still using that good old MS1 and i have to say that installation of this contribution (v1.6) was really smooth and without any errors whatsoever. DEEP-SILVER, you are a King, but you must already now that :thumbsup: Although i have to make some extra adjustements (since this cherry is made for MS2 only) like adopting missing function from MS2 in "/functions/general.php" (tep_count_modules) and also including new classes for splitpageresults from MS2 via renaming names like it was already posted somewhere in june 2005 on this same thread. I really love the main scope of this contribution and i am pretty sure that my customers will love it as much as i do :blush: Great RESPECT to author! And now for a questions: Since i have made changes to "orders_status" values completly (e.g. pending: 88889) i would like to know what (and where) changes do i have to make in "my_points.php" and in "customers_points_pending.php" to successfuly follow the main goal of this great contribution? I would really be VERY happy if someone could give me any hint or suggestion according this issue ("orders_status" and "$orders" values). Happy Valentine to all of ya :wub: Dusan
  13. Dear All from me, as well :wub: What about adding this great code into good old MS1?? If someone actually did that I would really like to buy him/her a big can of beer or something... Just curious if such thing is possible?!? Thank you for any kind of comments! My name is Dusan and I can fly anywhere :ph34r:
  14. Same problem here with loaded 5: Class "infoBox5 extends tableBox" do exist in catalog/includes/classes/boxes.php! Also in catalog/includes/classes/thema_boxes.php?!? Any hints? I mean ANY? :) Thanks in advance!
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