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  1. The HEADING_ORDER_AGREE_INFORMATION does not exist. Were can I find it?
  2. *bang bang bang* (banging the head on the computer) Thanks a lot, it works =). Sven
  3. This is thr readme text for the: Create DB table "events_calendar" # -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE events_calendar ( event_id int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, start_date date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', end_date varchar(20) default NULL, title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', link varchar(255) default NULL, description text, date_added datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (event_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; # # Dump dei dati per la tabella `events_calendar` (just a couple of examples). # INSERT INTO events_calendar VALUES (1, '2003-02-27', '2003-02-28', 'First Event', 'http://www.chilipper.it/catalog', 'February is gone, no need to look at this event............', '2003-03-08 18:26:02'); INSERT INTO events_calendar VALUES (2, '2003-03-08', '', 'Second Event', 'http://www.oscommerce.com/', 'Today I've posted this contribution, I hope you find useful.<br>rnEnjoy.<br><br><align=center>rn<img src=http://www.oscommerce.com/images/oscommerce.gif>', '2003-03-08 18:29:51'); INSERT INTO events_calendar VALUES (3, '2003-08-20', '', 'Most important Event', '', 'Today is my birthday.', '2003-03-08 18:50:21'); INSERT INTO events_calendar VALUES (4, '2003-03-28', '', 'Third Event', '', 'Text Text Text Text Text Text <br>rnText Text Text Text Text Text Text Text <br>rnText Text Text Text <br>rnText Text Text Text Text Text <br>rn<br>rn<font color=red>Text Text Text Text</font>', '2003-03-08 20:22:35'); ----------- So where do I put it in? Thanks :D Sven ..... I found a bug fix for the event calender, I'll try it tomorrow, maybe it solves the first problem.
  4. Hi, I just installed a event calender found in the download section. It was made by ivan I think. I got this problem now 1146 - Table 'catalog.events_calendar' doesn't exist select start_date from events_calendar [TEP STOP] I searched every where, but in no script ist this link catalog.events.... My secound question is "Create DB table "events_calendar"" in the readme file. My english is not so good, and I think DB means Databace, but where do I find it, or put the code in? Thanks Sven
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